While there is no scientific evidence to suggest that dogs possess a psychic sixth sense, we believe that dogs do have remarkable sensory abilities and can detect things that humans may not be able to. They can detect certain scents or sounds and these abilities can be explained by their ‘highly acute senses’ although some ‘dog people’ might dispute that they indeed possess a sort of supernatural or psychic ability. * remember that anything defined as ‘not natural’ could be interpreted as being or having ‘SUPERnatural’ qualities or abilities.

It is possible that dogs are able to sense things that humans cannot due to their exceptional sense of smell and hearing, as well as their ability to pick up on subtle energy changes in body language and behavior. For example, dogs are often able to detect changes in their owner's mood or emotional state, which may be due to their ability to read facial expressions and body language. Everything is ‘energy’ and dogs are highly capable of being able to sense or ‘pick up on’ even the most ‘subtle’ changes in energy; especially in energies connected with/to themselves and their people and their immediate environment.

Take their sense of smell, for example. Dogs have up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, while humans only have around 6 million. This means that dogs can detect scents that are far beyond our range of detection, making them excellent at detecting things like drugs, explosives, and even certain medical conditions.

In addition to their sense of smell, dogs also have an incredible sense of hearing. They can detect sounds at much higher frequencies than we can, and can even pick up on sounds that are too faint for us to hear. This is why dogs are often used in search and rescue operations, as they can hear people calling for help from miles away. In fact, did you know that dogs hear 100 to 1000 times as loud as we humans do and as mentioned at MUCH higher ‘frequencies’ than we can? * this is often why they are crying or whining from things we take for granted like the sound of the blender, vacuum cleaner, hair dryer. It makes sense why they run away from super loud, sudden sounds like fireworks, a car backfiring, a nail gun or jackhammer on a construction site, or obviously from the sound of gunfire. Sometimes its not that they are ‘afraid’ of these sounds, but that they are ear-piercingly loud; therefore it is a ‘natural’ instinct of dogs to cry out and to try to ‘get way’ from that sound as quickly as possible. These ‘loud’ sudden noises are often the cause of why many dogs run away. In fact, the Fourth of July weekend is the time in the USA when the greatest number of both dogs and cats run away. They are trying to escape the sounds of all of those sudden, unfamiliar and ear-piercingly loud noises and they do not understand why their humans are partaking in such obviously offensive activities or why they are often being left alone.

To recap, dogs are incredibly perceptive when it comes to reading human behavior and body language. They can pick up on subtle cues like changes in tone of voice or body posture, and can often sense when their owners are feeling sad, anxious, or stressed.

So, while our dogs may seem to have a sixth sense at times, it's really their divinely amazing natural abilities that make them so special. So go ahead and give your pup a hug, a pet on the head, and a treat for being such a talented little sensory powerhouse!


Apple Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits-Vegan Recipe
