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Service Dog Assisting Woman In Wheelchair
Every September, we celebrate International Service Dog Month, a time dedicated to recognizing and honoring the incredible contributions of service dogs worldwide. These remarkable animals are far more than just pets—in fact, they are not pets, they are highly trained professionals, loyal companions, family members, and life-changing allies to individuals with disabilities. Service Dogs play an indispensable role in our society, offering not just practical assistance but also emotional support, independence, and a sense of security to those who need them most.
The Essential Role of Service Dogs
Service Dogs are specially trained to perform tasks that mitigate their own handler's disability, enabling the person to live a more independent and fulfilling life. These tasks can range from guiding people who are visually impaired( This type of Service Dog is technically a ‘Guide Dog’ ) , to alerting individuals who are deaf or hearing impaired to important sounds, retrieving items for those with mobility impairments, or even sensing and responding to medical conditions such as seizures, certain types of cancer, and even low blood sugar levels. The spectrum of disabilities they assist with is broad, encompassing physical, psychiatric, sensory, and intellectual challenges.
For many disabled individuals, Service Dogs are like a bridge to the world around them. Service Dogs are the all important liaison. They empower their handlers to engage in everyday activities that might otherwise be impossible or unsafe, fostering a greater sense of autonomy and participation in society. The utilization of Service Dogs in many cases may also alleviate the need for usage of inanimate objects such as wheelchairs, canes, walkers and such. * Many people in the Disabled Community choose Service Dogs instead of or in addition to the use of these commonly recognized devices.
The Training Behind These Four-Legged Professionals
Service Dogs undergo rigorous and specialized training that often begins when they are just puppies. Depending on the type of Service Dog, training can last anywhere from 18 months to three years and today costs between $20,000 to $50,000 or more. The training process involves socialization, basic obedience, and task-specific commands ‘tailored to the handler’s unique needs.’ Every Service Dog is as Unique as the person they serve.
Dogs that show the aptitude and temperament for service work are carefully selected based on their intelligence, calm demeanor, and ability to thrive under pressure. Breeds such as Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, and German Shepherds are popular choices due to their eagerness to please, intelligence, and trainability, although several other breeds can excel in the role too. We have found from personal lifelong experience that Australian Shepherds excel as Service Dogs due to their near ‘telepathic’ communication and intelligence capabilities, adaptability, need to have a ‘job’, and high interest in pleasing their people. As we have mentioned in our other articles on Service Dogs, no matter what type of service work the dog will do, it is crucial to have the dog trained in Basic Obedience as well as some Intermediate Obedience, and socialization in a home setting and in as many different social/public settings as may make sense for the dog and his/her person. It is oftentimes challenging to do this and make sure the dog is safe and accepted while in training and even after they are fully trained. * Please be empathetic and understanding when you see Service Dogs, Service Dogs in Training. Remember, they are kind, compassionate, highly skilled trained living breathing beings, not robots.
* If the Service Dog and their person will not be flying on airplanes, riding on commuter trains, it may not make sense to train the dog for these types of settings. If the pair will be traveling, exposed to different situations, cultures, environments, climates, then it would make sense to train the dog for them. Many times, just as with their human counterparts, dogs including Service Dogs will learn some of these adaptations as they go and gain necessary experience along the road of life. By ensuring that they have all of the necessary ‘Basics’ down as far as training goes, they can feel more sure of themselves in many upcoming situations; new or everyday.
A Bond Beyond Words
The bond between a Service Dog and their handler is one of unparalleled trust, love, and mutual respect. This relationship goes far beyond the standard pet-parent dynamic. For many handlers, their service dog is not just a helper but a constant companion and a source of emotional support. The deep connection shared between them often helps alleviate feelings of isolation, anxiety, and depression, which can be prevalent in the disabled community.
Service Dogs also play a critical role in bridging social gaps. * Their presence often invites positive interactions, where people who might otherwise be hesitant to engage with someone with a disability feel more comfortable striking up a conversation. In this way, Service Dogs help dismantle barriers, fostering greater understanding and empathy within our communities all over the world.
Celebrating International Service Dog Month
International Service Dog Month, originally created by animal advocate Marcie Davis in 2009, is a time to educate the public about the vital role of Service Dogs and to celebrate these unsung heroes. Throughout September, various organizations host events, fundraisers, and public awareness campaigns to honor service dogs and the work they do. It’s also a time to reflect on the ongoing challenges faced by the service dog community, such as access issues, discrimination, and the need for more widespread public education about service dog etiquette.
Why Service Dogs Matter to Everyone
While Service Dogs are invaluable to their handlers, their impact extends far beyond the disabled community. For those who encounter service dogs, whether at work, in public places, or within their own families, these animals serve as powerful reminders of the resilience and capability of people with disabilities. They challenge societal perceptions of disability and promote a culture of inclusion, respect, and compassion.
Furthermore, Service Dogs embody qualities that inspire all of us—loyalty, courage, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to helping others. They remind us of the profound connection between humans and animals and the positive impact this relationship can have on our lives.
How You Can Support Service Dogs and Their Handlers
There are many ways to show support for service dogs and their handlers during International Service Dog Month and beyond:
Educate Yourself and Others: Learn about the different types of service dogs, the tasks they perform, and the laws that protect their rights. Share this knowledge to help others understand the importance of these dogs and the need for respectful interactions.
Respect Their Work: When you see a service dog in public, remember they are working and should not be distracted. Always ask for permission before approaching or petting a service dog. * It may help to think of the situation like this: Would you just walk right up or allow your kids to walk right up to a stranger with a visible disability and touch their cane, wheelchair, walker, or other inanimate assistance device?… Probably not. So, since many people with Disabilities CHOOSE to utilize the services of a service dog rather than a medical device you wouldn’t just walk right up and touch them or interrupt their day. * Btw, most disabilities are Invisible, like autoimmune conditions, heart conditions, cancer, and so on, so don’t just ‘assume’ that if a person has a Service Dog that they are only for those who have Visible disabilities. * Also, please respect the long hard work, intense and specialized training, time, expenses, emotions of training and working with a Service Dog and don’t be one of those people who go buy a ‘Fake’ Service Dog vest and gear just so that you and your pet dog can get into places only highly trained Service Dogs have access to. You could be putting yourself and your undertrained pet in a precarious or even dangerous situation by exhibiting this irresponsible behavior.
Support Organizations That Train Service Dogs: Many non-profits provide Service Dogs to those in need at little or no cost. Donations, volunteering, and spreading the word about these organizations can make a significant difference.
Advocate for Accessibility: Support policies and businesses that make public spaces more accessible for individuals with disabilities, including those who rely on Service Dogs.
Celebrate and Share Stories: We welcome and encourage you to Share your stories of Service Dogs and their handlers to help raise awareness and appreciation for the incredible work these animals do. * Click on our Guest Goddess Tab and submit your stories!
International Service Dog Month is more than just a celebration; it’s a call to recognize, honor, respect, and support the incredible partnership between Service Dogs and their handlers. These dogs embody the best of humanity, demonstrating daily what it means to be loyal, brave, and selflessly dedicated to others. As we celebrate these extraordinary animals, let us also commit to fostering a more inclusive world where the contributions of service dogs and their handlers are respected, valued, and cherished by all.
Australian Shepherd Service Dog In Cabin At Handler’s Feet On Airline Flight
Service dogs are remarkable companions that provide invaluable assistance to individuals with various disabilities, both visible and invisible, as well as offering support beyond visual impairments. These highly trained canines offer physical assistance, emotional support, and even life-saving interventions.
As we explore the world of service dogs, we will be shedding light on their training process, the responsibilities of their handlers, and the laws and regulations governing their access to public spaces. Furthermore, we will distinguish between service dogs and guide dogs, highlighting their unique roles and areas of assistance.
The Essential Role of Service Dogs: Service dogs are trained to assist individuals with disabilities, such as physical impairments, hearing loss, diabetes, lupus, heart conditions, epilepsy, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and many others. These remarkable animals are meticulously trained to perform specific tasks that help mitigate their handlers' disabilities and improve their quality of life.
The Training Process: The training of service dogs is a rigorous and comprehensive process that varies depending on the type of disability they are meant to assist with. Training organizations employ professional trainers who carefully select suitable puppies or adult dogs with the necessary temperament, intelligence, and physical capabilities for service work. If you are a highly qualified trainer and or have extensive experience with animal behavior you may train your own service dog to assist with and perform the tasks necessary to help you with your disabilities. There are no laws stating that you MUST hire a Professional trainer if in fact YOU are a professional trainer.
The training process typically includes obedience training, specialized tasks related to the handler's disability, and public access skills. Service dogs may be trained to open doors, retrieve dropped items, alert their handlers to sounds or approaching seizures, provide stability and balance, or perform a multitude of other tasks based on individual needs. * The service dog needs to be able to assist with two or more of the disabled person’s needs. An example might be that a person is hearing impaired and also has balance issues, so their Service Dog would need to be able to assist them with hearing and balance.
The Bond between Handler and Service Dog: The relationship between a service dog and her/his handler is built on love, trust, interdependency, and partnership. Handlers rely on their Service Dogs to mitigate their disabilities, provide emotional support, and assist in their daily activities. The bond formed between a handler and their service dog is characterized by clear, almost telepathic communication, empathy, and a deep understanding of each other's needs.
Public Access Rights: Service dogs are granted specific legal rights and protections to accompany their handlers in public places. These rights, often enshrined in laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States, ensure that individuals with disabilities can access public spaces, including restaurants, stores, schools, transportation, and other establishments with their Service Dogs and that they will NOT be singled out or Discriminated against for having chosen to have a Service Dog accompany them, rather than to use an inanimate object such as a wheelchair, walker, or cane to assist them. Having a Service Dog is the disabled person’s choice, and as such they and their Service Dog must be acknowledged and respected for utilizing that choice.
Rules and Regulations for Service Dogs:
Service Dog Assisting Handler While Out Shopping
While Service Dogs are generally welcome in public areas, there are regulations and guidelines that handlers must follow to ensure a harmonious and respectful experience for all. Handlers are responsible for the care, behavior, and cleanliness of their service dogs, ensuring that they are not a threat or nuisance to others.
Something we cannot Stress enough is how important it is to recognize that Service Dogs are not considered as ‘pets’, but rather working animals, and as such, they are granted special privileges to accompany their handlers in areas where pets may be restricted. Handlers must also respect the rights of business owners to address any disruptive or ill-behaved service dogs.
A valid and important point we feel compelled to speak out on is that Although in over 5 decades we have Never witnessed a disruptive or ill-behaved Service Dog, we most definitely HAVE witnessed disruptive and ill-behaved, humans behaving in rude, discriminatory manner towards the disabled and toward their service dog. We have also witnessed on an almost weekly basis ‘FAKE’ Service Dogs and ‘Fake’ Disabled persons. By Fake, we mean that we regularly see people attempting to masquerade their Untrained pet dogs as authentic Service Dogs, just by purchasing Vests or Patches Identifying their family ‘PETS’ as Service Dogs. This is not only completely disrespectful, entitled behavior on the part of these people, but it could and often does put their untrained family Pet Dogs in a precarious or dangerous position. In fact, on one particular occasion, one of our disabled friends and her highly trained Service Dog were out shopping in a clothing store when all of a sudden an Untrained, Aggressive Chihuahua wearing a Fake Service vest escaped her owners grasp and came running underneath the clothing racks, dragging its leash attempting to attack the disabled person’s Service Dog who was calmly sitting by her feet as she browsed through the clothing racks. The staff in the store were completely unprepared as to what to do, how to handle the situation, and the disabled woman and her Service dog were now shaking, startled and not feeling at all comfortable with the shopping experience. The woman who was supposed to be in control of her Chihuahua was yelling and screaming obscenities at her dog while trying to catch it.
No authentic ‘Service’ Dog would ever exhibit such bad behavior because all Service Dogs have to be thoroughly trained in Obedience first of all, and second of all they will have gone through 12-36 months ( 1-3 YEARS) of additional specialized service work PRIOR to being able to be designated as a Working Service Dog.
When you are a disabled person and or you are a trainer/handler of a true authentic Service Dog, and you know how much hard work, long intensive hours of training and incredible financial expense it takes in order to share your life with a trained Service Dog who can meet the tasks necessary to help that disabled person, you can EASILY Recognize ‘fake’ Service Dogs in their Fake Vests, and to the trained eye the body language of the so-called disabled person/handler easily stand out as well. Yes, we understand that if you are the manufacturer/retailer of the Service Dog or Guide Dog vests and patches that you need to be able to showcase and sell your products, but unless you have no scruples you’re most likely assuming that the people purchasing them actually NEED them in order to Help Identify their Dogs as either Service Dogs or Guide Dogs, right? You’re probably not thinking that everyday folks are purposefully buying your products to place on their Untrained, Unknowing family Pets just because they think it would be ‘cool’ or ‘convenient’ to take their pets places that ‘pets’ are not actually allowed. In many instances they are not allowed for either ‘their’ and or ‘your’ Safety. By the same token, if you are one of these people purposefully purchasing a Service Dog or Guide Dog vest or patches to place on your family pets, you need to think twice about your actions. Put your self in the place of the disabled person and or the Service Dog. Would you want to become disabled? Would you want to live your formerly active live with disabilities until you could find and or afford to have a Service Dog help you acclimate to your new life? Be kind and compassionate and considerate. Another thing to keep in mind is that as of this writing, there are NO laws or Regulations in place to ‘require’ that a disabled person put a Vest, Collar or Harness with Service Dog patches on their Service Dog. In fact, it has been our experience in working with both disabled people as well as Service Dogs and Guide Dogs for several decades, that MOST disabled people only do this courteous gesture to the general public and give them sort of ‘heads up’ to respect the dog and the handler as a working service team with rights. They do this as a ‘Means to Easily Identify their Dog as a Service Dog’ and differentiate that dog from a ‘pet’ dog to the general public. When you think logically about this, it makes perfect sense because disabled people are ‘choosing’ to utilize the help of a living, loving, breathing, sentient being; their Service Dog to help assist them with their daily lives Rather than to use ‘inanimate’ objects as we mentioned before like wheelchairs, walkers, canes, and such. Had they NOT chosen a Service Dog to help them, would it be logical if they ‘identified’ themselves as being disabled? For example if they put on a Vest or Wore some sort of ‘tag’ proclaiming their disabilities? Of course not. The General public ‘assumes’ when they visually witness people using wheelchairs, canes, walkers and other ‘assistive’ devices that they ‘must’ have some sort of disabilities. Conversely, when the general public sees people with Dogs, they don’t even remotely ‘assume’ that the dog ‘IS’ the actual ‘Assistive’; in this case a ‘Service Dog.’
Key Differences and Similarities with Guide Dogs: Although both service dogs and guide dogs provide assistance to individuals with disabilities, there are significant differences in their roles and areas of focus. While Guide Dogs primarily assist individuals with visual impairments in navigating their surroundings safely, Service Dogs are trained for both specific and a broader range of disabilities and tasks.
Guide Dogs undergo specialized training to navigate obstacles, follow specific routes, and provide mobility assistance to visually impaired people. In contrast, Service Dogs receive training tailored to the specific needs of their handlers, which may include a multitude of tasks like retrieving medication, alerting to allergens, or providing balance support.
Service Dogs are exceptional animals that offer immeasurable support to individuals with disabilities, addressing a wide range of needs beyond visual impairments. The intensive training, legal rights, and the special bond between handlers and service dogs enable individuals to overcome physical and emotional challenges, enhancing their independence and quality of life. Understanding the regulations is key and future articles will include more on the specifics of regulations, rules, and the laws as they pertain to both Guide Dogs and Service Dogs and their owner/handlers.