What Do Pet Sitters Do?

Lately we have received several inquiries as to what do pet sitters do, how much do they charge, I know that they are ‘service professionals’ so am I supposed to be tipping my pet sitter?, and other questions like these.

This will be the first article in a ‘series’ of articles about Pet Sitters; although we did post an article during the Holidays entitled,  “Tipping Your Petsitter During The Holidays”.

So, you may ask, ” What do pet sitters do? ” Well, for one thing, most of them don’t sit around all day eating bon-bons and watching t.v. because pet sitting, just like babysitting is a busy, active, and oftentimes demanding job.

Pet sitting is not just an occupation, it is a profession that is built upon trust, dependability, integrity, and a deep love of all animals.  These are qualities that you should possess yourself, and look for when choosing to hire a professional pet sitter for your precious pet family members.

Pet Sitters do so much more than provide food and water for your beloved pets while you are away.  They do many different ‘jobs’ while working as a pet sitter.

Pet Sitters spend ‘quality’ time with the pets, and in addition to providing them the basics of food and water while you are away, they also give them love and attention, they clean up pet waste and any other little ‘accidents’ like vomiting, etc. Some pet sitters may administer necessary medications and serve, or prepare and serve special diets and treats for your beloved pets.  Pet Sitters provide your pets with healthy exercise, conversation, petting and playtime, listening to ambient music with them; all of which make for a healthier, happier, much more socialized dog.  Some pet sitters also provide training and may teach your dogs helpful skills which will improve their behavior, and some also teach your pets fun new games and tricks.

Most dogs do not want to be left all alone because as most of you know, dogs are pack animals and they naturally crave the closeness and security and safety feelings they receive when they are members of their pack. The right pet sitter can help you and your dog to go a long way, as dogs are very social creatures and it is in their very nature from the time that they were once wolves and vital members of their ‘pack’, for them to want to be with us.  We humans along with other canine members of our households are their pack now. A pet sitter can help your dog to become more social with you, with other animals, and with other people, and to become less anxiety-ridden.   This will help see that your dog is the kind of dog that gets invited to your friend’s and relative’s homes and you are not asked to ‘please leave your dog at home because he’s a bit too rowdy, mannerless, or fearful to come over to our house.’

Many pet sitters also take care of your treasured home while you are away; making it look ‘lived’ in and ‘busy as usual’ to the outside world.  They bring in your newspapers, get your mail, keep your lights on and off and your shades drawn at strategic and sensible times of the day and nite to deter unwanted guests as well as potential vandals.  They water your plants and maybe your lawn, deal with your regularly scheduled contractors such as your pool man, gardener, delivery services, and other service professionals while you are away at work, out and about, or on vacation.  Most pet sitters tend to your pets on as close to your daily schedule as humanly possible too.  Many pet sitters bundle all of their services and they do all of these jobs we just mentioned, however, some separate them and charge ‘a la carte’ for the side services they provide for you such as: watching your home, getting your mail, dealing with your other service professionals, etc.

Of course it goes without saying that ‘Training’ is a professional service that would be billed separately.  Either way, pet sitters deserve the utmost appreciation and respect for the selfless work that they do because they are watching and caring for your beloved pets.  Although your home and your mail may be important, your pets are your priceless family members.

The bottom line is that your pet gets to stay in the environment she knows best and have her regular routine, and you get to go about your plans with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your beloved pet is safe and cared for by a professional, and that your home is being watched over by someone of integrity.  A Big plus in hiring a ‘professional’ is that you don’t have to impose on your neighbors or relatives to do a job or jobs that they may not have the time, skill set, experience or patience to deal with; and that they may not have the heart to tell you that they don’t.

Pet sitters are highly respected service providers who often work seven days per week, all year long; some, like nannies for humans, are live-ins, and some even travel long distances for these assignments, and as service providers; just like your hair stylist, gardener, pool man, restaurant server, massage therapist, etc. although it is not required it is certainly appropriate to tip them for their services.

Today’s acceptable tip rate for most service professionals is typically 20-30% of the total services rendered.

Tips don’t always have to come in the form of ‘money’.  Gift Cards, or in some cases a barter might be a suitable arrangement.

We hope that this answers some of your questions about “What does a Pet Sitter do?”

*Always remember to be grateful and remain in the ‘giving’ spirit all year long.  You don’t have to wait for a holiday.   You might just surprise someone and really make their day by honoring the Universal Law of both giving and receiving with acceptance and gratitude.

~Peace, Love, Light, and Abundance to You and Yours




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