Choosing The Right Puppy FOR You And Your LIfestyle

Group of Various Breeds of Puppies To Choose From For you, your family and your lifestyles

Choosing the right puppy for you, your family and your lifestyles is crucial to the well being and longevity of your new pup.   There are steps you are going to want to take in order to choose the best puppy for you and your family.

Follow the articles in this series.

*Please do your 'breed' research by going online, talking to trainers, pet sitters, reputable registered dog breeders, go visit and volunteer at shelters, and spend quality time hands-on with the breed(s) or mixed breed(s) you think you are considering before bringing a new puppy home.  Realize that not every breed fits every person or family.  You must remember that each breed was bred for specific tasks and temperaments, not just ‘looks’.   That cute, fluffy, exotic, energetic or yippy little darling puppy may not be right for you at this point in your life.                                                                                             As of this writing in November, 2022, there are over 200 recognized breeds and many mixtures thereof,  so you will find one that is right for you, just be patient.               Please also consider 'fostering' through a reputable breed rescue or shelter program first, and thoroughly understand that the life of this sentient being depends on your choices.  Puppies are loving, devoted friends and not disposable merchandise you can just throw away and go buy another one when you decide you don't like it anymore, or when some social media site tells you their breed is not ‘on trend’.  Speaking of social media, do not go out and buy a puppy just because they say it is a popular breed. Over a period of several years we have witnessed firsthand many puppies and dogs of all breeds; both purebred and mixed breed alike and of all ages, sizes and personalities become the hopeless victim of some human's selfish and or unwise choices.  Consider and be honest with yourself if you even have, or will be willing to make the quality and quantity of time necessary for a puppy or a dog.  They are a lot more time consuming and expensive than many people think.  If you’re ready for a puppy and the puppy is ready for you, trust us, you will be united with one another as the universe has a way of doing this.  We are not trying to dissuade you from welcoming a puppy in to your home. We are encouraging you to please make caring and wise choices, and enlist the help of qualified professionals like us for any questions or issues you may have or perceive to have encountered during this, or any phase of your dog's life.  Dog people like us are here to help you be your best for your dog.  You can do it.  Just don't get frustrated and always stay positive because dogs are extremely perceptive and can actually sense our emotions.

Young Dark Haired Girls Holding a Dachshund Puppy

PS-If you did just bring home a puppy; hopefully your breeder and or veterinarian told you, that just like human babies, puppies need to build up their immune levels and make sure they have had ALL of their necessary core vaccines up to the age of 16 weeks ‘before’ you go carting them around in public.  Especially do not take them to settings like dog parks or even public parks where there could possibly be sick humans or animals until that immunity is built up nice and strong.

*Our next article in Choosing The Right Puppy for You and Your Lifestyle Series will be about Purchasing the Correct Supplies to Welcome your New Puppy Home.

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*We don’t recommend wearing shoes like the pair in the above illustration. Wear sensible footwear.

There's something truly special about hitting the trails with a four-legged companion by your side. Dogs bring an unparalleled enthusiasm and unbounded joy for life to every adventure, and hiking with your faithful canine friend takes the experience to a whole new level. As you dive into the great outdoors, exploring rugged landscapes and immersing yourself in nature's beauty, the bond between you and your dog deepens, creating memories that will last a lifetime. So, lace up your boots, grab your backpack, doggie gear, and embark on an incredible journey of hiking with your dog!

Hiking with a dog offers a unique set of advantages and enriching experiences that differ from camping with a dog. While camping allows for a more extended period of immersion in nature, hiking offers a dynamic and ever-changing environment that stimulates both human and canine senses. The rhythmic sound of crunching leaves beneath your feet, the scents of wildflowers after a cleansing rain wafting through the air, and the breathtaking views that emerge at each summit—all these elements come together to create an exhilarating hiking experience for both you and your canine companion.

One of the most remarkable aspects of hiking with a dog is witnessing their infectious enthusiasm and zest for the outdoors.  We believe that simply being able to observe and witness the joyful expressions on their little faces is priceless. Dogs are natural explorers, constantly curious about their surroundings. As you traverse new terrains and conquer challenging trails, their excitement is obvious. They bound ahead, tails wagging, noses to the ground, and ears perked up, ready to uncover the secrets hidden within nature's embrace. Their seemingly tireless energy is contagious, infusing you with a renewed sense of adventure and pushing you to go further, climb higher, cleanse and clear your senses, and explore deeper than you ever thought possible for a day outing.

Hiking with your dog also offers countless opportunities for mutual growth and strengthening of your bond. Dogs are incredibly perceptive creatures, attuned to your emotions and body language. Through the shared experience of hiking, you develop a silent, almost telepathic  communication that transcends mere words. Your dog learns to trust your guidance, following your lead through challenging terrain and potentially dangerous situations. Likewise, you learn to rely on your dog's instincts, observing their behavior and adapting your own actions accordingly. We can’t even begin to tell you the many times that our dogs have shown us the safer way for various reasons unbeknownst to us at the time.  This harmonious collaboration fosters a deep sense of companionship and mutual understanding, strengthening the bond between you and your dog in a way that is truly remarkable.

While camping with a dog provides an immersive experience in nature, hiking offers a sense of accomplishment and exhilaration as you conquer each trail. With every step forward, you are challenged physically and mentally, pushing yourself to new limits. Your dog, ever faithful, serves as a source of motivation and encouragement, inspiring you to keep going, even when the trail becomes steep or arduous. Together, you celebrate each triumph, from conquering that seemingly insurmountable peak to crossing a stream.  These shared victories become the building blocks of a lifetime of cherished memories.

Additionally, hiking with a dog promotes health and wellness for both of you. The physical benefits are undeniable—hiking, like walking is an excellent form of exercise that keeps you and your dog active and fit. The varied terrain provides a natural obstacle course, engaging muscles and joints while boosting cardiovascular health. Beyond the physical, spending time in nature has a profound impact on both you and your pup’s mental well-being. The peaceful tranquility of the forest, the calming sounds of flowing water, and the fresh air invigorate the soul, reducing stress and restoring a sense of tranquility. We can’t imagine anyone better to share these healthful experiences with than your loyal canine companion.

Hiking with your dog is a truly transformative experience that immerses you both in the wonders of the natural world. The unique advantages it offers, compared to camping with a dog, include the dynamic and ever-changing environment, the infectious enthusiasm of your canine companion, the opportunity for mutual growth and bonding, the sense of accomplishment, and the promotion of health and wellness.  Not to mention that a hike is often more easily attainable as it is often closer to home than planning and going on a camping trip.

So, as we mentioned, whether you choose to camp with your dog or embark on a hiking adventure, both experiences hold their own charm and rewards. Camping allows for a deeper connection with nature, providing the opportunity to unwind, relax, and fully immerse yourself in the wilderness. It offers a slower pace, where you can savor the tranquil moments, build a campfire, and enjoy the simple pleasures of outdoor living. Your dog can join you in exploring the surroundings, sniffing out hidden treasures, and curling up beside you under the starlit sky. It is a time to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and allow in the beauty of nature, with your faithful companion by your side.

On the other hand, hiking ignites a sense of adventure and exploration, inviting you and your dog to conquer new trails, scale breathtaking peaks, and witness awe-inspiring vistas. It fuels your sense of curiosity, as you eagerly anticipate what lies beyond the next bend or over the next ridge. The physical exertion, coupled with the mental focus required, elevates the experience, leaving you with a profound sense of accomplishment and a newfound appreciation for your own resilience. The shared triumphs and challenges strengthen the bond between you and your dog, forging an unbreakable connection forged in the crucible of the great outdoors.

In the end, whether you opt for camping or hiking with your dog, what truly matters is the quality time spent together, away from the distractions of everyday life. These experiences offer a ‘break from routine’ and an opportunity to reconnect with nature and with your beloved companion. They provide a chance to appreciate the simple joys, find solace in the beauty of the natural world, and create lasting memories that will warm your heart for years to come.

*Don’t forget that whether you are going hiking or camping with your dog that it is pretty similar to having a human toddler or child along with you in the sense that you will need to remember to ‘pace’ yourself.  Even the most zealous adult dog will need rest and water breaks, maybe a treat break or two.  You will obviously need to bring along water for both of you, perhaps a snack for you, treats in a ziplock bag for your pup, just like you’d bring along snacks and water for your toddler/small child. * Please note-If you are bringing a puppy along, (any dog under the age of Three is technically considered a puppy) then remember that they are not fully developed physically, mentally, or emotionally.   Their little bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and paws cannot endure on long, strenuous, or vigorous hikes yet, and even though they may appear to be zealous about the adventure with you, dogs are very stoic animals and do not ever want us to see them in pain or appear as weak, just like their great wolf ancestors, as that would be sign for a predator to pounce.  So be prepared to start off on slow, easy, low grade hikes and shorter camping trips for them until they mature in all of these ways and get the hang of it. Speaking of wildlife, don’t forget to ‘leave them be’, be respectful, don’t litter, and pick up after yourself and your pup along the way. The natural environment belongs to the animals first that make and have made their homes there for eons. We humans came along much later and it’s up to us to learn how to be respectful and to ‘share’ this world ‘with’ them.

So, pack your tent and camping gear, or lace up your hiking boots and their protective dog boots too!—it’s time to embark on an adventure with your best canine friend.

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Main Chakras in Dogs

Illustrated Color Chart of Seven Main Chakras In Dogs

Illustrated Chart In Color Seven Main Chakras In Dogs

All Creatures Have Chakras

Humans, as well as our beloved animal friends all have these energy centers all over our bodies, and it is important that we learn how to keep them in balance as much as possible.

It is well known that we all have 7 active Primary Chakra centers, 21 Minor Chakras, and 6 Bud Chakras (4 paw pads in Dogs are akin to the 4 fingertips in humans, and the bud of skin at the opening of the ears is like on our own human ears. )

For purposes of basic illustration on this website, we have chosen the chart displaying the 7 Main Chakras in Dogs.

Ok, you may notice there are 11 color dots on the diagram, but as you can see by the chart; on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chakras- they apply on the anterior and posterior of the dog’s body, and we will explain this in a moment.

Just a little introduction to the chakras here for beginners and a recap for those of you who are already familiar with this subject.

Each chakra is associated with specific parts of the body, mind, spirit, and a color, and it is said that chakras are the openings for life energy to flow into and out of our auras.


IT IS LOCATED AT THE BASE OF THE SPINE/TAIL. In relation to the body, it deals with kidneys, bladder, vertebrae, bone marrow, hips, legs, back paws, colon, anus and tail.

In relation to the mind and the spirit it deals with grounding, excellent health, survival instincts, overall vitality, and well-being, and when out of balance your dog may exhibit anger, constipation, frustration, and survival fears.

To help keep your dog in proper balance it is a good idea to spend some time every day just sitting to get ‘grounded’ with your pup. Our girls also love to dance. All we have to do is say the word “Dance” and a huge smile emerges onto their little faces and up they go to dance!

SACRAL/SPLEEN CHAKRA IS ORANGE AND IS ASSOCIATED WITH THE ELEMENT OF WATER: IT IS LOCATED ON THEIR TUMMY JUST ABOVE THE SEX ORGANS. In relation to the body, it deals with genitals, pelvis, reproductive organs, stomach, small and large intestines, and the sacrum vertebrae.

In relation to the mind and spirit it deals with pleasure, desire, sexual energy, and creativity, and when out of balance your pup may experience lower back pain, uterine, prostate, or bladder problems, reproductive/sexual problems, possessiveness over toys, food, their humans, or other animal friends.

You might want to go on a calm walk around bodies of water, invent interesting new games to help stimulate their creativity levels; especially in the more intelligent and active breeds and a nice relaxing lower back massage is as great for dogs as it is for humans.


In the body it deals with the lumbar vertebra, the nervous system, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, stomach, and diaphragm, will power: not just for life in general, but in breeds like herding and working dogs this really shines through their determination to get a job done and please their humans. Dogs may exhibit what we refer to as that ‘happy pup face’, smiling and barking with pure joy when this Third Chakra is in balance.

When imbalanced, your pup may exhibit signs such as poor digestion and other food-related issues, lack of will, fear-based aggression, and other anger issues.

Since yellow is the color of the Sun: the source of all life on this planet, you may wish to spend time out in the sun with your pup just taking in its radiance and allowing it to restore your life force. Dogs also like to have their ‘puppy tummy’ gently rubbed, and herbs that help restore balance to the Solar Plexus are Organic Rosemary and Turmeric.


In relation to the body, it affects the heart, immune system, cells, blood circulation, thoracic vertebra, the chest, and lower lungs.

In relation to the mind and spirit, it obviously attributes to what animals are best at teaching us: and that is ‘the spirit of pure and unconditional love’, empathy, compassion, patience, tolerance, peacefulness, and the love of being with the pack or group of animals or humans that they feel most close to. Dogs are always trying to get us and or their animal friends to be as joyful about life as they are, and to join in the fun!

When a human’s or a dog’s heart chakra is imbalanced we may notice signs such as physical heart problems, anger stemming from what is actual or perceived as being ‘lack of love’ in our lives. This can cause one to become more aloof and withdrawn. The Same behavior patterns are exhibited in dogs.

To balance this chakra, you may wish to do as we do and seek out a place of ‘green’ in nature such as a park, open space, or hiking trail. You and your dog can reconnect with nature and what really makes your heart sing! Green can really inspire the feeling of Freedom and lightness of being.

Consuming greens such as kale, green beans, and parsley and placing crystals such as rose quartz, green calcite, green jade, and emeralds on or near the heart chakra are helpful in balancing it. One of our pups likes to wear a blue or green bandana. You might try this as well for an additional boost to balance the heart and throat chakras in your dog.


In relation to the body, it deals with the vocal chords, throat, upper esophagus, respiratory system, lungs, nose, forelegs, and paws.

When in balance, you will notice that the level of communication and expression with which you and your dog ‘speak’ to one another is almost effortless.

When this area becomes unbalanced you may notice that any of these bodily systems mentioned above may be adversely affected; such as getting something caught in the throat, hoarseness, or the dog may become frustrated with you not ‘understanding’ how she is trying to communicate with you through her voice.

As many of you know, animals LOVE music and soft voices; so singing to them and playing soothing, non-lyrical, relaxing music is received with great gratitude by all animals. We have several recommendations for music/music channels we can share with you. Just reach out and ask us.

One of our pups personally LOVES it when we place her favourite Aqua Aura crystal on or near her throat. She also has an affinity for blue kyanite, and turquoise, and her absolute favorite fruit is organic blueberries. Interestingly enough she is also an Australian Shepherd with a Blue Merle coat coloring! We’re pretty sure blue is her favourite color.


In the body it relates to the ears, nose, Left eye, base of the skull known as the occipital ridge, forehead, side of head, the nervous system, and the Left brain hemisphere; which of course is considered to be adept at tasks that involve language and reasoning.

Where mind and spirit are concerned, this chakra relates to the powers of intuition, concentration, imagination, and visualization.

We personally believe that this is one of the most heightened chakras in dogs or in any animal for that matter, because they have innate intuition, they ‘think in pictures’, and they have amazing powers of focus and concentration.

This Third Eye Chakra is the psychic center’, and if any creature is telepathic and psychic in response to their humans and the world around them it is the dog. As ‘man’s best friend’ dogs are super ‘in tune’ with us and with our vibrations, and they can ‘sense’ things way before most of us can. They are greatly affected by our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, so it is important for us to try to function at a higher vibrational level as well, and then the universe has no choice but to ‘match’ that vibration when it comes back to us. * Many of you know this as ‘ The Law of Attraction’ and others of you may know it as ‘simple physics’.

If this chakra becomes imbalanced you may notice signs such as a headache, lack of concentration, poor eyesight, and detachment, or maybe just a positive desire to go into a quiet place and reconnect through dreams.

To make sure that the Third Eye Chakra is balanced, our pups love ‘third eye kisses’; which of course stimulate the pineal gland, and they love the ethereal smell of the ‘essential oil’ of Frankincense massaged into this chakra area; especially at nap time or bedtime. Believe it or not they also enjoy hanging out with us as we meditate to music filled with isochronic tones and binaural beats, the Celtic harp, Andean Flute, Tibetan bowls, and ‘sounds of nature’ music, and they do their ‘stretches’ as we do our kundalini yoga and pilates.

Dogs are really connected to us humans on a day to day basis more than any other animal. One reason for this is because they have been with us for perhaps over 40,000 years now. Of course their great ancestor the Wolf is responsible for this, because it is they who were curious and social enough to choose to interact with humans in the first place. If it were not for the Wolf, we would not have any of our dog breeds that we have today. You have wolves to thank for this, so do your part to ensure that they are protected. * Horses and cats of course are right up there in closeness to humans, however, this article is about dogs.


Although the bodily areas it is associated with are the Right brain hemisphere, cranium, cerebral cortex, right eye, and right side of the face, it is most closely associated with being more of a spiritual chakra than any other type of chakra because it is filled with the attributions of wisdom, spirituality, collective consciousness, and inspiration.

If this chakra becomes imbalanced, you may notice signs such as depression, and a lack of interest in your dog in joining in the usual fun, or in being unsocial when she is usually the ‘social butterfly’ type of personality.

One of our pups will actually take the biggest clear quartz crystal or Angel Aura crystal we have off of our bed pillow and lie on it all nite as we sleep. She also is very fond of her Amethysts and Rainbow Fluorite crystals, and we know that whenever ‘we’ start off with them on ‘Our’ pillows or in the space between us and she ends up wth them, that she is instinctually trying to rebalance her Seventh Chakra( Crown Chakra). The best way to explain this is to say that it is the higher expression in all of us.

So, we hope that this gives you a bigger picture of The 7 Main Chakras and how each one relates to the overall holistic health and well balanced needs of your dog.

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Dogs: Spiritual Companions On Our Human Journey



Throughout history, perhaps going back over 40,000 years when dogs were wolves, dogs have held a special place in the hearts and lives of humans. Beyond being mere pets or loyal companions, dogs possess a unique and profound spirituality that resonates with our souls. Their unwavering loyalty, unconditional love, and divinely intuitive understanding make them invaluable partners on our earthly voyage. We will delve into the profound spiritual connection between dogs and humans, exploring the reasons behind their integration into our lives and their ability to touch our deepest souls.

The Essence of Unconditional Love: One of the most remarkable aspects of dogs is their innate ability to offer unwavering and unconditional love, for the very definition of love IS Unconditional isn’t it?  Regardless of our human flaws, mistakes, or insecurities, dogs accept us wholly and without judgment. Their love is pure, uninfluenced by any societal norms or expectations. This unconditional love resonates deeply within us, touching our very souls in ways that are sometimes difficult to express in mere words.  This love reminds us of our inherent worthiness and teaches us to love and accept ourselves and others without reservation. This spiritual connection enables dogs to become compassionate mirrors, reflecting the best parts of ourselves back to us. Honestly, there is no way one could be anything other than happy when in the presence of a dog, for this sense of joy, fun, love and happiness is their very essence.

Intuitive Companions: Dogs possess an extraordinary level of intuition that often surpasses our  human comprehension. They seem to possess an uncanny ability to sense and understand our emotions, anticipating our needs even before we can even articulate them ourselves. Their keen senses perceive the unspoken and the hidden, allowing them to provide comfort for us during times of distress and celebrate our joys with boundless enthusiasm. Their intuition acts as a guiding light, leading us towards emotional healing and spiritual growth. In their presence, we find solace and comfort, knowing that someone truly comprehends us at the deepest soul level.

Guardians of Our Well-Being: Beyond their emotional support, dogs also play a vital role as guardians of our well-being on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.  They can detect impending danger, alert us to hazards, sense and smell human feelings and emotions, and provide us with a sense of security and protection. In this capacity, dogs embody a spiritual connection as our earthly protectors, guiding and shielding us from harm as we navigate this 3D realm.  Their loyalty, courage, and bravery remind us that we are not alone.  This bond fosters a profound sense of trust and spiritual kinship between humans and dogs.

Dogs, with their inherent spirituality, touch our lives in profound ways. They embody the qualities of unconditional love, intuitive understanding, and steadfast devotion and loyalty, guiding us on our spiritual journey. Through their companionship, they offer solace, healing, and joy, reminding us of our interconnectedness with all living beings. Dogs integrate seamlessly into human lives, not merely as pets, but as spiritual beings who help us discover our true selves. As we open our hearts to their love, we embark on a shared spiritual adventure, finding solace, growth, and fulfillment in their unwavering presence.

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LIFESTYLE The Dog Goddess LIFESTYLE The Dog Goddess

Choosing The Right Age of Dog For You and Your Lifestyle

Mature Active Couple Walking On Beach With Older Golden Retriever Dog

It’s Fall now and that means its getting cooler faster and many people are preparing for the upcoming Winter months where pretty much no matter where you are, it will be getting a bit cooler than normal very soon.  Many of you are considering adding a dog, maybe a new puppy to your life to keep you company and this is great!

We’d like to talk to you about considering adding the right ‘age’ of a dog to your family though.

The right ‘age’ you say?… yes… the right age of dog can be just as important as selecting the right breed of dog for you, your family, and your lifestyles if you want to not just add a whole lotta fun and love to your lives, but peace and harmony as well.

Puppies are cute and fun yes, but they are ‘baby’ animals and babies of any species require a lot more time and constant attention and supervision than an adult version of any of us; human or animal.

Be honest with yourself and consider if you even have the quality and quantity of time in the first place to bring another sentient being, which you will have full responsibility of caring for, into your household.  Puppies are an around the clock full time responsibility to care for, supervise, protect, train, and love.

Yes, an adult dog requires these qualities from you as well, but not to the degree that a baby does.  Unlike a human baby that can wear diapers until you can change them, puppies will require you to take them out multiple times; both day and nite to relieve themselves, and for you to clean and pick up after them.  Sometimes this will mean in the middle of the nite.  Sometimes this will mean in weather conditions you and the pup may not be too keen on going out in.  You can’t make puppies ‘hold it’ when they have to go out, they have to go out because they have developing bodily systems and their control is not the same as an older, mature dog until those systems have matured and developed.

Miniature American Eskimo Puppy Playing and Teething With Various Types And Textures Of Toys

Puppies, just like any of us animals will go through conditions like ‘teething’ and with teething they will be in some degrees of pain and discomfort and will instinctively try to soothe themselves.  Just like some children, they may do this by crying, whining, putting an item such as a blanket or toy in their mouths.  Maybe it will be one of your shoes.  Let’s hope not, but you must have several different types and textures of toys available to them and of course you must have an incredible amount of love and patience to give them, and always remember that their needs come first, not yours.  * Yes, we do know that you must ‘take care’ of your self first or you will not be able to take care of others. We are not dis-advocating ‘Self-Care’. What we are saying is that Puppies, just like all babies are pretty much constantly hungry, tired, and exploring their new world, so you will be feeding them multiple times a day/nite, taking them out to relieve themselves, making sure they have a clean, quiet, safe place to sleep in, and all the while you will be training them with positive reinforcement for their desired behaviors, as well as deterring them from potential accidents and destructive behaviors.

Please consider adopting an older, more mature dog into your family if you are honestly not up for all a puppy requires. Much of the time older dogs have had some basic obedience training and are usually housebroken as well.


Older dogs can ‘learn new tricks’, so to speak.  Dogs are eager to learn in positive ways, and there is a reason the phrase ‘man’s best friend’ was coined in the first place, because they are so much like us.  They want to do things.  They want to keep body, mind, and spirit active and healthy, just like humans do and they wish to spend it with us; in the company of someone who loves to be with them sharing those activities.

Yes, puppies can and will want to learn these things, but an older, more mature dog will as we mentioned, most likely already be completely potty trained, will have some or all basic obedience commands learned such as ‘Sit’, ‘Stay’, ‘Come’, ‘Down’, ‘Stop’, they will most likely have already learned how to walk nicely on a leash with you.  An older dog most likely will not have such high energy that you feel as though you can’t keep up with her demands, yet have enough energy to still go places and do things with you at your own pace.

Also, don’t feel like an older dog won’t ‘bond’ as closely with you as a puppy would, because that is just not true.  ALL ages of dogs are just like all the different ages of people.  We all want to belong, be secure, and feel love and acceptance and feel worthy.

First, do your ‘breed research’ , then consider what ‘age’ of dog will fit you and your lifestyle as well,  and of course you may [CONSULT US ] for any guidance and help in making your decision. There are thousands of “Breed Rescue’ Groups for pretty much every dog breed and many of the new hybrid breeds as well. There are also thousands of Local, County, Regional, and State run Animal Shelters and Rescue Organizations and believe it or not, we can tell you for Certain that you can OFTEN find more Pure Breed dogs in these places than you can mixed breeds. Why?…. Simple- Humans did NOT do their ‘Breed Research’ , visit rescue groups, ‘breed’ rescue groups, shelters, volunteer, ask friends, neighbors and people they saw at the park with the dog they ‘thought’ they wanted BEFORE they ran right out and bought or adopted the dog/puppy. Then they got home and were overwhelmed and under prepared. * Remember- EVERY puppy/dog is ‘cute and ‘sweet’ and ‘loving’- but every dog was NOT bred to be and do ALL of the same things. If you give yourself a chance, do an Internet search and attend some Dog Shows and SEE for yourself what it takes for each dog breed to be their best, what they are bred for, and so on.

* As of today’s writing, there are now over 200 ‘Recognized’ by the AKC (American Kennel Club) Breeds of Dogs and MANY more mixed breeds too! Trust us when we say, if you do the research, you will find that there is the right one for you. * We Encourage you to Take the time to do this so that more puppies and dogs, pure breeds and mixed breeds alike do not end up in a shelter, where more often than not they will be sleeping on a cold hard floor, sometimes an elevated mesh type bed, they will NOT have their normal food, toys, treats, interactions with you and their animal family and friends, they will most likely not be adopted in time, and their ONLY reason for being killed (euthanized) is generally because the shelter does not have room for them.

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Well, anyone familiar with canines and canine nutrition ‘should’ tell you that the Top Superfoods for Dogs are going to include a QUALITY Sourced Lean Protein as the Number One choice, and this protein source should also include the top ORGAN meats; Heart and Liver

Some obvious choices would be Grass Fed Beef from a reliable, trustworthy source.  Lean Ground Turkey 93% - 97%, Lean Ground Chicken Breast 93%-97% and Wild Caught Salmon are also great choices for Lean Protein. Preferably this source should be local or at least regional, and from a smaller more conscious, conscientious supplier rather than feedlot mass produced and from way outside of your own geographical area. * Unless you know and trust the ‘source’ personally, always try to go with local when it comes to food sources, just like you would for yourself and the rest of your family.  After all, dogs are our family members too and just like us, we want them to have the best possible food and nutritional sources.

Next should come QUALITY VEGETABLES rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and abounding in good beneficial fiber.

These would include vegetables such as:

1.) Sweet Potatoes; which of course have loads of Vitamin A for healthy eyes and which are known to be good for the waistline, just like they are for humans. Rich in vitamins C, and B6, as well as fiber and potassium, Sweet Potatoes can help regulate digestion and promote a healthy immune system. * when selecting root vegetables, try to obtain organic if at all possible as root veggies are some of the most highly sprayed with nasty chemicals like herbicides, pesticides, fungicides; including glyphosate.

2.) Pumpkin is another great vegetable which in addition to being full of fiber and antioxidants is dual purpose for a dog or a human who has issues with digestion.  It has the ability to help counteract both constipation and diarrhea and it knows what to do in either case all on its own.

We would highly recommend and advise to always keep a can or two of organic pumpkin in your kitchen pantry. * NOTE* DO NOT buy the kind with any spices, like for pumpkin pie. Only buy the one with pumpkin as the single ingredient. * Dogs are allergic to many spices and some can prove very harmful or fatal if ingested. Amazon Brand Happy Belly Canned Pumpkin .

3.) Broccoli of course is great for dogs just as it is for humans as it has sulfuric compounds. This cruciferous vegetable is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as fiber and antioxidants. It can help support your dog's immune system, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy digestion. We would advise going easy with adding broccoli to your dog’s nutrition because since it is a cruciferous veggie with sulfuric compounds, it can cause gas and flatulence, just as it can in humans if you don’t take it slow.

4.) Spinach: This leafy green vegetable is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as iron and antioxidants. It can help promote healthy bones, teeth, and skin, and reduce inflammation.

5.) Kale: Rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as calcium and iron, kale can help promote healthy bones and teeth, support digestion, and reduce inflammation.

FRUITS such as:

6.) BLUEBERRIES would be one of the Top Superfoods for Dogs, just like they are for us humans and for the same reasons.  These are a great source of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins C and K. Blueberries can help boost your dog's immune system, improve cognitive function, and promote a healthy digestion.

If your dog has no sensitivities or allergies to fish, then fish like

7.) Salmon; preferably wild caught since their nutritional value is far superior to that of farm raised and the wild caught salmon is also higher in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon can help improve your dog's skin and coat health, reduce inflammation, and support brain and eye development. * Don’t buy the ‘smoked’ version or any version with additives.

Sardines can be a healthy addition to a dog's diet when fed in moderation. Sardines are a type of oily fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have several potential health benefits for dogs. Omega-3s can help support healthy skin and coat, promote joint health, and support cardiovascular health.

In addition to their omega-3 content, sardines are also a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, including vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus. However, it's important to feed sardines in moderation, as they are also high in calories and can lead to weight gain if fed excessively.

When feeding sardines to your dog, it's best to choose fresh, canned, or frozen Wild Caught sardines that are free from added salt, seasonings, or sauces. You can feed sardines as a treat or mix them in with your dog's regular food.  We like to choose only ONE (1) sardine fresh or canned in spring water and smash and mix it in with our pup’s food and do this maybe only once or twice per week.* We’re not a paid affiliate, but we love the Wild Caught Sardines in Water from Trader Joe’s. They’re good quality and priced right.

As with any new food, it's best to introduce sardines gradually and monitor your dog for any adverse reactions.  See our Journal Article : How to Transition Your Dog To a New Food for more information.

8.) Turmeric: This spice contains curcumin, an active compound that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Turmeric can help reduce joint pain, improve digestion, and boost your dog's immune system.

GO easy when adding this spice to your dog’s food and do it in very small amounts as ‘a little goes a long way.’ For example: 1/4 teaspoon per day to start.

9.)  Chia Seeds: These seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. They can help support healthy digestion and promote healthy skin and coat. * Try sprinkling seeds over wet dog food (or adding it to water, yogurt or kefir if you feed dry food)

Ratio is: One teaspoon to 40 pounds of your dog’s weight. So, if your dog weighs:

  • 10 pounds = 1/4 teaspoon chia seeds

  • 20 pounds = 1/2 teaspoon chia seeds

  • 30 pounds = 3/4 teaspoon chia seeds

  • 40 pounds = 1 teaspoon chia seeds

We suggest that you divide this up during the day into more than one meal or treat/snack. * Do not feed Chia seeds dry because they are very absorbent and will ‘expand’ when wet; including inside of your/your dog’s digestive tract. * Always feed Chia Seeds either soaked before feeding OR mixed into wet foods.

10.) Flaxseed: Similar to chia seeds, flaxseeds are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. They can help support healthy digestion and promote healthy skin and coat.

  • We suggest that you buy them WHOLE and grind them up as needed for easier mixing and digestion. We love, use, and recommend either of these two brands: Terrasoul

    Anthony’s Organic

11.) Carrots: Rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as fiber, carrots can help support healthy vision, promote healthy skin and coat, and support healthy digestion.

12.) Beets: These root vegetables are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and essential minerals like potassium and iron. They can help support healthy digestion, promote healthy blood circulation, and support healthy liver function. When whole organic beets are not in season or unavailable, we keep this in the pantry: Anthony's Organic Beet Root Juice Powder, 1 lb, Gluten Free, Non GMO, Vegan Friendly . We recommend Beet Root powder be added dry or mixed with water to your dog's food. * The dosage depends on your dog's weight and individual nutrition plan. As a guide, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Small dog breeds: 1 level teaspoon daily

  • Medium dog breeds: 0.5 tablespoons daily

  • Large breeds: 1 tablespoon daily

10 g of beet powder is equivalent to about 100 g of fresh beet. You should increase the dosage slowly and observe your dog's tolerance.

13.) Parsnips: Similar to carrots, parsnips are rich in vitamins C and K, as well as fiber. They can help support healthy digestion and promote healthy skin and coat.

  • When choosing Root vegetables it is highly advised that you choose Organic over Conventionally grown produce as Root vegetables are one of the vegetables that are most sprayed with toxins like glyphosate, and other things like herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides and no one wants anything with ‘icide’ in their food.

A.G.E.'s Advanced Glycation Products- are another important subject altogether that needs to be brought to light and discussed when it comes to Canine Nutrition and commercial pet foods in general.  We have an entire article in our Journal for you on this.

14.) Ginger root can be good for dogs in small amounts, as it has several potential health benefits. Ginger root contains compounds called gingerols and shgaols, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This means that ginger may help reduce inflammation and support healthy immune function in dogs. In addition, ginger has been known to help alleviate nausea and vomiting in dogs, making it a popular natural remedy for motion sickness, car sickness, and other types of stomach upset. However, it's important to note that ginger should not be given to dogs in large amounts, as it can cause digestive upset and other side effects. We would recommend consulting with your Holistic Veterinarian on the type and dosage.

As with any new food or supplement, it's best to consult with your veterinarian before giving ginger to your dog.

We like these two Trustworthy brands of Organic Ginger Root Powder: Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Ginger Powder, 1 Lb - Lab-Tested | Raw | Potent Spicy Flavor Micro Ingredients Organic Ginger Powder, 2 lbs/32 ounces, .

15.) Dandelion Greens: the stem and leaf parts of the plant — are a natural source of vitamins A, C, K, D, and B. In addition, they have minerals like calcium, potassium, and prebiotics like inulin. Dandelion Greens are especially adept at supporting digestion.

16.) Cranberries: Often known as a natural supplement for supporting urinary health, cranberries have many additional benefits. They are a natural source of vitamins C, E, and K. Also, like blueberries, they are low in calories and fats, but high in fiber and antioxidants.

With so many nutrients, cranberries for dogs can be a good addition to complement their diet. However, you should not feed your dog raw cranberries, because dogs have a difficult time digesting them. Instead, you can find cranberry supplements like Dr. Mercola’s Bladder Support or pick up some healthy treats with cranberries as an ingredient like the treats from Honest Kitchen to share this superfood with your pup. We do include Dried cranberries for our dogs, however, it is incredibly important to buy the Organic and Unsweetened, NO SUGAR added .

*There are also Several Essential Vitamins and Minerals Dogs need on a daily basis just like we humans do and there are some Adaptogens that would be considered Superfoods and beneficial to dogs.

*We have Separate Journal Articles on these subjects below for you to read and learn about since the list and information is much to extensive to include it all here under ‘TOP SUPERFOODS FOR DOGS.’

Recommended Daily Amounts of Essential Vitamins and Minerals for Dogs

Which Adaptogens are Most Beneficial to Dogs and Why?

Are Certain Species of Mushrooms like Lion's Mane and Turkey Tail Beneficial for Dog’s Nutrition?

A.G.E.'s Advanced Glycation Products- are another important subject altogether that needs to be brought to light and discussed when it comes to Canine Nutrition and commercial pet foods in general.

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What Do Pet Sitters Do?

Young Woman Sitting On Floor Introducing Border Collie Puppy To A New Fun Toy

Lately we have received several inquiries as to what do pet sitters do, how much do they charge, I know that they are ‘service professionals’ so am I supposed to be tipping my pet sitter?, and other questions like these.

This will be the first article in a ‘series’ of articles about Pet Sitters; although we did post an article during the Holidays entitled,  “Tipping Your Petsitter During The Holidays”.

So, you may ask, ” What do pet sitters do? ” Well, for one thing, most of them don’t sit around all day eating bon-bons and watching t.v. because pet sitting, just like babysitting is a busy, active, and oftentimes demanding job.

Pet sitting is not just an occupation, it is a profession that is built upon trust, dependability, integrity, and a deep love of all animals.  These are qualities that you should possess yourself, and look for when choosing to hire a professional pet sitter for your precious pet family members.

Pet Sitters do so much more than provide food and water for your beloved pets while you are away.  They do many different ‘jobs’ while working as a pet sitter.

Pet Sitters spend ‘quality’ time with the pets, and in addition to providing them the basics of food and water while you are away, they also give them love and attention, they clean up pet waste and any other little ‘accidents’ like vomiting, etc. Some pet sitters may administer necessary medications and serve, or prepare and serve special diets and treats for your beloved pets.  Pet Sitters provide your pets with healthy exercise, conversation, petting and playtime, listening to ambient music with them; all of which make for a healthier, happier, much more socialized dog.  Some pet sitters also provide training and may teach your dogs helpful skills which will improve their behavior, and some also teach your pets fun new games and tricks.

Most dogs do not want to be left all alone because as most of you know, dogs are pack animals and they naturally crave the closeness and security and safety feelings they receive when they are members of their pack. The right pet sitter can help you and your dog to go a long way, as dogs are very social creatures and it is in their very nature from the time that they were once wolves and vital members of their ‘pack’, for them to want to be with us.  We humans along with other canine members of our households are their pack now. A pet sitter can help your dog to become more social with you, with other animals, and with other people, and to become less anxiety-ridden.   This will help see that your dog is the kind of dog that gets invited to your friend’s and relative’s homes and you are not asked to ‘please leave your dog at home because he’s a bit too rowdy, mannerless, or fearful to come over to our house.’

Many pet sitters also take care of your treasured home while you are away; making it look ‘lived’ in and ‘busy as usual’ to the outside world.  They bring in your newspapers, get your mail, keep your lights on and off and your shades drawn at strategic and sensible times of the day and nite to deter unwanted guests as well as potential vandals.  They water your plants and maybe your lawn, deal with your regularly scheduled contractors such as your pool man, gardener, delivery services, and other service professionals while you are away at work, out and about, or on vacation.  Most pet sitters tend to your pets on as close to your daily schedule as humanly possible too.  Many pet sitters bundle all of their services and they do all of these jobs we just mentioned, however, some separate them and charge ‘a la carte’ for the side services they provide for you such as: watching your home, getting your mail, dealing with your other service professionals, etc.

Of course it goes without saying that ‘Training’ is a professional service that would be billed separately.  Either way, pet sitters deserve the utmost appreciation and respect for the selfless work that they do because they are watching and caring for your beloved pets.  Although your home and your mail may be important, your pets are your priceless family members.

The bottom line is that your pet gets to stay in the environment she knows best and have her regular routine, and you get to go about your plans with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your beloved pet is safe and cared for by a professional, and that your home is being watched over by someone of integrity.  A Big plus in hiring a ‘professional’ is that you don’t have to impose on your neighbors or relatives to do a job or jobs that they may not have the time, skill set, experience or patience to deal with; and that they may not have the heart to tell you that they don’t.

Pet sitters are highly respected service providers who often work seven days per week, all year long; some, like nannies for humans, are live-ins, and some even travel long distances for these assignments, and as service providers; just like your hair stylist, gardener, pool man, restaurant server, massage therapist, etc. although it is not required it is certainly appropriate to tip them for their services.

Today’s acceptable tip rate for most service professionals is typically 20-30% of the total services rendered.

Tips don’t always have to come in the form of ‘money’.  Gift Cards, or in some cases a barter might be a suitable arrangement.

We hope that this answers some of your questions about “What does a Pet Sitter do?”

*Always remember to be grateful and remain in the ‘giving’ spirit all year long.  You don’t have to wait for a holiday.   You might just surprise someone and really make their day by honoring the Universal Law of both giving and receiving with acceptance and gratitude.

~Peace, Love, Light, and Abundance to You and Yours

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How To Find A Reputable Trustworthy Veterinarian

How To Find A Reputable Trustworthy Veterinarian. African American Male Veterinarian Giving Exam To Bichon Frise Poodle Mix Dog.

Pets, including our beloved dogs are considered as family members, and their ‘health and well-being’  is of utmost importance to their pet parent owners. Just like humans, pets also need both routine and sometimes emergency medical care and attention. For this reason, finding a reputable and trustworthy veterinarian is crucial to ensure that your pet is in good hands. In this journal article, we will discuss How to Find a Reputable and Trustworthy Veterinarian.

Your First Step in finding a good veterinarian is to ask for recommendations from friends, family, caring neighbors, and other pet parents/ pet owners. People who have dogs of their own and who value and love them as you do are likely to have experience with veterinarians in the area and can provide valuable feedback. *It is important to Ask specific questions about their experiences, such as how the veterinarian and staff communicated with them, the quality of care their pets received, and whether they felt their concerns were adequately addressed. Some people are only concerned with the quality of medical care the veterinarians provide to their pets, and some are concerned with ‘the way’ the veterinarian and their staff actually ‘communicate’ with both them and with their pets, and some are concerned with all three. Also, over the years of having and watching over a multitude of pets, we have found that some veterinarians are very skilled at ‘what they DO’ and some have a superior ‘bedside manner’ and the rare combination is that they are skilled at both.  Ideally, you will want to find a veterinarian and staff that matches what you are looking for in terms of care and quality of communication for your pet. Another thing we have found is important in choosing a reputable and trustworthy veterinarian for your pooch is that you ask if they have BOTH Female as Well as Male veterinarians in the office and the same holds true for Veterinary Assistants. Why do we say this? Well, because just like humans, many if not most dogs are more ‘comfortable’ in the presence of either a Male or a Female human, and often this is the case when dealing with ‘shelter’ or ‘rescue’ dogs because many of them have come from situations where they were traumatized and just like humans, dogs have very sharp memories, and even though they are not verbally able to communicate it to us in a human language, that they may have been abused by one gender or the other, or they simply have a ‘preference’ for one over the other. You will of course ‘learn’ to read your dog’s body language and determine if this could possibly be the case with your pup, and consider the fact that a visit to a doctor’s office- in this case, a veterinarian’s office is not usually something a pet looks forward to anyway so you are going to want make this as comfortable and stress-free experience if possible.

Another useful resource is online reviews.  Many veterinary clinics have reviews posted on their own websites or on popular review platforms like Google, Yelp, and Facebook. While it's important to read both positive and negative reviews, it's important to keep in mind that not all reviews are genuine or accurate. Therefore, it's important to look for patterns in the reviews and read several reviews before making a decision.

After gathering recommendations and reading reviews, it's important to ‘Research the Veterinarians on your shortlist.’   It is very important to: Check their qualifications and credentials, such as their education and any additional training they may have completed. You can also check whether they are members of professional organizations like the:

American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA.ORG )

Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC.ORG )

  American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association ( AHVMA.ORG )

Traditional Chines Veterinary Medicine ( TCVM.ORG )

Independent Veterinary Practitioners Association (IVPA.ORG )

*These organizations have strict codes of ethics that members must follow, which can give you peace of mind that you are working with a reputable veterinarian.

When visiting a veterinary clinic, take note of the overall cleanliness and organization of the facility. A clean and organized clinic can indicate that the veterinarian and staff take pride in their work and are dedicated to providing quality care. Additionally, observe how the veterinarian interacts with pets and their owners. A good veterinarian should have a calm and gentle demeanor and be able to communicate effectively with pet owners.

Lastly, it's important to consider the cost of veterinary care. While cost should not be the only factor in your decision-making process, it is important to find a veterinarian who offers ‘transparent and reasonable pricing.’  You can ask for an *estimate of the cost of common services like vaccinations or spaying/neutering to get an idea of their pricing structure.

Finding a reputable and trustworthy veterinarian takes your concerted time and effort, but it is worth it to ensure that your pet is receiving quality care. By following these steps above, you can find a veterinarian who will provide excellent care for your beloved pup.

The similarities and the differences between Allopathic Veterinarians, Holistic Veterinarians and Integrative Veterinarians are as follows: Allopathic veterinarians, holistic veterinarians, and integrative veterinarians all work to provide medical care to animals. However, they approach veterinary medicine from different perspectives and may use different methods and treatments.

Allopathic veterinarians, also known as conventional or Western veterinarians, typically use drugs, surgery, and other conventional methods to treat animals. They focus on diagnosing and treating specific diseases or conditions using evidence-based medicine.  Usually through the use of pharmaceutical prescription medications.  They may also use diagnostic tests like blood work, radiography, and ultrasound to aid in diagnosis and treatment.

Holistic veterinarians, on the other hand, take a more holistic approach to veterinary medicine, focusing on treating the whole animal rather than just specific symptoms or diseases. They may use alternative therapies like: acupuncture, chiropractic care, herbal medicine, and homeopathy to promote healing and restore balance to the animal's body. Holistic veterinarians may also consider environmental and nutritional factors in their treatment plans.

Integrative veterinarians combine both conventional and holistic approaches to veterinary medicine. They may use conventional methods like drugs and surgery when appropriate, but also incorporate alternative therapies to support the animal's overall health and well-being. Integrative veterinarians may use therapies like acupuncture, herbal medicine, and nutritional supplements in conjunction with conventional treatments to achieve the best possible outcomes for their patients.

In terms of similarities, all three types of veterinarians are trained professionals who are committed to providing the best possible care to animals. They also work to prevent and treat disease and injury in animals.

The main difference between allopathic, holistic, and integrative veterinarians is their approach to veterinary medicine.

Allopathic veterinarians focus on conventional methods of treatment

Holistic veterinarians use alternative therapies to promote healing and balance in the body

Integrative veterinarians combine both approaches to provide comprehensive care to their animal patients.

Emergency veterinarian should ideally be a combination of all of these and be close in proximity to your geographic location

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