Apple Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits-Vegan Recipe

1 cup apple pulp or shredded apple (We juiced 3 apples)
1/2 cup peanut butter * Only use Organic Peanut ONLY Peanut Butter- NO Sugar or other oils added. Best to buy this at a Health Food Store.
3/4 cup brown rice flour (plus a little additional for kneading, rolling)
1 Flax or Chia egg

Core and juice 3 apples, reserving pulp. Combine apple pulp and peanut butter, then add egg and flour.

Knead into a ball and Roll flat with rolling pin or jar to about 1/2 inch thickness.

Cut with a Cookie Cutter or a Knife and place on uncreased cookie sheet

Bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

Cool completely then Store in an airtight container.

Either of these mixtures will have the Consistency of an Egg

To make a Flax Egg:

Combine One(1) Tablespoon of organic ground flaxseed meal

and Three(3) Tablespoons of Filtered Water and allow to sit for about 5 minutes.

To Make a Chia Egg:

Combine One (1) Tablespoon of Chia Seeds(Whole) with

Two and a Half (2.5) Tablespoons of Filtered Water

Whisk in bowl and allow to sit minimum of Five(5) minutes.

We used Granny Smith Apples, but you can use other varieties like Gala, Fuji, Honeycrisp.

All Ingredients are Organic

  • NEVER use any Core or Apple Seeds. Ever. These can seriously harm dogs.

  • Yes, use the skins; this is where many nutrients like Quercitin are. Quercitin of course is beneficial for both bone and heart health as well as protection against bad cholesterol.


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