The curiosity and wonder of wanting to know what our furry companions are thinking is innate to many of us ‘dog people.’ Since the number Thirteen (13) is the number associated with the Goddess, we thought we would start by sharing Thirteen questions we might ask our dogs if we could ask them anything and have them tell us.

Our questions would likely be:

1.) How are you feeling? One of the most challenging things about owning a pet is not being able to communicate with them in a way that we can fully understand. If we could ask our dogs how they were feeling, we could potentially identify any health or emotional issues they may be experiencing. It's crucial to prioritize our pets' well-being, and having a better understanding of their emotional state could help us do just that.

2.) Do you enjoy the food you are eating? As a pet owner, you want to ensure that your dog is getting the right nutrition for their age, size, and activity level. However, what may seem like the perfect meal for us may not be what our pets want or need. If our dogs could tell us what they like and dislike, we could adjust their diets accordingly and ensure that they're happy and healthy.

3.) Do you understand when I talk to you? It's a common misconception that dogs understand every word we say. However, recent studies have shown that dogs can pick up on our tone of voice and body language. Still, they may not fully comprehend the meaning behind our words. If we could communicate with our dogs more effectively, we could build a stronger bond with them and share a more rewarding relationship.

4.) What do you dream about? Anyone who has spent quality time around dogs knows that they often dream. They may twitch, wag their tails, or make noises in their sleep, leading us to wonder what they're dreaming about. If our furry friends could tell us what they were dreaming about, we could gain more insight into their personalities and what makes them happy.

5.) Is there anything you would like me to do differently? Dogs can't speak, but they do communicate with us in various ways. They may bark, whine, or even nudge us with their noses to get our attention. If we could ask them if there was anything they would like us to do differently, we could create a more comfortable and enjoyable living environment for them. We could potentially identify things that are causing them stress or anxiety and make changes to alleviate those feelings when humanly possible.

6.) What is your favorite thing to do with me? As pet owners, we love to spend time with our dogs, but it's often hard to know what they enjoy most. If we could ask them what their favorite activity is, we could make sure to incorporate it into our daily routine and ensure that they're happy and fulfilled.

7.) What scares you the most? Many dogs have fears or phobias that can cause them anxiety and distress. If our dogs could tell us what scares them the most, we could work with them to overcome those fears or avoid situations that cause them stress.

8.) Do you like being around other dogs? Some dogs love being around other dogs, while others prefer to be alone or in the company of their human or humans. If our dogs could tell us how they feel about other dogs, we could make better decisions about when to socialize them, and when not to force them into social situations just because we’ve heard that ‘socializing dogs is good for them’ and we could also ensure that they're comfortable and safe. Some dogs are friendly with other dogs, some are friendly with new humans they meet, some are friendly with both other dogs and humans, and some not so friendly or accepting or trusting of either.

9.) What is your favorite toy? Most dogs have a favorite toy that they love to play with or carry around. If we could ask them what their favorite toy is, we could ensure that they always have access to it and potentially use it as a positive reinforcement reward for good behavior.

10.) What do you think about when you're alone? Many Dogs spend a lot of time by themselves, and it's intriguing to imagine what goes through their minds during those moments. If we could ask them what they think about when they're alone, we could gain more insight into their personalities and what makes each of them so unique.

11.) What do you think of me? As pet owners, we love our dogs unconditionally, but it's hard to know for sure how they feel about us. If we could ask them what they think of us, we could gain a better understanding of our relationship with them and potentially identify ways to strengthen that bond.

12.) Do you like to ride in the car? Taking our dogs with us on car rides is a common activity, but not all dogs enjoy it. If we could ask them if they like to ride in the car, we could make better decisions about when to take them with us and how to make the experience more comfortable for them.

13.) Where are some of your favorite places to go with me? Dogs love exploring new places, and it's always exciting to take them on new adventures. If we could ask them where their favorite places are, we could ensure that we're providing them with the most enjoyable experiences and potentially even discover new places that we may not have thought of before.

Having the ability to communicate with our dogs on a deeper level could lead to a more fulfilling relationship between us and our furry friends. It's exciting to imagine the possibilities of what we could learn from them if we could only ask and listen to what they are actually saying to us.

We will continue this Series in 13’s as we receive more contributions and as we ourselves write more on this intriguing subject; If You Could Ask Your Dog Anything And Have Them Answer, What Would it Be and Why?

Go to our ‘Guest Goddess’ Page and submit your article.

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