Questions Regarding Tipping Your Pet Sitter During The Holidays Or Any Season

Woman Pet Sitter with Poodle Sitting On Patio Surrounded By String Lights

So, over the years we have gotten alot of questions on whether it is ‘appropriate’ to ‘tip’ your pet sitter; during the holidays and as per usual visits.

The answer to that question is ‘yes‘ of course it is appropriate to tip your pet sitter.  For holidays and any regularly scheduled visits.

Pet sitters are service providers who often work seven days per week, all year long; some even traveling long distances for these assignments, and as a service provider; just like your hair stylist, gardener, pool man, restaurant server, massage therapist, etc. it is appropriate to tip them for their services.

Today’s acceptable tip rate for most service professionals is typically 20-30% of the total services rendered.

Some Pet Sitters do so much more than provide food and water for your beloved pets while you are away, and this is an occupation built upon trust, dependability, professionalism, and a deep love of all animals.

Pet Sitters spend ‘quality’ time with the pets, and in addition to providing them the basics of food and water while you are away, they also give them love, attention, clean up their waste; ie. litter boxes and poop scoopers, any other little ‘accidents’ like vomiting, etc., as well as providing your pets with healthy exercise, conversation, petting, playtime, etc., so it’s not surprising that you want to give them the moon for looking after your precious fur babies.

Many pet sitters also take care of your treasured home while you are away; making it look ‘lived’ in and busy as usual to the outside world.  They bring in your newspapers, get your mail, keep your lights on and off at strategic and sensible times of the day and nite to deter unwanted guests as well as potential vandals.  They water your plants and maybe your lawn, deal with your regularly scheduled contractors such as your pool man, gardener, and other service professionals while you are away.

The bottom line is that your pet gets to stay in the environment she knows best and have her regular routine, and you get to go about your plans with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your beloved pet is safe and cared for by a professional, and that your home is being watched over by someone of integrity.

Acceptable, thoughtful, and appreciated ‘tips’ might include such items as a GIFT CARD FOR A SPA VISIT 
for your hard working service professional, or perhaps a GIFT CERTIFICATE TO AN ONLINE STORE SUCH AS THIS ONE.

Tips don’t always have to come in the form of ‘money’.

Remember to be grateful and remain in the ‘giving’ spirit all year long. You might just surprise someone and really make their day, and you are honoring the Universal Law of both giving and receiving with acceptance and gratitude.

We hope that this answers some of your questions and please be safe and have a joyous holiday season this and every season..

~Peace, Love, Light, and Abundance to You and Yours, this and every season

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