Happy Valentine’s Day
What is the most important thing in life? Ask anyone and you'll probably get the same answer.
Love. All of existence in the Universe is interconnected; humans, animals, plants and minerals and we all require love.
Who knows more about true, unconditional love than dogs?... we personally cannot think of anyone; and those of you who have spent any time in the company of dogs will most likely agree with us.
All animals know how to feel and express love. This is very apparent, as all you have to do is look around you at any given moment and witness the love they share with us, with their own animal families, and even with other species of animals.
We believe that animals live from their true and most authentic selves and can help inspire us to do the same. They are the 'Essence of Pure Love' living truly from the heart and living only in the 'Now'.* To better understand what we are referring to when we say " in the Now", check out this book The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by author Eckhart Tolle in Paperback https://a.co/d/dqmKd5c or Kindle format https://a.co/d/6ZeckkF
Dogs are always there for you no matter what. They are what our lead creator here refers to as true, 'all-weather' friends, and dogs would never even dream of abandoning you if you don't look perfect, are having a bad day, come home late, smell weird, and so on. They accept and love us unconditionally; whether we are young, old, in-between, male or female; regardless of age, race, creed, color, social status, political affiliation or religion. They don't care what language we speak; because dogs have the ability and intelligence to understand them all. Think about that one for a moment. Just travel around a bit and you will see that this is true. They live from the language of the heart. Dogs teach us to 'let go' and see the mystery beyond the form and show us instead the love, intelligence, and spirit 'behind' the physical form. Animals 'see' 'all' of this every day and they want us to tap into it too.
Loyal and True Mates for Life
Like their great and wise ancestors; the wolf, dogs are very social creatures who prefer the company of humans, and thank your lucky stars for the wolf, yes, that’s right, because without wolves none of us would have our modern-day companions the dog to share our life and our love with. Like the wolf, dogs also know and live the true meaning of the word 'devotion' and are here on Earth to teach us this and many other life lessons every single day that we are blessed to be in their presence.
Valentine's Day is a day when the feelings of love, affection, appreciation, and friendship are shown and celebrated, and who better to celebrate with than your canine pal?...
Our love pups; are best buddies who share their love and affection for us, as well as for one another. People tell us that when they see these two together that they are reminded of the movie, " Lady and the Tramp" * You can give or receive The 50th Anniversary year Edition of this Classic Love Story about Dogs https://a.co/d/6IcnhWF (Lady and the Tramp (Two-Disc 50th Anniversary Platinum Edition)
*Send Us your stories of your "Lady and the Tramp" just click on our ‘Guest Goddess’ page and Fill out our Short Form and see it posted in one of our Upcoming Journal Articles..
We would love to hear from you!
Happy Valentine's Day and may the long time sun shine upon you, all love surround you, and have a beautiful day!
~Blessed Be