How You And Your Pets Can Live Safely And Peacefully With Coyotes

We had originally written this article on coyotes regarding the return of warmer temperatures, however, the information contained in the article is pertinent to all seasons.

Did you know that Coyotes play a very important role in our ecosystem by controlling rodents and other potential disease carrying animals often times referred to as ‘pests’?…  Coyotes are often more active in the Spring and Fall because they need extra food for their young pups, and like most intelligent, resourceful creatures, they remain active all year round; especially at dawn and at dusk.   Just so that you are aware- in Most parts of the USA/North America; January- March is Coyote Mating season. This means that coyotes will be out and about searching for a compatible mate and looking for or creating places to serve as their family home- otherwise known as a ‘Den’ in the Canine world. Please do be Respectful and know that these creatures have just as much of a right to be here as any other, and all they want to do is create and raise their little families in peace and harmony with as little interaction with humans as possible. * It’s a bit ironic, but in Summer months, that is also the time that is the smartest for all animals, including us humans, to go out exercising ourselves and our pets; so just be aware. Not afraid or ‘fearful’; aware.

Coyotes primarily hunt rodents and rabbits, but as highly intelligent, resourceful creatures they will take advantage of any available food source including pet food, garbage, and wild animals such as the red fox, and domestic animals such as small dogs, cats, rabbits, and birds.

You can help protect yourself, your pets, your property, and the coyotes themselves by following some Simple “Common Sense” Tips.

Never feed or attempt to tame coyotes no matter how cute they may look

Do not leave uneaten pet food outside

Pick up your pet’s waste

Bring pets inside at night and do not leave them outside unattended-ever; they are ‘pets’ and depend on you for love, comfort, protection, and survival.

Put garbage in tightly closed containers that coyotes and any stray domestic animals like cats, dogs, raccoons, possum, etc. cannot tip over.

Remove easy sources of water

Pick up fallen fruit from your trees- *a coyote’s diet consists of approximately 25% fruit, and remember to cover your compost piles, and DO consider a fence if need be.

Put away bird feeders at night to avoid attracting rodents and other coyote ‘prey’.

Install motion sensor lights, as coyotes do NOT like bright lights and loud noises.   * Just remember to ‘be courteous to your neighbors’ and not to install a ‘disco’ atmosphere, or you may get a call from your local HOA or City Code Enforcement.

Remember, If followed by a coyote, make loud noises, or if the coyotes do happen to get aggressive, which is not typical; you could get loud and throw rocks to ‘scare’ them away.  * we are NOT saying throw rocks to hit or hurt them.  We are saying for their own well being as well as yours and your pet’s, do not ever turn your back on them, and ‘yes’ do get loud and throw rocks IF you or your pets feel aggressively threatened by them.

*Share these tips with your neighbors*

A Natural part of our mountains and deserts, and countryside, beautiful coyotes are here to stay; because after all, this was their home FIRST, way before humans ever built their homes here and it will always be their home.  We can be respectful of one another.  You can do your part to encourage coyotes to remain in the wild where they are most safe and comfortable, by not doing anything foolish to attract them.  *Leave them alone to raise their families in peace and harmony with nature as they were meant to do, and they will leave you alone.

You and your pets will live more peacefully with coyotes if you have less contact with them and if they remain wary of you as humans. This is true for ALL wildlife species, including the squirrels you feed in your local parks. Remember- they have families they love, care about and protect, just the same as we humans do. Be respectful.

The Dog Goddess

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