Well, anyone familiar with canines and canine nutrition ‘should’ tell you that the Top Superfoods for Dogs are going to include a QUALITY Sourced Lean Protein as the Number One choice, and this protein source should also include the top ORGAN meats; Heart and Liver

Some obvious choices would be Grass Fed Beef from a reliable, trustworthy source.  Lean Ground Turkey 93% - 97%, Lean Ground Chicken Breast 93%-97% and Wild Caught Salmon are also great choices for Lean Protein. Preferably this source should be local or at least regional, and from a smaller more conscious, conscientious supplier rather than feedlot mass produced and from way outside of your own geographical area. * Unless you know and trust the ‘source’ personally, always try to go with local when it comes to food sources, just like you would for yourself and the rest of your family.  After all, dogs are our family members too and just like us, we want them to have the best possible food and nutritional sources.

Next should come QUALITY VEGETABLES rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and abounding in good beneficial fiber.

These would include vegetables such as:

1.) Sweet Potatoes; which of course have loads of Vitamin A for healthy eyes and which are known to be good for the waistline, just like they are for humans. Rich in vitamins C, and B6, as well as fiber and potassium, Sweet Potatoes can help regulate digestion and promote a healthy immune system. * when selecting root vegetables, try to obtain organic if at all possible as root veggies are some of the most highly sprayed with nasty chemicals like herbicides, pesticides, fungicides; including glyphosate.

2.) Pumpkin is another great vegetable which in addition to being full of fiber and antioxidants is dual purpose for a dog or a human who has issues with digestion.  It has the ability to help counteract both constipation and diarrhea and it knows what to do in either case all on its own.

We would highly recommend and advise to always keep a can or two of organic pumpkin in your kitchen pantry. * NOTE* DO NOT buy the kind with any spices, like for pumpkin pie. Only buy the one with pumpkin as the single ingredient. * Dogs are allergic to many spices and some can prove very harmful or fatal if ingested. Amazon Brand Happy Belly Canned Pumpkin https://a.co/d/8AymGR1 .

3.) Broccoli of course is great for dogs just as it is for humans as it has sulfuric compounds. This cruciferous vegetable is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as fiber and antioxidants. It can help support your dog's immune system, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy digestion. We would advise going easy with adding broccoli to your dog’s nutrition because since it is a cruciferous veggie with sulfuric compounds, it can cause gas and flatulence, just as it can in humans if you don’t take it slow.

4.) Spinach: This leafy green vegetable is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as iron and antioxidants. It can help promote healthy bones, teeth, and skin, and reduce inflammation.

5.) Kale: Rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as calcium and iron, kale can help promote healthy bones and teeth, support digestion, and reduce inflammation.

FRUITS such as:

6.) BLUEBERRIES would be one of the Top Superfoods for Dogs, just like they are for us humans and for the same reasons.  These are a great source of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins C and K. Blueberries can help boost your dog's immune system, improve cognitive function, and promote a healthy digestion.

If your dog has no sensitivities or allergies to fish, then fish like

7.) Salmon; preferably wild caught since their nutritional value is far superior to that of farm raised and the wild caught salmon is also higher in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon can help improve your dog's skin and coat health, reduce inflammation, and support brain and eye development. * Don’t buy the ‘smoked’ version or any version with additives.

Sardines can be a healthy addition to a dog's diet when fed in moderation. Sardines are a type of oily fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have several potential health benefits for dogs. Omega-3s can help support healthy skin and coat, promote joint health, and support cardiovascular health.

In addition to their omega-3 content, sardines are also a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, including vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus. However, it's important to feed sardines in moderation, as they are also high in calories and can lead to weight gain if fed excessively.

When feeding sardines to your dog, it's best to choose fresh, canned, or frozen Wild Caught sardines that are free from added salt, seasonings, or sauces. You can feed sardines as a treat or mix them in with your dog's regular food.  We like to choose only ONE (1) sardine fresh or canned in spring water and smash and mix it in with our pup’s food and do this maybe only once or twice per week.* We’re not a paid affiliate, but we love the Wild Caught Sardines in Water from Trader Joe’s. They’re good quality and priced right.

As with any new food, it's best to introduce sardines gradually and monitor your dog for any adverse reactions.  See our Journal Article : How to Transition Your Dog To a New Food for more information.

8.) Turmeric: This spice contains curcumin, an active compound that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Turmeric can help reduce joint pain, improve digestion, and boost your dog's immune system.

GO easy when adding this spice to your dog’s food and do it in very small amounts as ‘a little goes a long way.’ For example: 1/4 teaspoon per day to start.

9.)  Chia Seeds: These seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. They can help support healthy digestion and promote healthy skin and coat. * Try sprinkling seeds over wet dog food (or adding it to water, yogurt or kefir if you feed dry food)

Ratio is: One teaspoon to 40 pounds of your dog’s weight. So, if your dog weighs:

  • 10 pounds = 1/4 teaspoon chia seeds

  • 20 pounds = 1/2 teaspoon chia seeds

  • 30 pounds = 3/4 teaspoon chia seeds

  • 40 pounds = 1 teaspoon chia seeds

We suggest that you divide this up during the day into more than one meal or treat/snack. * Do not feed Chia seeds dry because they are very absorbent and will ‘expand’ when wet; including inside of your/your dog’s digestive tract. * Always feed Chia Seeds either soaked before feeding OR mixed into wet foods.

10.) Flaxseed: Similar to chia seeds, flaxseeds are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. They can help support healthy digestion and promote healthy skin and coat.

  • We suggest that you buy them WHOLE and grind them up as needed for easier mixing and digestion. We love, use, and recommend either of these two brands: Terrasoul https://a.co/d/72n2dir

    Anthony’s Organic https://a.co/d/9rbNmKo

11.) Carrots: Rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as fiber, carrots can help support healthy vision, promote healthy skin and coat, and support healthy digestion.

12.) Beets: These root vegetables are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and essential minerals like potassium and iron. They can help support healthy digestion, promote healthy blood circulation, and support healthy liver function. When whole organic beets are not in season or unavailable, we keep this in the pantry: Anthony's Organic Beet Root Juice Powder, 1 lb, Gluten Free, Non GMO, Vegan Friendly https://a.co/d/84OKESp . We recommend Beet Root powder be added dry or mixed with water to your dog's food. * The dosage depends on your dog's weight and individual nutrition plan. As a guide, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Small dog breeds: 1 level teaspoon daily

  • Medium dog breeds: 0.5 tablespoons daily

  • Large breeds: 1 tablespoon daily

10 g of beet powder is equivalent to about 100 g of fresh beet. You should increase the dosage slowly and observe your dog's tolerance.

13.) Parsnips: Similar to carrots, parsnips are rich in vitamins C and K, as well as fiber. They can help support healthy digestion and promote healthy skin and coat.

  • When choosing Root vegetables it is highly advised that you choose Organic over Conventionally grown produce as Root vegetables are one of the vegetables that are most sprayed with toxins like glyphosate, and other things like herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides and no one wants anything with ‘icide’ in their food.

A.G.E.'s Advanced Glycation Products- are another important subject altogether that needs to be brought to light and discussed when it comes to Canine Nutrition and commercial pet foods in general.  We have an entire article in our Journal for you on this.

14.) Ginger root can be good for dogs in small amounts, as it has several potential health benefits. Ginger root contains compounds called gingerols and shgaols, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This means that ginger may help reduce inflammation and support healthy immune function in dogs. In addition, ginger has been known to help alleviate nausea and vomiting in dogs, making it a popular natural remedy for motion sickness, car sickness, and other types of stomach upset. However, it's important to note that ginger should not be given to dogs in large amounts, as it can cause digestive upset and other side effects. We would recommend consulting with your Holistic Veterinarian on the type and dosage.

As with any new food or supplement, it's best to consult with your veterinarian before giving ginger to your dog.

We like these two Trustworthy brands of Organic Ginger Root Powder: Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Ginger Powder, 1 Lb - Lab-Tested | Raw | Potent Spicy Flavor https://a.co/d/h5HNUqn Micro Ingredients Organic Ginger Powder, 2 lbs/32 ounces, https://a.co/d/begFNTz .

15.) Dandelion Greens: the stem and leaf parts of the plant — are a natural source of vitamins A, C, K, D, and B. In addition, they have minerals like calcium, potassium, and prebiotics like inulin. Dandelion Greens are especially adept at supporting digestion.

16.) Cranberries: Often known as a natural supplement for supporting urinary health, cranberries have many additional benefits. They are a natural source of vitamins C, E, and K. Also, like blueberries, they are low in calories and fats, but high in fiber and antioxidants.

With so many nutrients, cranberries for dogs can be a good addition to complement their diet. However, you should not feed your dog raw cranberries, because dogs have a difficult time digesting them. Instead, you can find cranberry supplements like Dr. Mercola’s Bladder Support or pick up some healthy treats with cranberries as an ingredient like the treats from Honest Kitchen to share this superfood with your pup. We do include Dried cranberries for our dogs, however, it is incredibly important to buy the Organic and Unsweetened, NO SUGAR added .

*There are also Several Essential Vitamins and Minerals Dogs need on a daily basis just like we humans do and there are some Adaptogens that would be considered Superfoods and beneficial to dogs.

*We have Separate Journal Articles on these subjects below for you to read and learn about since the list and information is much to extensive to include it all here under ‘TOP SUPERFOODS FOR DOGS.’

Recommended Daily Amounts of Essential Vitamins and Minerals for Dogs

Which Adaptogens are Most Beneficial to Dogs and Why?

Are Certain Species of Mushrooms like Lion's Mane and Turkey Tail Beneficial for Dog’s Nutrition?

A.G.E.'s Advanced Glycation Products- are another important subject altogether that needs to be brought to light and discussed when it comes to Canine Nutrition and commercial pet foods in general.


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