Herbal Options For Your Dog’s DE-Wormer

Herbal Options For Your Dog’s DE-Wormer Including Raw Organic Pumpkin Seeds

Although no one wants to talk about this subject; it is one subject that warrants attention, especially if you are a conscientious pet parent.

Signs of worm infestation in your dog can include: squiggly worms, whitish things that look like strings of spaghetti, or “rice bodies” in his stool, dogs practicing an unusual amount of fastidiousness, scooting and licking his rear, excessive coughing, clearing their throat, vomiting, and even diarrhea. Luckily, you don’t have to freak out or be afraid of worms because there are foods and herbs that can help keep intestinal populations in check and encourage their expulsion. Some of these foods and herbs may already be a staple in your kitchen.

Keeping your yard clean and free of rodents and flea, dead dry grasses, weeds, leaves, compost materials will also help, as well as not frequenting places like beaches, parks, hiking trails, dog parks with these aforementioned conditions.

What many people are not aware of is that FLEAS are the Cause of certain types of worms in many species including dogs, cats, and yes in humans. Fleas cause TAPEWORMS when the dog, cat, human, ingests the fleas accidentally while attempting to bite them OFF of themselves and the fleas hatch their larvae and the larvae become full on tapeworms. YUCK! We will have another separate article on FLEAS and Flea Prevention and Treatment in an upcoming journal article.

There are many less invasive and more natural alternatives to conventional veterinary medicine products that you might want to try.

Here is a List of Some Natural DE-Wormers; Listed from the safest to the harshest. It’s important to remember that some herbal substances can still be harsh on the body, so Consult with a good holistic veterinarian or herbalist familiar with canines if using the herbs that come with warnings.

Dog Friendly, Natural De-Wormers:

Just as it is with us humans, The starting point for preventing and treating worms in our beloved canine pals is always a healthy immune system. A balanced intestinal environment prevents disease, including parasite infestations.

Recent research has linked gut bacteria to many health conditions and the type and balance of bacteria in the gut can actually influence the lifespan of intestinal worms

. Avoiding antibiotics and processed commercial foods

Adding dietary probiotics like Lactobacillus and fermented vegetables like Kimchi and Sauerkraut – will help maintain the delicate ecosystem in your dog’s gut, making it less habitable for worms.

Garlic Cloves Whole And Peeled On Bamboo Platter


When fed peeled, finely minced organic garlic in moderation, garlic can boost the immune system and help fight worms and giardia. A scientific study conducted back in 2008 found garlic to be just as effective as the veterinary de-wormer, Ivermectin. (Ayaz et al, Recent Pat Antiinfect Drug Discov. 2008 Jun) *We also recommend that once you cut and mince the peeled garlic that you allow it 11-13 minutes to rest prior to adding it to your dog’s food.


Small dogs– up to ¼ clove twice a day

Medium dogs – up to ½ clove twice a day

Large dogs – up to ¾ clove twice a day

Giant breeds – up to 1 clove twice a day

* Ivermectin is another subject altogether and we will mention it in a forthcoming journal article.*

Fruits and Vegetables:

Adding some of the following fresh foods to your dog’s diet can also help make his intestinal tract less attractive to worms:

grated raw carrots, fennel, organic chopped/diced cucumber, parsley, shredded organic coconut, and peeled diced papaya.


Pumpkin Seeds- these are one of our all-time favorites for snacks or as a de-wormer. They are usually easy to find/buy and you can buy/store large quantities for preparedness.

Raw, organic pumpkin seed can help prevent or expel worms. You can feed them as a treat or grind them and place them in her/his dish. Directions: Give a teaspoon per ten pounds of your dog’s weight.

OLive Leaf

Olive Leaf
Olive leaf extract contains oleuropein, the active phytonutrient which can help expel parasites from your dog’s intestines. *Look for an alcohol-free extract with 12% oleuropein or higher and give it for 8 weeks.

Small dogs – 300 mg twice daily
Medium dogs – 500 mg twice daily
Large and giant breed dogs – 1000 mg twice daily

Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

It bears stating that you must feed a Food Grade DE to your dog; a product like you would use in your swimming pool grade DE is dangerous for her/ him. DE can reduce the number of worms in your dog although it may not be too effective for tapeworm. This is the type of worm associated with fleas.

Directions for De-Worming are:

Feed Small dogs (1) One Teaspoon per day

and Dogs that weigh 55 pounds up may be fed up to a tablespoon per day. Make sure it’s well mixed in her food because inhaling DE can irritate your dog’s lungs.


This herb and its cousin, pineapple weed can work to prevent and expel both roundworms and whipworms.* Some dogs like some humans can have allergies or sensitivities to Chamomille and other flowers/herbs in its family, so if you are even the least bit suspect that your dog might be one of these sensitive ones, check with your holistic veterinarian prior to administering Chamomile.

Oregon Grape Root Flowers

Oregon Grape Root Flowers before Being Dried and Crushed For Herbal Medicinal Purposes

Oregon Grape

This herb is not only anti-parasitic, it’s also a very effective antibiotic and liver tonic. Give Oregon grape as an alcohol-free tincture, using 12 drops per 20 pounds dog’s body weight. Oregon grape also works with giardia. *This herb shouldn’t be used in dogs with liver disease or in pregnant females.

Green Black Walnut Hulls

Green Black Walnut Hulls

**Black Walnut

This herb can expel intestinal worms and even heartworms. Although it’s safer than most conventional veterinary de-wormers, black walnut can be toxic to your dog ‘if given at the wrong dose.’ Black walnut might be best used if the above options fail – but it’s important to* note that if pumpkin seed and garlic don’t help your dog keep parasites at bay, it’s a reflection of your dog’s intestinal health. In this case, it’s best to address his immune system and to seek the expertise of a holistic vet before using black walnut. The strong tannins and alkaloid ingredients in black walnut can cause vomiting, diarrhea and gastritis. * You want to look for ‘Green’ Black Walnut alcohol-free tincture.

Wormwood Potted Herb


This classic worming herb works on all types of worms including tapeworms. Like Black walnut, Wormwood’s tannins can be hard on your dog and irritating to her liver and kidneys. The FDA lists wormwood as unsafe for internal use. It should never be used in dogs who suffer from seizures, kidney problems or liver disease and should not be used in pregnant or lactating females. Wormwood should be given only for a few days at a time and preferably with the expertise of a holistic veterinarian. * We are NOT Veterinarians and therefore, the reason why we are saying that should you be considering some of these herbs, you DO consult with your own Veterinarian first.

Liver Support

If you need to resort to Oregon grape, Black walnut (Young/Green) or Wormwood, it’s important to understand that they can be harsh on the liver. *Giving Milk Thistle Seed at the same time can’ help protect the liver’ from their toxic effects. Milk thistle is best given in an alcohol-free tincture, starting at a 1/4 teaspoon per 20 pounds of body weight.

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How You And Your Pets Can Live Safely And Peacefully With Coyotes

Mother Coyote Kissing Taking Care of Her Young Coyote Pup

We had originally written this article on coyotes regarding the return of warmer temperatures, however, the information contained in the article is pertinent to all seasons.

Did you know that Coyotes play a very important role in our ecosystem by controlling rodents and other potential disease carrying animals often times referred to as ‘pests’?…  Coyotes are often more active in the Spring and Fall because they need extra food for their young pups, and like most intelligent, resourceful creatures, they remain active all year round; especially at dawn and at dusk.   * It’s a bit ironic, but in Summer months, that is also the time that is the smartest for all animals, including us humans, to go out exercising ourselves and our pets; so just be aware. Not afraid or ‘fearful’; aware.

Coyotes primarily hunt rodents and rabbits, but as highly intelligent, resourceful creatures they will take advantage of any available food source including pet food, garbage, and wild animals such as the red fox, and domestic animals such as small dogs, cats, rabbits, and birds.

You can help protect yourself, your pets, your property, and the coyotes themselves by following some Simple “Common Sense” Tips.

Never feed or attempt to tame coyotes no matter how cute they may look

Do not leave uneaten pet food outside

Pick up your pet’s waste

Bring pets inside at night and do not leave them outside unattended-ever; they are ‘pets’ and depend on you for love, comfort, protection, and survival.

Put garbage in tightly closed containers that coyotes and any stray domestic animals like cats, dogs, raccoons, possum, etc. cannot tip over.

Remove easy sources of water

Pick up fallen fruit from your trees- *a coyote’s diet consists of approximately 25% fruit, and remember to cover your compost piles, and DO consider a fence if need be.

Put away bird feeders at night to avoid attracting rodents and other coyote ‘prey’.

Install motion sensor lights, as coyotes do NOT like bright lights and loud noises.   * Just remember to ‘be courteous to your neighbors’ and not to install a ‘disco’ atmosphere, or you may get a call from your local HOA or City Code Enforcement.

Remember, If followed by a coyote, make loud noises, or if the coyotes do happen to get aggressive, which is not typical; you could get loud and throw rocks to ‘scare’ them away.  * we are NOT saying throw rocks to hit or hurt them.  We are saying for their own well being as well as yours and your pet’s, do not ever turn your back on them, and ‘yes’ do get loud and throw rocks IF you or your pets feel aggressively threatened by them.

*Share these tips with your neighbors*

A Natural part of our mountains and deserts, and countryside, beautiful coyotes are here to stay; because after all, this was their home FIRST, way before humans ever built their homes here and it will always be their home.  We can be respectful of one another.  You can do your part to encourage coyotes to remain in the wild where they are most safe and comfortable, by not doing anything foolish to attract them.  *Leave them alone to raise their families in peace and harmony with nature as they were meant to do, and they will leave you alone.

You and your pets will live more peacefully with coyotes if you have less contact with them and if they remain wary of you as humans. This is true for ALL wildlife species, including the squirrels you feed in your local parks. Remember- they have families they love, care about and protect, just the same as we humans do. Be respectful.

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TRAINING The Dog Goddess TRAINING The Dog Goddess

Obedience Class Levels to Teach Your Puppy/Dog

Puppy Sitting For Obedience Training Treat Looking Up At Pet Parent

Puppy Sitting For a Training Treat Basic Obedience

Basic Obedience

Our goal in teaching you about basic obedience skills is to provide your dog with a set of commands that she understands, and which will make both your life and hers much more enjoyable.  Just like human children that do not have a solid foundation of manners and direction, dogs who do not have a solid set of obedience and manners can quickly grow out of hand.

First of all, let us say that we only advocate positive reinforcement and do not believe in nor advocate the use of any type of choke, pinch, or shock collars, and stand by a firm rule of 'never ever yell at or hit your dog’. Ever. You must treat them as you would like to be treated; with love and respect, and they will reciprocate.

Some basic commands we suggest that you teach your dog are: Sit, Down, Sit-Stay, Come, Stop, Off, and Leave it.

Intermediate Education

Continuing obedience work, adding new commands such as "Off", fun games such as "Find Me", and so forth are what we would consider and teach as Intermediate Education.

Blue Merle Australian Shepherd Dog And Little Girl Playing Hide And Seek In Cardboard Boxes

Advanced Education

Border Collie Dog Herding A Flock Of Sheep

Tricks and Tasks such as Agility, Preparing for CGC(Canine Good Citizen) Certificate, Training for working in the Film Industry, are all considered Advanced Education.

Dog Working In the Film and Television Industry


Blind Woman And Guide Dog Walking Down Stairs With Male Friend

Specialty work would be things like Guide Dog or Service Dog training and we’ll talk about those in separate articles.

Dogs are amazing creatures and certainly many find them to be our Best Friends.

Dog Paw And Human Hand Wearing Handcrafted Best Friends Beaded Bracelets
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Your Comprehensive Guide to Pet Insurance: Understanding the Differences Between Insurance for Accidents, Emergencies, Preventative Health, Wellness, and Coverage for Puppies and Dogs

As cherished members of our families, our beloved pets deserve the best possible care. Just like humans, pets can face unexpected accidents, illnesses, and emergencies that require medical attention. Pet insurance is designed to help alleviate the financial burden associated with these situations and provide peace of mind to pet owners. However, understanding the different ‘types’ of coverage available is crucial to ensure that you choose the right insurance plan for your furry friend. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the differences between insurance for accidents and emergencies, insurance for preventative health and wellness, as well as coverage specifically tailored for puppies and dogs.

1.) Insurance for Accidents and Emergencies:

Accidents and emergencies can occur at any time, leaving pet parents with hefty veterinary bills. Insurance plans specifically designed to cover accidents and emergencies typically provide financial protection in cases of sudden injuries, fractures, ingestion of foreign objects, poisonings, and more. These policies are focused on unexpected incidents that require immediate medical attention. However, it's important to carefully review the terms and conditions of these plans, as some may have specific exclusions or waiting periods before coverage begins. *Most pet insurance companies typically require a 10-14 day waiting period.

2.) Insurance for Preventative Health and Wellness:

Unlike insurance for accidents and emergencies, Preventative health and wellness coverage is designed to promote proactive healthcare measures for your pet. These plans often include: Routine Veterinary Visits, Vaccinations, Preventive Medications (such as flea and tick control), Dental Cleanings, and *sometimes even spaying or neutering procedures. By covering these preventive measures, pet insurance for wellness aims to maintain the overall health and well-being of your pet, reducing the future health issues. It's essential to understand the coverage limits and exclusions, as well as any waiting periods associated with these policies.

3.) Pet Insurance Specifically for Puppies and Dogs:

Puppies require specialized care during their early months of life, including vaccinations, microchipping, and regular check-ups. Insurance plans tailored for puppies and dogs often cover these initial costs and offer protection against common ailments that puppies are prone to, such as: Gastrointestinal issues, Respiratory Infections, and Parasites.              Additionally, these policies may include coverage for spaying or neutering procedures, which are often recommended for both health and population control reasons. There are different options for spay/neuter procedures available, not just one type of surgery, so be sure to research and look into your pet’s options BEFORE you allow a veterinarian to perform them. As your puppy grows into an adult dog, the insurance coverage can be adjusted to meet their evolving needs, including potential breed-specific concerns or genetic conditions.

When selecting a pet insurance plan, several key factors should be taken into account:

a. Coverage Limits: Review the coverage limits and annual maximums provided by the insurance plan. Ensure that the policy adequately covers your pet's potential healthcare expenses.

b. Deductibles and Reimbursement: Understand the deductible amount you will be responsible for paying before the insurance coverage kicks in. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the reimbursement process and the percentage of costs that the insurance provider will cover.

c. Pre-existing Conditions: Most pet insurance policies exclude pre-existing conditions, so it's crucial to enroll your pet in insurance early in their life to avoid potential coverage gaps.

d. Waiting Periods: Insurance plans often have waiting periods before coverage begins. Be aware of these waiting periods to ensure that you can access benefits when needed.

e. Customer Reviews and Reputation: We can’t say enough about the importance of ‘Researching’ the insurance provider's reputation, read current as well as past customer reviews; both positive and negative,  and consider the insurer's financial stability and customer service track record. * We still believe that ‘word of mouth’ in the form of feedback from your neighbors, friends, family, co-workers, people you meet out and about with the breed/breeds of dog you may be considering or have just acquired is priceless.

Pet insurance plays a vital role in safeguarding the health and well-being of our furry companions while providing financial security for pet owners. By understanding the differences between insurance for accidents and emergencies, insurance for preventative health and wellness, as well as coverage tailored for puppies and dogs, you can make an intelligent, informed decision when choosing the right insurance plan for your pet.

Remember, every pet is unique, and their healthcare needs may vary. Consider your pet's breed, age, lifestyle, and potential genetic predispositions when selecting an insurance plan. It's always recommended to consult with your veterinarian, who can provide valuable insights and help you navigate through the various options available.

Additionally, keep in mind that pet insurance is not designed to cover routine expenses such as food, grooming, or boarding. It primarily focuses on unexpected medical costs associated with accidents, emergencies, and certain preventive measures.

Finally, take the quantity and quality of time to compare different insurance providers and their offerings. Pay attention to the fine print, exclusions, waiting periods, and reimbursement policies. Ensure that the plan you choose aligns with your budget and provides the level of coverage you desire for your pet.

Now you are aware that pet insurance offers a ‘safety net’ that can help you provide the best possible care for your precious pooch.  Understanding the differences between insurance for accidents and emergencies, insurance for preventative health and wellness, and coverage specifically tailored for puppies and dogs is crucial for making an informed decision. By securing the right insurance plan, you can protect your pet's health and well-being while easing the financial burden that may arise from unexpected veterinary expenses.

Remember, our pets bring immense joy and unconditional love into our lives, and investing in their health  and well-being is a pet parent’s responsibility we willingly embrace. Pet insurance is a valuable tool that ensures we can give them the care they deserve, no matter what challenges come their way.

So, take the time to research and select the right pet insurance plan for your furry friend. They'll thank you with wagging tails, or purrs if you also have a feline family member, and a lifetime of companionship.

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1 TABLESPOON ORGANIC HEMP PROTEIN POWDER * You can substitute Ground Hemp Seeds here if you cannot find the Hemp Protein Powder. The treats may not have as complete protein profile though.










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The expenses of owning a dog can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, such as the breed of the dog, where you live, and your own personal preferences.

Here are some expenses you may need to consider:

  1. Initial costs: This includes the cost of purchasing or adopting a puppy, which can range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, depending on the breed, where you purchase the puppy/dog, did you adopt/rescue the puppy/dog, did the rescue organization have the pup fully ‘vetted’, microchipped, spayed/neutered and roll all of those costs plus the time they spent ‘boarding’ and any ‘training’ they did into the adoption/rescue fee? As mentioned, some purebred dogs can cost several thousand dollars, while mixed breeds and rescue dogs may be available for a few hundred dollars or less. Of course, you will also need to purchase basic supplies such as a collar/harness, leash, food and water bowls, crate, and bedding. You can read more on this in our article; ‘Purchasing the Correct Supplies To Welcome Your New Puppy Home.’

  2. Vaccinations and Routine healthcare: Puppies require a series of ‘core’ vaccinations plus the Rabies vaccination in their first year of life, and the first 16 weeks are crucial. Keep in mind that annual check-ups are recommended for adult dogs. You will also most likely need to purchase flea and tick prevention, unless you live at very high altitude in an arid climate where fleas do not typically live or survive, or you have knowledge in making your own, and depending on your geographic location, perhaps heartworm prevention, and just like for humans, there will be other medications and or health supplements you will most likely be purchasing as recommended by your veterinarian or veterinary holistic health and wellness advisor.

  3. Food and Training Treats: Puppies and Dogs need to be fed a high-quality diet of species-appropriate protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in proportionate ratios to maintain their health, and the cost of food can vary depending on the current economy, the brand and quality of foods you choose, or if you will be making your own homemade food after consulting with a canine nutritionist and or your holistic veterinarian. You will also need to purchase training treats and the age/stage appropriate chews and toys for your dog.

  4. Grooming and Hygiene: Depending on the breed of your dog, you may need to invest in ‘regular’ grooming, including bathing, haircuts, nail trimming, and teeth cleaning. You will also need to purchase shampoo, conditioner, and other grooming supplies. * We highly advise that you do some research on the breed or breeds you are considering BEFORE your buy/adopt and determine whether you will need to set aside more money for professional grooming services or whether you will be learning how to bathe and groom your puppy/dog yourself. * See our journal article: How Often Do I Need To Bathe My Dog?

  5. Training and socialization: It's important to invest in both training and socialization for your puppy, which may include puppy classes, obedience training, and other forms of training.

  6. Boarding, Pet-sitting, Dog Walking: If you travel frequently or work long hours, you may need to pay for boarding, pet-sitting, or dog walking services either regularly or just occasionally.

  7. Unexpected Expenses: Just like humans, Puppies/Dogs can sometimes get sick or injured, which can result in unexpected veterinary bills. We would highly suggest that you do some research prior to bringing your new furry friend home, or shortly thereafter for Pet Insurance plans. Most Pet Insurance companies primarily cover accidents and illnesses, however, some of them may have an a la carte menu where you can ‘ADD-ON’ Services such as Preventative Care, like annual check ups, vaccinations, and dental cleanings. You may have to buy two or more separate policies in order to accomplish what you are looking for. You may also need to invest in things like: a new fence, anti- bark training, behavioral modification classes/training for dogs who may have sustained some type of ill care or abuse and now suffer with things such as Separation Anxiety, Destructive behavior, etc. or other equipment to keep your dog safe and secure.

  8. Athletic classes: Fun activities that are breed, age, stage appropriate for your pup/dog like Agility, FlyBall and so on, are also things you may wish to invest in so that you and your pup get out and about and do some different, challenging things and experience more one on one bonding time besides just doing the ‘usual’ things together around the house and the familiar neighborhood.

Overall, owning a dog can be a significant expense, and it's important to budget as much as you can for all of these costs before bringing a puppy into your home.

Overall, do most people believe the expenses of owning a dog are worth it?


The decision to own and care for a dog is a personal one, and the expenses associated with dog ownership are an important factor to consider. While the costs of owning a dog can be significant, many people believe that the benefits of having a canine companion outweigh the financial burden. Just check out the expression on this little boy’s face in the photo above.

Dogs provide emotional support, companionship, sometimes watchfulness and or protection, and unconditional love. They can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, increase physical activity, and promote social interaction. For many people, the joy and fulfillment that comes with owning a dog makes the expenses worth it.

That being said, it's important to consider your own financial situation and lifestyle before committing to owning a dog. It's important to budget for all the expenses associated with owning a dog, including routine veterinary care, food, supplies, and unexpected expenses. This can help ensure that you are prepared for the financial responsibilities that come with being a dog owner.

Ultimately, the decision to own a dog and whether the expenses are worth it will vary from person to person. It's important to carefully consider your own circumstances and whether you are not just willing, but also able to provide the necessary care and financial support for your furry friend. It doesn’t matter whether their soul comes in the form of a human body or a canine body, we think most people would agree that dogs are members of our families and will be treated and considered as such as long as they live with us.

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Dog Stroller Training And Tips

Dog Stroller Training And Tips. White Pomeranian Puppies Riding In Dog Stroller.

Thinking about buying your doggie a dog stroller? Already bought a dog stroller but having a bit of a challenging time getting your pup to stay put while using the stroller?

Here are some Pro Tips for Dog Stroller Training:

Training your dog to ride in a dog stroller can be a great way to give your furry friend some fresh air, exercise, and a change of scenery and free up your hands and save your neck and back the added pressure and pain from having to carry your dog when she/he gets tired.

  1. Introduce the stroller gradually: Start by letting your dog explore the stroller while it's stationary and in your home in familiar surroundings. Let them sniff and investigate the stroller on their own terms, and reward them with treats or praise for any positive interactions.

  2. Use positive reinforcement: Reward your dog with treats or praise every time they get into the stroller or ride in it calmly. This will help them associate the stroller with positive experiences.

  3. Start with short rides: Begin by taking your dog on short rides in the stroller around your home, neighborhood, or short trips around the local grocery store. Gradually increase the length of the rides over time.

  4. Get them used to the motion: Some dogs may initially be nervous about the movement of the stroller, even if they are used to riding in a car every day, it is a different kind of motion and sensation. To help them get used to it, start by pushing the stroller slowly and gradually increase the speed as your dog becomes more comfortable. * Your pup may get nauseous or vomit or even pee in the stroller the first few times you take them out in it, so be prepared for this as well. You might even take a larger potty pad and wrap it around the stroller pad so that clean up is much easier and your pup doesn’t stress out and feel bad if he/she has an accident in it. The good thing is that the stroller is a small area and your pup is confined, so if and when they do have a an accident, its relatively quick and easy to take care of and be on your way.

    * Ginger root is a good thing to have on hand for preventing nausea for both animals and humans. * We also like to take along some type of natural, non-pharmaceutical Hemp ‘calming treats’ for stroller rides and car rides as these really help with anxiety in many ways.

  5. Make it comfortable: Make sure the stroller is comfortable for your dog. Add blankets, pillows, or toys to make the ride more enjoyable. * Do NOT put any type of soft toy with stuffing inside of it for a stroller or crate ride because while you’re busy pushing the stroller ,its pretty much guaranteed that your pup is tearing up the toy and may accidentally ingest that stuffing from the toy. You may also want to remove the padded seat cover and or the restraining straps if you have a puppy or dog that is the ‘velociraptor’ type aggressive chewer. At least until they get used to the stroller, its movement, and they grow out of the chewing phase. You could also consider purchasing a bottle of Grannick’s Bitter Apple Spray and spray it ONLY on the seat pad and straps you don’t want your pup to chew on.

  6. Keep your dog secure: Make sure your dog is securely fastened in the stroller with a harness or leash to prevent them from jumping out. * Most reputable brands of strollers have one or more straps with a clip already built in to the bed of the stroller. The stroller we have for our current puppy PawHut Luxury stroller comes with a clip outside in front rather than zipper closure so this one is very durable and safe.

  7. Be patient: Some dogs may take longer than others to get used to the stroller. Be patient, and don't force your dog to ride in the stroller if they are uncomfortable.

By following these tips and taking things slow, you can help your dog get comfortable with riding in a stroller and enjoy some outdoor adventures together.

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Apple Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits-Vegan Recipe

Apple Peanut Butter Dog Biscuit Recipe

1 cup apple pulp or shredded apple (We juiced 3 apples)
1/2 cup peanut butter * Only use Organic Peanut ONLY Peanut Butter- NO Sugar or other oils added. Best to buy this at a Health Food Store.
3/4 cup brown rice flour (plus a little additional for kneading, rolling)
1 Flax or Chia egg

Core and juice 3 apples, reserving pulp. Combine apple pulp and peanut butter, then add egg and flour.

Knead into a ball and Roll flat with rolling pin or jar to about 1/2 inch thickness.

Cut with a Cookie Cutter or a Knife and place on uncreased cookie sheet

Bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

Cool completely then Store in an airtight container.

Either of these mixtures will have the Consistency of an Egg

To make a Flax Egg:

Combine One(1) Tablespoon of organic ground flaxseed meal

and Three(3) Tablespoons of Filtered Water and allow to sit for about 5 minutes.

To Make a Chia Egg:

Combine One (1) Tablespoon of Chia Seeds(Whole) with

Two and a Half (2.5) Tablespoons of Filtered Water

Whisk in bowl and allow to sit minimum of Five(5) minutes.

We used Granny Smith Apples, but you can use other varieties like Gala, Fuji, Honeycrisp.

All Ingredients are Organic

  • NEVER use any Core or Apple Seeds. Ever. These can seriously harm dogs.

  • Yes, use the skins; this is where many nutrients like Quercitin are. Quercitin of course is beneficial for both bone and heart health as well as protection against bad cholesterol.

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While there is no scientific evidence to suggest that dogs possess a psychic sixth sense, we believe that dogs do have remarkable sensory abilities and can detect things that humans may not be able to. They can detect certain scents or sounds and these abilities can be explained by their ‘highly acute senses’ although some ‘dog people’ might dispute that they indeed possess a sort of supernatural or psychic ability. * remember that anything defined as ‘not natural’ could be interpreted as being or having ‘SUPERnatural’ qualities or abilities.

It is possible that dogs are able to sense things that humans cannot due to their exceptional sense of smell and hearing, as well as their ability to pick up on subtle energy changes in body language and behavior. For example, dogs are often able to detect changes in their owner's mood or emotional state, which may be due to their ability to read facial expressions and body language. Everything is ‘energy’ and dogs are highly capable of being able to sense or ‘pick up on’ even the most ‘subtle’ changes in energy; especially in energies connected with/to themselves and their people and their immediate environment.

Take their sense of smell, for example. Dogs have up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, while humans only have around 6 million. This means that dogs can detect scents that are far beyond our range of detection, making them excellent at detecting things like drugs, explosives, and even certain medical conditions.

In addition to their sense of smell, dogs also have an incredible sense of hearing. They can detect sounds at much higher frequencies than we can, and can even pick up on sounds that are too faint for us to hear. This is why dogs are often used in search and rescue operations, as they can hear people calling for help from miles away. In fact, did you know that dogs hear 100 to 1000 times as loud as we humans do and as mentioned at MUCH higher ‘frequencies’ than we can? * this is often why they are crying or whining from things we take for granted like the sound of the blender, vacuum cleaner, hair dryer. It makes sense why they run away from super loud, sudden sounds like fireworks, a car backfiring, a nail gun or jackhammer on a construction site, or obviously from the sound of gunfire. Sometimes its not that they are ‘afraid’ of these sounds, but that they are ear-piercingly loud; therefore it is a ‘natural’ instinct of dogs to cry out and to try to ‘get way’ from that sound as quickly as possible. These ‘loud’ sudden noises are often the cause of why many dogs run away. In fact, the Fourth of July weekend is the time in the USA when the greatest number of both dogs and cats run away. They are trying to escape the sounds of all of those sudden, unfamiliar and ear-piercingly loud noises and they do not understand why their humans are partaking in such obviously offensive activities or why they are often being left alone.

To recap, dogs are incredibly perceptive when it comes to reading human behavior and body language. They can pick up on subtle cues like changes in tone of voice or body posture, and can often sense when their owners are feeling sad, anxious, or stressed.

So, while our dogs may seem to have a sixth sense at times, it's really their divinely amazing natural abilities that make them so special. So go ahead and give your pup a hug, a pet on the head, and a treat for being such a talented little sensory powerhouse!

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Choosing the right collar or harness for your dog is important for their safety and comfort.

Here are some things to consider when making your decision:

  1. Purpose:

    What is the purpose of the collar or harness? Is it for everyday use, training, or walking? Is your dog a puppy that is still growing and whose body shape as well as size will change over time? Each collar and harness is designed for different purposes and different ages and stages of your dog’s life.

  2. Breed, Behavior, Size, Fit:

    It's important to choose a collar or harness that fits your dog and the size they’re at the particular point in time that you are buying the collar/harness, and choose it properly. Measure your dog's neck for a collar or chest for a harness to ensure a proper fit. A collar or harness that is too tight can cause discomfort, while one that is too loose may slip off and your dog could escape or get caught up on something. * Most all collar/harness manufacturers will include the correct way to measure your dog in order to buy the correct fit/size of their individual products, so best to follow their guidelines.

    Breeds like Pugs and Bulldogs may have trouble breathing in a collar, so you may want to choose a harness for them.

    Breeds from the Spitz group like Huskies, Malamutes, American Eskimo Dogs and Samoyeds were literally ‘bred to pull’ as in ‘pull a sled’ , so you may want to not only consider a Harness rather than a collar for them, but consider looking for the ‘type’ of harness that has a ‘Martingale’ type attachment for their leash to attach to in front on their chest,

    rather than a harness where you can only hook the leash to a place on the harness at the back of their shoulders. *Dog breeds that are bred to pull will ‘instinctually’ do so when Hooking a leash to a harness that has a hook on the back of the shoulders. That’s not going to be a nice, easy walk for either of you. We would suggest a Harness with a ‘martingale’ front like the ‘Easy Walk Harness’ from a brand by the name of Pet Safe, or something like the The ‘Front Range Harness’ from Ruffwear , which is a padded everyday dog harness that is easy to put on like a vest and comfortable for dogs to wear. Ruffwear says it is ’ A key piece of gear for canines embarking on a life of adventure with their humans.’ All of our former pups wore the Easy Walk harness and the little pup we have now wears the Ruffwear brand ‘Front Range’ harness. *This harness features two leash attachment options: an aluminum V-ring centered on the dog's back for everyday walks, and a reinforced front clip webbing at the dog's chest to ‘redirect’ dogs that pull on leash, like some of the breeds we mentioned above. This Ruffwear harness even has an ID pocket which keeps dog tags quiet and easily accessible, and the reflective trim and light loop for The Beacon™ boost visibility in low-light conditions. *Harnesses are generally recommended over collars these days as so much research has been done to confirm that attaching a leash to a collar; which is obviously worn around the neck, and then jerking the leash - either you or the puppy/dog pulling on the leash can oftentimes cause neck and spine issues. Harnesses do not cause these types of neck and spine issues as they distribute pressure more evenly. So unless you are prepared to set up regular visits to a canine chiropractor for neck and back/spine adjustments, we’d recommend starting off with the appropriate type of harness rather than a collar.

  3. Material: Collars and harnesses are made from different materials such as leather, nylon, and neoprene. Consider your dog's age, activity level and behavior when choosing the material.

  4. Comfort: Choose a collar or harness that is comfortable for your dog. Look for features like padding or a wider band for added comfort.

  5. Safety: Your dog's safety should always be a top priority. Consider features like reflective materials or a quick-release buckle in case of emergency and dual clasps like one at the front of the chest and one on the top of your dog’s shoulders for choices to attach their leash to.

    Ultimately, the choice between a collar and a harness will depend on your dog's breed, size, behavior, and specific needs. Consult with your veterinarian or a professional dog trainer for further guidance.

    Ultimately, choosing between a collar and a harness for your dog depends on a variety of factors including breed, size, behavior, purpose, and training. *Consider all of these factors before making a decision, and consult with your veterinarian or a professional dog trainer if you need additional guidance. In our experience we have also found that there are many knowledgeable people working at the more reputable pet supply shops who are often willing to help you choose the correct collar or harness for your pup and some will even help you get them properly fitted. * Just be considerate and go at a time when they are not super busy. That way they will be able to devote more quality time and attention to you and your pup when choosing such an important items as a harness and you will all be alot more stress free.

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Purchasing the Correct Supplies to Welcome Your New Puppy Home

Young Woman and Puppy Shopping In Pet Store.

Purchasing The Correct Supplies To Welcome Your New Puppy Home.

Younger Woman Shopping With Puppy For Pet Supplies

Now that you have done your breed research, talked with reputable dog breeders, visited or volunteered at shelters, like we shared with you in our first article; Choosing The Right Puppy For You And Your Lifestyle, and you’ve decided on the breed for you, it’s time to purchase the correct supplies to welcome your new puppy home.


  1. Food and water bowl- Stainless Steel made in the USA and size appropriate OR Glass.

2. No-Pull Harness like the ‘Easy-Walk’ Harness by Pet Safe

Open Range Harness by ‘Ruffwear’

and/or 3. a ‘Quick release’ Collar like

3. 6 Foot web nylon or cotton Training Leash or * do NOT get a Retractable or Leather leash for a puppy or untrained puppy/dog. The retractable leashes are very dangerous; especially in the hands of an inexperienced dog handler, and the leather leashes are wonderful; but not for puppies because typically, puppies like to chew. Alot. So save the leather leash for when they are a bit older and finished with teething. You’ll thank us then. * Also keep in mind that a 6 Foot leash or under is the ‘typical’ leash required by many city, county, and state parks and on many trails in National Parks.

4. Crate for Crate Training- Either a Plastic more ‘den-like’ crate like a PetMate Vari-Kennel which we highly recommend, or a

Wire Crate with Removable Tray .

Don’t try one of those Collapsible Travel crates UNTIL your puppy is FULLY over teething and potty training. Trust us. Those are great for later on in life when your dog is less likely to destroy it. These types of crates are great for short travel, hotel stays, dog related events such as agility competitions where the dog must stay in a cool shaded space until it’s their turn to participate in the event. Things of this nature.

5. Grooming Supplies including a Brush


Flea comb * This comb is the one we have for our little American Eskimo Dog.

Nail Clippers

and/or a

Dremmel Nail file and you may need or wish to use a

Muzzle for helping to destress the dog and you or your dog groomer-

6. Toothbrush like a Finger brush or you can use Gauze or pressed cotton pads with the Dental Rinse on it. * Dentahex or Gel-Me are two dental rinses we would recommend.

7. Bath towel like the Soggy Doggy and Bath Brush- We recommend the “Soggy Doggy” Super absorbent Microfiber chenille bath towel and the ConairPRO dog & cat Shampoo Massage Brush to start off with. *These tools are all inexpensive and easy to use investments for your grooming supply arsenal.

8. Toys-* age and size appropriate. * Remember that puppies will be ‘teething’ for several months, and that just like their human baby/toddler counterparts, this is a very frustrating and painful time for them and therefore, they will need a variety of different textures and types of safe, non-ingestible toys for them to get thru this phase in the most comfortable ways as possible. Trust us, you will NOT want to skimp on this. * this JW Pets Toy is great for stuffing with favorite Treats such as we use these for our Miniature American Eskimo Doggie along with these etta says Yumm! our pup is hooked on these Chicken sticks they are like Jerky for humans and are human-grade food as well. We LOVE them for easy to bring along on car travel or air travel trips. You can also cut them into smaller bites and stuff them into a toy for a challenging puzzle for your pup. Keeps them busy in mind and body for at least a few minutes til they retrieve the treats.

* Remember to read the labels and NEVER buy Toys made in China. Never. No matter how inexpensive the price is. It’s not worth it for your baby to accidentally ingest lead, or other types of toxic materials. Of course you will want to supervise your puppy family member just as you would a human baby/toddler to make sure they do not swallow and or ingest parts of a toy. You don’t want anything bad to happen to them or have any unnecessary visits to the veterinarian. Way too many stories of puppies/dogs and other pet animals eating inanimate objects; things like clothing, blankets, polyester fiberfill out of doggie beds, pieces of toys and having to have intestinal surgery, and so on.

9. Premium Quality Puppy Food

and/or Homemade Food, if you are highly experienced with Canine Nutritional needs, or want to learn how- [CONTACT US FOR A CONSULTATION]

10. Premium ‘High Value’ Training Treats - Once you determine what their primary sources of protein will be, this will make it easier for you to choose a High Value treat. We recommend The ‘Real Meat’ brand Dog and Cat food in either Chicken or Turkey, as they are high in all essential nutrients and easily digestible and ‘Charlee Bear’ Grain-Free chicken crunchy treats or Bixby Pet ‘Pocket Trainers’ for everyday walks and training. *All of these treats are sourced and made in the USA.

11. A reputable Veterinarian for Regular Visits and Exams and An Emergency Veterinarian; just in case your regular vet is not open ‘after hours’. * Also, we HIGHLY recommend that when traveling with your pet you either research in advance emergency veterinarians in the area you will be staying OR find out who and where they are located as soon as you arrive at your destination, ‘just in case’. * We are not veterinarians and are not affiliates with these two links listed below. The first link if for more allopathic veterinary care and the second one is for more Holistic care. You will need to Copy/Paste them into your browser.

Optional items to purchase may include:

A Travel Carrier/Crate for safe trips in the car, to the veterinarian’s office, airline travel , etc. * For small dogs under 20 pounds we recommend the “Sherpa” brand Airline Travel approved Carrier, and for medium to larger dogs we recommend a PetMate Vari Kennel in the appropriate size for your pup. *And No matter how many photos or videos of pets riding in the front seat you see online and in social media, don’t fall for this unsafe practice. * Think about it- if a front seat of a vehicle has an airbag that will deploy in event of an accident, and anyone under the weight of 150 pounds and under Five Feet tall cannot ‘safely’ sit in the front seat of a vehicle, do you believe that a tiny animal such as a dog or puppy will be safe and protected while riding there?…

a Baby/Puppy Gate to ‘Safely ‘Puppy-Proof’ Your Home’ and partition off sections of your home that you don’t want the puppy in initially. We would recommend a metal gate rather than one with wooden parts for obvious reasons like chewing/teething. * You can gradually introduce/allow your pup into rooms as they become potty trained and more trustworthy and are no longer teething.

We’ll have a separate article on “How to Safely Puppy-Proof your Home” coming soon.

A Potty pad tray and packages of appropriately sized Potty Pads if you will be Potty Pad training your pup * for example if you live in an apartment or place you cannot always quickly take your pup out when the need arises, the weather is really bad outside, or if you travel frequently and want to ensure that your pup always knows where it’s ok to ‘go’ potty. * Dogs are creatures of habit & once they are trained on where to do their pottying business, they will always want to do it there and not disappoint you, so its always best to bring their ‘regular’ items such as the potty pad tray/pads, etc. along while travelling and save incurring unnecessary hotel/AirBnB charges for pet damages whenever possible and alleviate your pet’s anxiety. * We found that once our pup was house trained not to go potty in the house, and on ly on the potty pad/tray we ended up replacing the artificial grass with the potty pads. That way it was super easy clean up to fold up the used pad and put in the trash or diaper pail.

Identification Tags

Air Tag with Air Tag Holder for Dog Collar


Microchip or Tattoo: You will want to consult your local veterinarian and or reputable pet supplies store for trustworthy references and contact information for these services.

Pet Insurance; Most Pet Insurance is for Accidents and Illness and we are working on partnerships with them as we speak, but there are some companies that do offer Preventative Health and Wellness packages as ‘add-ons’ and we will have another article on Choosing the Right Pet Insurance later on. * Usually, the Earlier you purchase Pet Insurance the better in terms of pricing, deductibles, and so on.

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