Service Dog Assisting Woman In Wheelchair

Every September, we celebrate International Service Dog Month, a time dedicated to recognizing and honoring the incredible contributions of service dogs worldwide. These remarkable animals are far more than just pets—in fact, they are not pets, they are highly trained professionals, loyal companions, family members, and life-changing allies to individuals with disabilities. Service Dogs play an indispensable role in our society, offering not just practical assistance but also emotional support, independence, and a sense of security to those who need them most.

The Essential Role of Service Dogs

Service Dogs are specially trained to perform tasks that mitigate their own handler's disability, enabling the person to live a more independent and fulfilling life. These tasks can range from guiding people who are visually impaired( This type of Service Dog is technically a ‘Guide Dog’ ) ,  to alerting individuals who are deaf or hearing impaired to important sounds, retrieving items for those with mobility impairments, or even sensing and responding to medical conditions such as seizures, certain types of cancer, and even low blood sugar levels. The spectrum of disabilities they assist with is broad, encompassing physical, psychiatric, sensory, and intellectual challenges.

For many disabled individuals, Service Dogs are like a bridge to the world around them. Service Dogs are the all important liaison.  They empower their handlers to engage in everyday activities that might otherwise be impossible or unsafe, fostering a greater sense of autonomy and participation in society.  The utilization of Service Dogs in many cases may also alleviate the need for usage of inanimate objects such as wheelchairs, canes, walkers and such.  * Many people in the Disabled Community choose Service Dogs instead of or in addition to the use of these commonly recognized devices.

The Training Behind These Four-Legged Professionals

Service Dogs undergo rigorous and specialized training that often begins when they are just puppies. Depending on the type of Service Dog, training can last anywhere from 18 months to three years and today costs between $20,000 to $50,000 or more. The training process involves socialization, basic obedience, and task-specific commands ‘tailored to the handler’s unique needs.’    Every Service Dog is as Unique as the person they serve.

Dogs that show the aptitude and temperament for service work are carefully selected based on their intelligence, calm demeanor, and ability to thrive under pressure. Breeds such as Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, and German Shepherds are popular choices due to their eagerness to please, intelligence, and trainability, although several other breeds can excel in the role too.   We have found from personal lifelong experience that Australian Shepherds excel as Service Dogs due to their near ‘telepathic’ communication and intelligence capabilities, adaptability, need to have a ‘job’, and high interest in pleasing their people.  As we have mentioned in our other articles on Service Dogs, no matter what type of service work the dog will do, it is crucial to have the dog trained in Basic Obedience as well as some Intermediate Obedience, and socialization in a home setting and in as many different social/public settings as may make sense for the dog and his/her person.  It is oftentimes challenging to do this and make sure the dog is safe and accepted while in training and even after they are fully trained. * Please be empathetic and understanding when you see Service Dogs, Service Dogs in Training.  Remember, they are kind, compassionate, highly skilled trained living breathing beings, not robots.

* If the Service Dog and their person will not be flying on airplanes, riding on commuter trains, it may not make sense to train the dog for these types of settings.  If the pair will be traveling, exposed to different situations, cultures, environments, climates, then it would make sense to train the dog for them.  Many times, just as with their human counterparts, dogs including Service Dogs will learn some of these adaptations as they go and gain necessary experience along the road of life.  By ensuring that they have all of the necessary ‘Basics’ down as far as training goes, they can feel more sure of themselves in many upcoming situations; new or everyday.

A Bond Beyond Words

The bond between a Service Dog and their handler is one of unparalleled trust, love, and mutual respect. This relationship goes far beyond the standard pet-parent  dynamic. For many handlers, their service dog is not just a helper but a constant companion and a source of emotional support. The deep connection shared between them often helps alleviate feelings of isolation, anxiety, and depression, which can be prevalent in the disabled community.

Service Dogs also play a critical role in bridging social gaps. * Their presence often invites positive interactions, where people who might otherwise be hesitant to engage with someone with a disability feel more comfortable striking up a conversation. In this way, Service Dogs help dismantle barriers, fostering greater understanding and empathy within our communities all over the world.

Celebrating International Service Dog Month

International Service Dog Month, originally created by animal advocate Marcie Davis in 2009, is a time to educate the public about the vital role of Service Dogs and to celebrate these unsung heroes. Throughout September, various organizations host events, fundraisers, and public awareness campaigns to honor service dogs and the work they do. It’s also a time to reflect on the ongoing challenges faced by the service dog community, such as access issues, discrimination, and the need for more widespread public education about service dog etiquette.

Why Service Dogs Matter to Everyone

While Service Dogs are invaluable to their handlers, their impact extends far beyond the disabled community. For those who encounter service dogs, whether at work, in public places, or within their own families, these animals serve as powerful reminders of the resilience and capability of people with disabilities. They challenge societal perceptions of disability and promote a culture of inclusion, respect, and compassion.

Furthermore, Service Dogs embody qualities that inspire all of us—loyalty, courage, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to helping others. They remind us of the profound connection between humans and animals and the positive impact this relationship can have on our lives.

How You Can Support Service Dogs and Their Handlers

There are many ways to show support for service dogs and their handlers during International Service Dog Month and beyond:

  1. Educate Yourself and Others: Learn about the different types of service dogs, the tasks they perform, and the laws that protect their rights. Share this knowledge to help others understand the importance of these dogs and the need for respectful interactions.

  2. Respect Their Work: When you see a service dog in public, remember they are working and should not be distracted. Always ask for permission before approaching or petting a service dog. * It may help to think of the situation like this: Would you just walk right up or allow your kids to walk right up to a stranger with a visible disability and touch their cane, wheelchair, walker, or other inanimate assistance device?… Probably not.  So, since many people with Disabilities CHOOSE to utilize the services of a service dog rather than a medical device you wouldn’t just walk right up and touch them or interrupt their day. * Btw, most disabilities are Invisible, like autoimmune conditions, heart conditions, cancer, and so on, so don’t just ‘assume’ that if a person has a Service Dog that they are only for those who have Visible disabilities. * Also, please respect the long hard work, intense and specialized training, time, expenses, emotions of training and working with a Service Dog and don’t be one of those people who go buy a ‘Fake’ Service Dog vest and gear just so that you and your pet dog can get into places only highly trained Service Dogs have access to.  You could be putting yourself and your undertrained pet in a precarious or even dangerous situation by exhibiting this irresponsible behavior.

  3. Support Organizations That Train Service Dogs: Many non-profits provide Service Dogs to those in need at little or no cost. Donations, volunteering, and spreading the word about these organizations can make a significant difference.

  4. Advocate for Accessibility: Support policies and businesses that make public spaces more accessible for individuals with disabilities, including those who rely on Service Dogs.

  5. Celebrate and Share Stories: We welcome and encourage you to Share your stories of Service Dogs and their handlers to help raise awareness and appreciation for the incredible work these animals do.  * Click on our Guest Goddess Tab and submit your stories!

International Service Dog Month is more than just a celebration; it’s a call to recognize, honor, respect, and support the incredible partnership between Service Dogs and their handlers. These dogs embody the best of humanity, demonstrating daily what it means to be loyal, brave, and selflessly dedicated to others. As we celebrate these extraordinary animals, let us also commit to fostering a more inclusive world where the contributions of service dogs and their handlers are respected, valued, and cherished by all.

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Many dogs are afraid of household appliances such as vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, and blenders. There are several reasons why this may be the case:

  1. Loud Noise: These appliances produce loud, unfamiliar sounds that can be frightening to dogs. Dogs have ultra sensitive hearing, and the sound of these appliances may be overwhelming to them.

  2. Unfamiliarity: Dogs are creatures of habit, and they may become anxious when they encounter something new or unfamiliar. Household appliances can be intimidating to dogs because they are not part of their daily routine.

  3. Negative Association: In some cases, dogs may have had a negative experience with a household appliance in the past. For example, a vacuum cleaner may have accidentally bumped or scared a dog in the past, causing them to become fearful of it.

  4. Lack of control: Dogs are social creatures and thrive on predictability and control. Household appliances, especially those that move autonomously, like the Roomba can be unpredictable and make dogs feel out of control.

  5. Anxiety disorder: In rare cases, a dog may have an anxiety disorder that causes them to be fearful of household appliances. If this is the case, it is important to consult with a veterinarian or a professional dog trainer to address the issue.

  • It is important to note that each dog is unique and may have their own reasons for being afraid of household appliances. If your dog shows signs of fear around appliances, it is important to be patient and understanding and to help them feel safe and comfortable.

  • Here are some helpful links to superior small household appliances for pet parents;

    Shark Pet Pro Plus https://a.co/d/dDNK7LK Bissell Clean View Upright https://a.co/d/3CcvkP2 Dyson Ball Animal 3 Upright https://a.co/d/3DVcZXm Chom Chom Roller Pet Hair Remover https://a.co/d/dYSmk1U

  • Coway Air Mega ap-1512 hh https://a.co/d/3f659T0 * Excellent, Affordable Air Purifier

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There are several important reasons why it is necessary to pick up and dispose of your dog's poop:

  1. Public Health: Dog poop can carry harmful bacteria and parasites that can be transmitted to other dogs, wildlife, and even humans. If left on the ground, it can contaminate soil and water sources, leading to health risks for people and animals. * Fact:years ago our dogs ‘sniffed’ around as dogs do to try to find a place to go the bathroom and unbeknownst to us until they both became very ill, we learned thru testing and diagnosis by our veterinarian at the time that they had inhaled a very Uncommon type of parasitical worm called Whipworms because someone did not pick up after their dog who had pooped in the park before we got there. SO yes, its very important to pick up after our pets.

  2. Environmental Impact: Dog waste left on the ground can harm the environment. When it rains, it can wash into storm drains and eventually into rivers, lakes, and oceans, polluting the water and harming aquatic life. In addition, the bacteria and nutrients in dog waste can contribute to algae blooms and other water quality issues. Another ill effect this has on the environment is that not picking up your dog or cat’s poop attracts other native animal species like opossums, raccoons, and coyotes. What they smell is the undigested portion of the food from the pet’s waste and this will keep attracting them to your property or overall neighborhood.

  3. Community Etiquette: Picking up after your dog is a common courtesy and a sign of respect for your community. It helps to keep public spaces clean and enjoyable for everyone to use.

  4. Legal Obligation: In many places, it is a legal requirement to pick up after your dog. Failure to do so can result in fines or other penalties.

Overall, picking up and disposing of your dog's poop is an important responsibility of dog ownership that helps to protect public health, the environment, and your community.

Amazon Basics Dog Poop Bags With Dispenser and Leash Clip, Lavender Scented, 810 Count, 54 Pack of 15, 13 Inch x 9 Inch https://a.co/d/17GsVJS

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Ceilidh’s Cookies- Banana Flax Vegetarian Doggie Biscuits

Ceilidh’s Cookies Banana Flax Vegetarian Dog Biscuit Recipe Inspired By Our Beloved Australian Shepherd Dog Ceilidh; pronounced as Kaylee. Ceilidh in Irish Gaelic is a Celebration. March is Irish History Month.

Celtic Irish Shamrock With Triquetra in Center



2 Tablespoons Whole Flax Seed- *Grind this up fresh for each batch

1 1/2 Cups Organic Rolled Oats or Irish Oats like McCann’s

1 1/2 Cup Organic Brown Rice Flour

¼ Cup Organic Coconut Flour

2 Teaspoons Ground Organic Cinnamon

2 Teaspoons Celtic Sea Salt

2/3 Cup Melted Extra Virgin Unrefined Coconut Oil

2 Large Organic Bananas; Mashed

¼ Cup Water  * you may add a bit more water if necessary at mixing of oil with dry ingredients stage.

** You may add: 2-3 tablespoons of Raw, Unfiltered, Organic Honey,

and or ¼ cup Wild Organic Blueberries or Organic Dried Cranberries



Cover a large cookie sheet with parchment paper and *pre-heat a Conventional oven to 375 degrees.

Mash the bananas, then pour in the melted coconut oil and then mix it all well.  Add the ¼ Cup water and mix a bit more.

Add the Flax Seed, Oats, Flour, Cinnamon and Sea Salt in a Mixing bowl until well combined. Fold this into the Coconut oil banana mixture

Then, Add the ¼ Cup water and mix a bit more.

**here is where you add the fresh blueberries or dried cranberries and honey if you wish a bit more variety in the cookie.


*If you are mixing by hand you may need more water to get the right consistency.

Measure out 1 tablespoon of cookie dough per cookie and flatten on the cookie sheet.

*Bake at 375 degrees 15 minutes for each side.  *Flip the cookies and bake another 15 minutes.

**You want these cookies to be ‘crispy’, not gooey in the center.

Use a spatula and take the cookies off of the cookie sheet and place on wire rack to cool thru entirely.

Place in glass or Rubbermaid container covered for safe storage.

In Memory of “Ceilidh”- My Beloved. Australian Shepherd- Service Dog.

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Oxytocin and How it Affects Bonding Between Dogs and Their Pet Parents (Copy)


Oxytocin is a hormone that plays a significant role in social bonding, trust, and attachment. Often referred to as the "love hormone," it is released by the pituitary gland and has been linked to feelings of empathy, generosity, and love. Recent studies have shown that oxytocin plays a critical role in the bonding between dogs and their pet parents. * A bonus of petting a dog for 5-20 minutes is that in addition to increasing oxytocin levels, it also lowers cortisol levels.

Dogs are social animals, animals who love to live in a family pack, and they thrive on forming strong emotional bonds with their humans. When pet parents engage in activities such as petting the dog, grooming the dog, or playing together, both parties experience an increase in oxytocin levels. This hormone helps to create a sense of calm, relaxation, and trust, which are all essential components of a healthy relationship between a dog and her/his pet parent.

One study conducted by researchers at Azabu University in Japan found that when dogs and their owners gaze into each other's eyes, their oxytocin levels rise significantly. This eye contact, known as the "oxytocin gaze," is an essential aspect of bonding and can strengthen the emotional connection between a dog and her/his pet parent or guardian. The study also found that dogs who had higher levels of oxytocin were more likely to approach their owners for comfort and reassurance in stressful situations. After all, oxytocin lowers stress levels.

In the study conducted by researchers at the University of Vienna mentioned above they found that when dogs and their pet parents engage in positive interactions, such as petting or playing, both parties experience an increase in oxytocin levels. The study also found that dogs who received oxytocin injections were more likely to engage in social behaviors with their owners, such as cuddling and playing.

These studies provide evidence that oxytocin plays a critical role in the bond between dogs and their pet parents. This hormone helps to create a sense of trust, relaxation, and attachment.

It's important to note that while oxytocin can help to strengthen the bond between dogs and their owners, it is not a magic solution for all behavioral problems. Dogs require training, socialization, and positive, consistent reinforcement to develop good behavior and strong emotional connections with their owners. However, by understanding the role that oxytocin plays in the bond between dogs and their owners, we can better understand the importance of positive interactions and emotional connections in building strong relationships with our furry friends.

While oxytocin plays a vital role in the bond between dogs and their pet parents, when dogs and their owners engage in positive interactions, both parties experience an increase in oxytocin levels, which helps to create a sense of trust, relaxation, and attachment. Now you know that by understanding the role that oxytocin plays in bonding, we humans can work to strengthen our relationships not just with one another, but with our furry friends as well and create happy, healthy, and fulfilling lives together. If your health and wellness professional ever suggests to you that it would be beneficial for you to lower your cortisol (stress hormone and known contributor to putting on unhealthy belly fat) and Increase your Oxytocin; the ‘feel good hormone, it just might be time for your to consider visiting the local animal rescue organizations and shelters and consider welcoming in a new pet/dog family member into your home.

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Superbowl Snacks For Your Dog- Are they a ‘No’, or a ‘Go’?

Dog Holding Bunch Of Organic Raw Carrots In Mouth For Best Healthy Super Bowl 58 Treat For Dogs.

Dog eating carrots for best superbowl treat

Superbowl 58- Allegiant Stadium- Las Vegas, Nevada- Kansas City Chiefs Versus San Francisco 49’ers.

Superbowl Snacks For Dogs

So, You wanna celebrate Superbowl 58 with your Best Friend and your favourite snacks eh?… That’s just fine as long as you know which ‘people’ foods are safe for your best friend and which are not.

Allegiant Stadium: Las Vegas, Nevada- Superbowl 58

No matter if you’re rooting for the Kansas City Chiefs or the San Francisco 49’Ers;

Here’s a little bit of helpful information on what treats are a “GO” and what treats are a “NO” for your dog.

*Let’s start with the “GO” category first; which it’s safe to say consists of sticking with the ‘Organic Fruit & Veggie Tray’ option for your pup as far as ‘healthy’ party food goes.

*Be sure to wash all fruits and veggies in a rinse of filtered water and white vinegar as unless you buy all organic there’s no guarantee that you won’t be ingesting pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides; all of which are harmful to you and your dog.

GO! List:

Organic Baby Carrots- High in Vitamin A, Beta-Carotene, helps eye sight and the adrenals, thereby lowering stress; plus they’re a tasty crunchy treat dogs really love.

Organic Apples– * No seeds and cut into small bite-sized bits apples, like all fruits, are high in beneficial fiber, vitamins and minerals and the skin has Quercitin in it naturally. The old saying, “ An apple a day keeps the doctor away” holds true for dogs too, and refers to the fact that apples help lower the risk of certain cancers like breast, colon, liver, and lung cancer and new research is showing that they help fight off Alzheimer’s as well.

Bananas- Bananas are high in potassium and magnesium which are both great for optimum muscle function. They are also high in both Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C. * Cut these into slices then quarter them for easy bite-sized doggie treats.

Bell Peppers- Red, Orange, or Yellow bell peppers are high in Beta Carotene, Vitamins A, B6, and C and also high in potassium.

*No seeds. Slice and dice into bite-sized pieces.

Coconut- In all of its forms except the shell- Coconut is one of the most perfect foods on Earth. we just can’t say enough good things about coconut, but here are a few reasons why both you and your dog should be eating it on a more frequent basis, and not just for a Superbowl treat.

Its high in Vitamins B-6, C, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus, rich in Omega 3 & 6 “good” fatty acids, excellent for immune system support, high energy food, great for hydration, helps lower heart disease, promotes healthy thyroid and metabolism as well as digestive function, great for healthy fur, skin, and nails, excellent for brushing teeth and gums and is antibacterial, anti-fungal, antimicrobial, and antiviral.

Cucumbers- High in Vitamins A, C, K and potassium, plus a fiber and high water content make cucumbers the perfect party snack or ‘to-go’ treat. * In hot weather we keep a bag of peeled, quarter-cut cucumbers for our pup and I to share on walks, hikes, and errands around town

Garbanzo Beans(Chickpeas)- *One of our pup’s all-time favorites, they contain 71% of the Daily requirements for folate(Iron) and 84% for Manganese and also substantial levels of both copper and zinc. High in Vitamins A, B-6, and C and rich in potassium, magnesium, make an excellent veggie protein source.

Green Beans- High in Vitamins A & C, rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.

Canned Organic Pumpkin or shelled, ground pumpkin seeds- Fantastic for many things and packs a high serving of Vitamins A, C, calcium, iron, the amino acid- tryptophan, and is a holistic ‘de-wormer’ and works well for BOTH constipation and diarrhea. * always keep a can in your pantry.

Watermelon- (* sans seeds ) Full of Vitamins A, B6, & C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, amino acids, and has a high water content, so its another vegan snack that is great for hydration.

* All fruits and veggies have protein, otherwise there is no way that the plant could live in the first place, let alone produce fruit and veggies for us.

“NO!” List:

Alcohol- NO alcohol of any type, ever. All alcohol can not only be poisonous, but usually results in coma or death in dogs and cats as well.

Chili- NO-Although most Beans are good for dogs, the spicy concoction most of us make for our chili recipes includes tomatoes, onions, fatty hamburger(*Most dogs are allergic to beef), hot chili peppers, and none of these with the exception of (tomatoes- sans skins/ seeds are good for dogs.)

Chicken Wings- NO- Due to the fact that most are commercially prepared and who really knows what is in them as far as the chemicals and preservatives go, most are prepared/marinated using several spices that are not good for dogs.  Bad fats like butter and toxic fats like margarine are typically used, not to mention the risk of your dog ingesting one of those fragile bones in his throat or intestines, plus did you know that its estimated that over 1.3 BILLION chicken’s wings will be eaten in America just for this one game?  * There are definitely other more healthy alternatives.

Chocolate- Big NO!- This one can cause everything from irregular heart rate, bloody urine and stools, and even death due to the active naturally occurring ingredient called theobromine; which is great for humans, but toxic to dogs and most all other animals as well.

Guacamole- Although Haas Avocados in small amounts and without their seeds and skins are in fact beneficial for dogs due to their many benefits such as ‘good’ fats, anti-inflammatory properties, many vitamins and essential amino acids, ‘guacamole’ is NOT good for dogs because it is typically prepared with many ingredients such as onions, and tomatoes with the skins and seeds; both of which are a “NO!” for dogs; especially onions as they are toxic.

Nachos with corn chips- NO. Although some dairy products like kefir are great for daily immune system support due to it having so many live probiotic cultures as many fermented foods do; this is not what ‘nacho’ cheese sauce is made of. Nacho cheese sauce is typically a processed cheese; which are loaded with creepy chemicals like animal rennet, msg, hydrogenated soybean oils, food colorings, and ‘modified’ food starch; all of which are harmful to dogs. If for some odd reason you would want to share your Nachos with your dogs, we DO have a simple, limited ingredient VEGAN Cheez Sauce Recipe you could serve to your human guests and in limited amounts to share with your dogs.

Salsa and Corn Chips- NO.- Most salsas whether commercially prepared or homemade are made with tomatoes including the seeds and skins, which you already learned are not good for dogs;(only the tomato pomace is good for dogs) and NEVER eat or allow your dog to eat the stems or roots of a tomato plant. They are toxic to both humans and dogs.  Salsas usually include various hot peppers, onions, and some even include sugars and other artificial chemicals and preservatives.

The corn as you have already learned from our blog is not ‘species appropriate’ to canines and much of the corn used in North America is GMO (Genetically Modified Organism); which we all know that none of us, human or our beloved best friends should be eating.

Remember to adhere to the ‘NO’ list, and for the ‘GO’ list if your doggie is not used to eating these healthy snacks that it’s a good idea to start off slow and only give little bits of these foods until your poochie’s digestive system becomes used to them.

As Holistic Health & Wellness Consultants, we believe that it is a good idea to give them these treats AFTER their normal morning or evening meals. This is because fruits and veggies are higher in fiber, which is more filling and they will get the digestive system moving a bit quicker and ‘push’ the foods eaten at earlier meals through the system a bit faster. * This is very beneficial for healthy digestion, but you don’t want them to end up with diarrhea, so go easy, and you can begin adding any of these fruits and veggies to your doggie’s daily diet on a regular basis for optimum health and well being.


**This journal article was written based upon research done about some of the most common snacks that are prepared for Superbowl parties and after which we deemed them either a ‘GO’ and ‘NO’ for safety of your dog.

For a more extensive list on beneficial fruits, veggies, herbs and spices stay tuned to further blog articles here on thedoggoddess.com

Here’s wishing you and your best friend a wonderfully fun and healthy Superbowl 58 & may the best team win!!

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Doggie Dental Care

Australian Shepherd Dog Receiving A Dental Examination By Her Veterinarian

Dog Receiving Her Dental Examination By Her Veterinarian

Although the month of February is Internationally known as Doggie Dental Care Canine Dental Care month, Let’s face it, your doggie’s dental care is just as important as your own dental care is. year round.  The thing is, your dog cannot brush her own teeth like you can, so it is up to you to do this for her in order to help her live a longer, healthier life.

There are many options available for dental care for your precious pooch, but let’s talk about a basic, inexpensive, daily routine at home for starters.

First of all it’s good to remember that this is a brand new experience for your pup, so start off slow and don’t worry if she only allows you to do a couple of teeth at a time the first few times.  It’s never a good thing to ‘force’ anything onto your dog or there’s a good chance that she will sense your anxiety and be leery of allowing you to do this again anytime soon, if ever.

You may start off with a good holistic product like unrefined coconut oil, as dog’s love the smell of it plus it’s great for the gums and is antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral and it is chocked full of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids; which are good for dogs just like they are for humans. 

Should you decide to go the commercially prepared product route, try a fabulous holistic product called “Gel-Me”, “Spray-Me”, or “Ora-Pup”- by one of our partner companies.

We also advocate and recommend a product called Dentahex; which you can order thru our link https://a.co/d/bZdBo23 on Amazon.

Australian Shepherd Dog Having Her Teeth Brushed Correctly By Her Pet Parent

First step- is you will need to Get your dog to come and sit or lie down in front of you or at your side. * We like to have our pup come up on the bed and lie down on the command, and with a really happy and upbeat voice of  “ Let’s brush your teeth “ and we drape a hand towel across her paws.

Second Step- Put a little bit of the product on your index finger and lift your dog’s lip as seen in the photo above so that you can see her teeth on one side of her mouth.

Now just use your fingertip and let her smell but not eat the product (although it will not harm her if she does)

Third Step- Gently massage the product along the teeth and gumline on a couple of teeth at a time, along the outside surface that you can see.

Keep talking to her and offering praise for her doing such a good job of ‘brushing her teeth’.

If she’s ok with all of this attention and great tasting dental care product,

Fourth Step- is to then go ahead and massage a bit on the front teeth and along the other side of the mouth on her teeth and gums.

If she’s lovin’ it, you can say, “Open your mouth”,

and Fifth Step- proceed to take your thumb and index finger of one hand and gently ‘help’ her to open her mouth a bit wider.  Now with your other hand; the hand on which you have the product on your index finger, take that thumb and gently place it in the ‘smile’ pocket on one side of your dog’s mouth/face and pull it back a bit while using your other hand to open her mouth wider.

Now you can rub the product onto the other surfaces of her teeth and gums. 

This entire process should only take you under 4 minutes. BTW, This is the same amount of time recommended to brush our own teeth.

While you are brushing her teeth you will also be looking around for any broken or missing teeth, swollen or irritated gums, anything in her mouth that looks abnormal to you.

You can feel confident that the more you lovingly repeat this routine with your doggie the more you are helping to prolong her life.  You already know that plaque build-up, tartar, gingivitis, and gum disease can all lead to internal organ and tissue disease affecting the heart, kidneys, and liver.

We recommend making this a nitely routine just before bed because that way your pup will have had her nitely meal, walk, exercise and is likely to be more calm and relaxed.

Making ‘time’ of just a few short minutes per day can add years to your beloved companion’s life and save you time, worry, and expense at the veterinarian’s office.

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Why Do Dogs Follow Us To The Bathroom?

Dog With Owner On Toilet In Bathroom

If you’re a member of a pack, they will watch your back.

Simple as that.

As you already read in our article: Why Do Dogs Sleep With Or Near Us Humans? we shared with you that Dogs are ‘pack’ animals, and as such, the pack takes care of, protects, and watches out for one another.

When you use Common Sense and think about what a Vulnerable ‘position’ an animal; in this case a dog is in when trying to circle around and find a spot away from the sanctuary of the family ‘den’ to actually go ‘relieve’ itself and leave that scent (Urine and or Feces) far enough away so that potential predators do not ‘pick up’ the scent and follow the animal (dog) back to the den and harm the family pack, you will understand WHY Dogs follow us humans ( their pack members now) to our ‘place’ of ‘relieving’ ourselves aka the ‘bathroom’.

Dogs are simply watching our back, literally and protecting us; their cherished family member from what they instinctually perceive as a chance for a potential predator to pounce on us when we are in such a physically vulnerable position.

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Dogs wag their tails as a form of communication. It is one of the many ways they express their emotions and convey messages to other dogs and humans.

When a dog wags its tail, it can indicate a range of emotions, such as happiness, excitement, or anticipation. The speed and direction of the tail wag can also convey different messages. For example, a quick and wide tail wag ‘usually’ indicates a dog's excitement and happiness, while a slow and low tail wag can indicate caution or uncertainty.

It's important to note, however, that tail wagging should ‘not’ be interpreted as a universal sign of friendliness OR an invitation for interaction. Tail wagging should always be considered in the context of a dog's overall body language and behavior, as well as the situation and environment they are in and often the state of being that the owner/handler is in.

Here are the different ‘Types’ of dog tail wagging and what they may indicate in terms of canine behavior:

  1. High tail wag: A high tail wag, where the tail is held upright and may even be quivering, often indicates excitement and happiness. Dogs may display this type of tail wag when greeting their owners, meeting new people or dogs, or when they're about to receive a treat or go for a walk.

  2. Low tail wag: A low tail wag, where the tail is held low and may even be tucked between the dog's legs, can indicate fear or submission. Dogs may display this type of tail wag when they encounter something they perceive as a threat or when they're feeling anxious or uncomfortable.

  3. Slow tail wag: A slow tail wag, where the tail is moving back and forth in a relaxed and steady manner, can indicate that the dog is feeling calm and content. Dogs may display this type of tail wag when they're relaxing with their owners or when they're in a comfortable environment.

  4. Quick tail wag: A quick tail wag, where the tail is moving rapidly from side to side, can indicate excitement, anticipation, or even agitation. Dogs may display this type of tail wag when they're playing, chasing a toy, or engaging in other types of high-energy activities.

  5. Tail held to one side: A tail held to one side, where the tail is not wagging but is instead held rigidly to one side of the body, can indicate that the dog is on high alert and may be preparing to react to a perceived threat. Dogs may display this type of tail position when they're in a new or unfamiliar environment, or when they sense something they perceive as a potential danger.

It's important to note that while tail wagging can be a useful indicator of a dog's emotional state, it should always be considered in conjunction with other forms of body language, such as ear position, facial expressions, and overall posture. Additionally, every dog is an individual, and their tail wagging behavior may vary based on their breed, personality, and life experiences. Some dogs could have an unusual tail wag due to a previous injury and it may have nothing to do with the dog’s actual ‘state of being’ at the time you and or you and your dog encounter them. Be observant.

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Biofilm is a collection of microorganisms (such as bacteria, fungi, and algae) that adhere to surfaces and form a slimy layer of cells embedded in a matrix of extracellular substances, such as proteins and sugars. This layer is called an extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) and it serves as a protective barrier for the microorganisms against environmental stresses such as desiccation, disinfectants, and antibiotics.

Biofilms can form on a variety of surfaces, including medical devices, water pipes, and food processing equipment, as well as the inside of your dog's water dish. The bacteria that form biofilms in your dog's water dish may come from your dog's mouth or from the environment, and they can multiply rapidly in the moist and nutrient-rich environment of the water dish.

Biofilms are generally harmless to healthy individuals, but they can cause health problems in people and animals with weakened immune systems or underlying health conditions. In addition, biofilms can lead to the development of a slimy film on the inside of your dog's water dish, which can make it difficult to clean and may cause an unpleasant odor or taste in the water.

To prevent the formation of biofilms in your dog's water dish, it is important to clean the dish daily with hot water and soap or with a disinfectant solution. *You may also want to consider using a stainless steel or ceramic dish, as these materials are less likely to harbor bacteria and are easier to clean than plastic or other porous materials.  It is never recommended to use plastic or other porous materials for pet dishes.

Biofilm can potentially cause harm if you don't wash your dog's water and food bowls regularly. Keep things clean for your pets just as you would for yourself and your family. Over time, the biofilm can accumulate and the bacteria within the biofilm can multiply, potentially leading to the formation of harmful bacteria such as Salmonella or E. coli.

If your dog drinks from a water bowl with a significant biofilm buildup, they may ingest harmful bacteria which could lead to digestive problems or other illnesses. Similarly, if your dog eats from a food bowl with a biofilm buildup, they may also ingest harmful bacteria which could cause health problems.

Therefore, it is ‘better to be safe than sorry’ and very important to regularly clean your dog's water and food bowls to prevent the buildup of biofilm and the potential for harmful bacteria to grow. A general guideline is to clean your dog's water and food bowls daily with hot water and soap or with a non-toxic disinfectant solution. This will help to ensure that your dog's bowls are clean and safe for them to use.

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Dogs, like many other mammals, do indeed dream. In fact, research suggests that they may even dream more than humans do!

Just like humans, dogs experience different stages of sleep, including REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is when most dreaming occurs. During this stage, the brain is highly active, and the body is essentially paralyzed to prevent the dog from acting out its dreams; the same as how humans dream.

Researchers have observed dogs during REM sleep and have found that they exhibit similar behaviors to when they're awake, such as twitching, paw movements, and even vocalizations. This suggests that they are indeed dreaming and experiencing some sort of sensory input during their dreams.

So, what do dogs dream about? It's hard to say for sure, because we can’t ask them directly and allow them to answer us in our human language, but it's likely that they dream about things that are important to them, such as playing with their favorite toy, going for a walk, or interacting with their favourite humans. Some researchers even suggest that dogs may dream about past experiences, similar to how humans sometimes have vivid dreams about events from their own lives.

Overall, the fact that dogs dream is just another fascinating aspect of their complex cognitive abilities. It's yet another reason to appreciate and cherish these wonderful and truly amazing animals!

During the REM stage they're most likely to dream. During this phase, the brain becomes highly active, and electrical signals in the brain resemble those of an awake, alert animal. However, the body is essentially paralyzed, except for small twitches in the eyes, ears, and limbs.

Scientists have used electroencephalography (EEG) to monitor brain activity in dogs while they're sleeping, and they've found that the patterns of brain activity are similar to those seen in humans during REM sleep. This suggests that dogs are experiencing similar types of dreams as humans do during this stage of sleep.

Interestingly, some researchers have suggested that just like their human counterparts, dogs may also dream about past experiences. Dogs have excellent memories, and they may replay past events in their dreams, just like humans sometimes do. For example, a dog that had a particularly enjoyable day at the beach might dream about running through the sand and playing in the waves and be kicking her feet and smiling during REM as she sleeps.

Overall, while we can't know for sure what dogs dream about, it's clear that they do experience complex dream states during REM sleep. And as with so many aspects of dog behavior and cognition, the more we learn about their dreams, the more we realize just how amazing these animals truly are. Love and respect your and other people’s dogs too, for yes, they are truly incredible and amazing beings.

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