Oxytocin and How it Affects Bonding Between Dogs and Their Pet Parents (Copy)


Oxytocin is a hormone that plays a significant role in social bonding, trust, and attachment. Often referred to as the "love hormone," it is released by the pituitary gland and has been linked to feelings of empathy, generosity, and love. Recent studies have shown that oxytocin plays a critical role in the bonding between dogs and their pet parents. * A bonus of petting a dog for 5-20 minutes is that in addition to increasing oxytocin levels, it also lowers cortisol levels.

Dogs are social animals, animals who love to live in a family pack, and they thrive on forming strong emotional bonds with their humans. When pet parents engage in activities such as petting the dog, grooming the dog, or playing together, both parties experience an increase in oxytocin levels. This hormone helps to create a sense of calm, relaxation, and trust, which are all essential components of a healthy relationship between a dog and her/his pet parent.

One study conducted by researchers at Azabu University in Japan found that when dogs and their owners gaze into each other's eyes, their oxytocin levels rise significantly. This eye contact, known as the "oxytocin gaze," is an essential aspect of bonding and can strengthen the emotional connection between a dog and her/his pet parent or guardian. The study also found that dogs who had higher levels of oxytocin were more likely to approach their owners for comfort and reassurance in stressful situations. After all, oxytocin lowers stress levels.

In the study conducted by researchers at the University of Vienna mentioned above they found that when dogs and their pet parents engage in positive interactions, such as petting or playing, both parties experience an increase in oxytocin levels. The study also found that dogs who received oxytocin injections were more likely to engage in social behaviors with their owners, such as cuddling and playing.

These studies provide evidence that oxytocin plays a critical role in the bond between dogs and their pet parents. This hormone helps to create a sense of trust, relaxation, and attachment.

It's important to note that while oxytocin can help to strengthen the bond between dogs and their owners, it is not a magic solution for all behavioral problems. Dogs require training, socialization, and positive, consistent reinforcement to develop good behavior and strong emotional connections with their owners. However, by understanding the role that oxytocin plays in the bond between dogs and their owners, we can better understand the importance of positive interactions and emotional connections in building strong relationships with our furry friends.

While oxytocin plays a vital role in the bond between dogs and their pet parents, when dogs and their owners engage in positive interactions, both parties experience an increase in oxytocin levels, which helps to create a sense of trust, relaxation, and attachment. Now you know that by understanding the role that oxytocin plays in bonding, we humans can work to strengthen our relationships not just with one another, but with our furry friends as well and create happy, healthy, and fulfilling lives together. If your health and wellness professional ever suggests to you that it would be beneficial for you to lower your cortisol (stress hormone and known contributor to putting on unhealthy belly fat) and Increase your Oxytocin; the ‘feel good hormone, it just might be time for your to consider visiting the local animal rescue organizations and shelters and consider welcoming in a new pet/dog family member into your home.

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Superbowl Snacks For Your Dog- Are they a ‘No’, or a ‘Go’?

Dog Holding Bunch Of Organic Raw Carrots In Mouth For Best Healthy Super Bowl 58 Treat For Dogs.

Dog eating carrots for best superbowl treat

Superbowl 58- Allegiant Stadium- Las Vegas, Nevada- Kansas City Chiefs Versus San Francisco 49’ers.

Superbowl Snacks For Dogs

So, You wanna celebrate Superbowl 58 with your Best Friend and your favourite snacks eh?… That’s just fine as long as you know which ‘people’ foods are safe for your best friend and which are not.

Allegiant Stadium: Las Vegas, Nevada- Superbowl 58

No matter if you’re rooting for the Kansas City Chiefs or the San Francisco 49’Ers;

Here’s a little bit of helpful information on what treats are a “GO” and what treats are a “NO” for your dog.

*Let’s start with the “GO” category first; which it’s safe to say consists of sticking with the ‘Organic Fruit & Veggie Tray’ option for your pup as far as ‘healthy’ party food goes.

*Be sure to wash all fruits and veggies in a rinse of filtered water and white vinegar as unless you buy all organic there’s no guarantee that you won’t be ingesting pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides; all of which are harmful to you and your dog.

GO! List:

Organic Baby Carrots- High in Vitamin A, Beta-Carotene, helps eye sight and the adrenals, thereby lowering stress; plus they’re a tasty crunchy treat dogs really love.

Organic Apples– * No seeds and cut into small bite-sized bits apples, like all fruits, are high in beneficial fiber, vitamins and minerals and the skin has Quercitin in it naturally. The old saying, “ An apple a day keeps the doctor away” holds true for dogs too, and refers to the fact that apples help lower the risk of certain cancers like breast, colon, liver, and lung cancer and new research is showing that they help fight off Alzheimer’s as well.

Bananas- Bananas are high in potassium and magnesium which are both great for optimum muscle function. They are also high in both Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C. * Cut these into slices then quarter them for easy bite-sized doggie treats.

Bell Peppers- Red, Orange, or Yellow bell peppers are high in Beta Carotene, Vitamins A, B6, and C and also high in potassium.

*No seeds. Slice and dice into bite-sized pieces.

Coconut- In all of its forms except the shell- Coconut is one of the most perfect foods on Earth. we just can’t say enough good things about coconut, but here are a few reasons why both you and your dog should be eating it on a more frequent basis, and not just for a Superbowl treat.

Its high in Vitamins B-6, C, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus, rich in Omega 3 & 6 “good” fatty acids, excellent for immune system support, high energy food, great for hydration, helps lower heart disease, promotes healthy thyroid and metabolism as well as digestive function, great for healthy fur, skin, and nails, excellent for brushing teeth and gums and is antibacterial, anti-fungal, antimicrobial, and antiviral.

Cucumbers- High in Vitamins A, C, K and potassium, plus a fiber and high water content make cucumbers the perfect party snack or ‘to-go’ treat. * In hot weather we keep a bag of peeled, quarter-cut cucumbers for our pup and I to share on walks, hikes, and errands around town

Garbanzo Beans(Chickpeas)- *One of our pup’s all-time favorites, they contain 71% of the Daily requirements for folate(Iron) and 84% for Manganese and also substantial levels of both copper and zinc. High in Vitamins A, B-6, and C and rich in potassium, magnesium, make an excellent veggie protein source.

Green Beans- High in Vitamins A & C, rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.

Canned Organic Pumpkin or shelled, ground pumpkin seeds- Fantastic for many things and packs a high serving of Vitamins A, C, calcium, iron, the amino acid- tryptophan, and is a holistic ‘de-wormer’ and works well for BOTH constipation and diarrhea. * always keep a can in your pantry.

Watermelon- (* sans seeds ) Full of Vitamins A, B6, & C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, amino acids, and has a high water content, so its another vegan snack that is great for hydration.

* All fruits and veggies have protein, otherwise there is no way that the plant could live in the first place, let alone produce fruit and veggies for us.

“NO!” List:

Alcohol- NO alcohol of any type, ever. All alcohol can not only be poisonous, but usually results in coma or death in dogs and cats as well.

Chili- NO-Although most Beans are good for dogs, the spicy concoction most of us make for our chili recipes includes tomatoes, onions, fatty hamburger(*Most dogs are allergic to beef), hot chili peppers, and none of these with the exception of (tomatoes- sans skins/ seeds are good for dogs.)

Chicken Wings- NO- Due to the fact that most are commercially prepared and who really knows what is in them as far as the chemicals and preservatives go, most are prepared/marinated using several spices that are not good for dogs.  Bad fats like butter and toxic fats like margarine are typically used, not to mention the risk of your dog ingesting one of those fragile bones in his throat or intestines, plus did you know that its estimated that over 1.3 BILLION chicken’s wings will be eaten in America just for this one game?  * There are definitely other more healthy alternatives.

Chocolate- Big NO!- This one can cause everything from irregular heart rate, bloody urine and stools, and even death due to the active naturally occurring ingredient called theobromine; which is great for humans, but toxic to dogs and most all other animals as well.

Guacamole- Although Haas Avocados in small amounts and without their seeds and skins are in fact beneficial for dogs due to their many benefits such as ‘good’ fats, anti-inflammatory properties, many vitamins and essential amino acids, ‘guacamole’ is NOT good for dogs because it is typically prepared with many ingredients such as onions, and tomatoes with the skins and seeds; both of which are a “NO!” for dogs; especially onions as they are toxic.

Nachos with corn chips- NO. Although some dairy products like kefir are great for daily immune system support due to it having so many live probiotic cultures as many fermented foods do; this is not what ‘nacho’ cheese sauce is made of. Nacho cheese sauce is typically a processed cheese; which are loaded with creepy chemicals like animal rennet, msg, hydrogenated soybean oils, food colorings, and ‘modified’ food starch; all of which are harmful to dogs. If for some odd reason you would want to share your Nachos with your dogs, we DO have a simple, limited ingredient VEGAN Cheez Sauce Recipe you could serve to your human guests and in limited amounts to share with your dogs.

Salsa and Corn Chips- NO.- Most salsas whether commercially prepared or homemade are made with tomatoes including the seeds and skins, which you already learned are not good for dogs;(only the tomato pomace is good for dogs) and NEVER eat or allow your dog to eat the stems or roots of a tomato plant. They are toxic to both humans and dogs.  Salsas usually include various hot peppers, onions, and some even include sugars and other artificial chemicals and preservatives.

The corn as you have already learned from our blog is not ‘species appropriate’ to canines and much of the corn used in North America is GMO (Genetically Modified Organism); which we all know that none of us, human or our beloved best friends should be eating.

Remember to adhere to the ‘NO’ list, and for the ‘GO’ list if your doggie is not used to eating these healthy snacks that it’s a good idea to start off slow and only give little bits of these foods until your poochie’s digestive system becomes used to them.

As Holistic Health & Wellness Consultants, we believe that it is a good idea to give them these treats AFTER their normal morning or evening meals. This is because fruits and veggies are higher in fiber, which is more filling and they will get the digestive system moving a bit quicker and ‘push’ the foods eaten at earlier meals through the system a bit faster. * This is very beneficial for healthy digestion, but you don’t want them to end up with diarrhea, so go easy, and you can begin adding any of these fruits and veggies to your doggie’s daily diet on a regular basis for optimum health and well being.


**This journal article was written based upon research done about some of the most common snacks that are prepared for Superbowl parties and after which we deemed them either a ‘GO’ and ‘NO’ for safety of your dog.

For a more extensive list on beneficial fruits, veggies, herbs and spices stay tuned to further blog articles here on

Here’s wishing you and your best friend a wonderfully fun and healthy Superbowl 58 & may the best team win!!

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Doggie Dental Care

Australian Shepherd Dog Receiving A Dental Examination By Her Veterinarian

Dog Receiving Her Dental Examination By Her Veterinarian

Although the month of February is Internationally known as Doggie Dental Care Canine Dental Care month, Let’s face it, your doggie’s dental care is just as important as your own dental care is. year round.  The thing is, your dog cannot brush her own teeth like you can, so it is up to you to do this for her in order to help her live a longer, healthier life.

There are many options available for dental care for your precious pooch, but let’s talk about a basic, inexpensive, daily routine at home for starters.

First of all it’s good to remember that this is a brand new experience for your pup, so start off slow and don’t worry if she only allows you to do a couple of teeth at a time the first few times.  It’s never a good thing to ‘force’ anything onto your dog or there’s a good chance that she will sense your anxiety and be leery of allowing you to do this again anytime soon, if ever.

You may start off with a good holistic product like unrefined coconut oil, as dog’s love the smell of it plus it’s great for the gums and is antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral and it is chocked full of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids; which are good for dogs just like they are for humans. 

Should you decide to go the commercially prepared product route, try a fabulous holistic product called “Gel-Me”, “Spray-Me”, or “Ora-Pup”- by one of our partner companies.

We also advocate and recommend a product called Dentahex; which you can order thru our link on Amazon.

Australian Shepherd Dog Having Her Teeth Brushed Correctly By Her Pet Parent

First step- is you will need to Get your dog to come and sit or lie down in front of you or at your side. * We like to have our pup come up on the bed and lie down on the command, and with a really happy and upbeat voice of  “ Let’s brush your teeth “ and we drape a hand towel across her paws.

Second Step- Put a little bit of the product on your index finger and lift your dog’s lip as seen in the photo above so that you can see her teeth on one side of her mouth.

Now just use your fingertip and let her smell but not eat the product (although it will not harm her if she does)

Third Step- Gently massage the product along the teeth and gumline on a couple of teeth at a time, along the outside surface that you can see.

Keep talking to her and offering praise for her doing such a good job of ‘brushing her teeth’.

If she’s ok with all of this attention and great tasting dental care product,

Fourth Step- is to then go ahead and massage a bit on the front teeth and along the other side of the mouth on her teeth and gums.

If she’s lovin’ it, you can say, “Open your mouth”,

and Fifth Step- proceed to take your thumb and index finger of one hand and gently ‘help’ her to open her mouth a bit wider.  Now with your other hand; the hand on which you have the product on your index finger, take that thumb and gently place it in the ‘smile’ pocket on one side of your dog’s mouth/face and pull it back a bit while using your other hand to open her mouth wider.

Now you can rub the product onto the other surfaces of her teeth and gums. 

This entire process should only take you under 4 minutes. BTW, This is the same amount of time recommended to brush our own teeth.

While you are brushing her teeth you will also be looking around for any broken or missing teeth, swollen or irritated gums, anything in her mouth that looks abnormal to you.

You can feel confident that the more you lovingly repeat this routine with your doggie the more you are helping to prolong her life.  You already know that plaque build-up, tartar, gingivitis, and gum disease can all lead to internal organ and tissue disease affecting the heart, kidneys, and liver.

We recommend making this a nitely routine just before bed because that way your pup will have had her nitely meal, walk, exercise and is likely to be more calm and relaxed.

Making ‘time’ of just a few short minutes per day can add years to your beloved companion’s life and save you time, worry, and expense at the veterinarian’s office.

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Embracing the New Year with Hope, Growth, and Canine Joy!




Dear Valued Clients, Potential Partners, and Fellow Canine Enthusiasts,

As we stand together at the threshold of a brand New Year, the team at The Dog Goddess extends our warmest greetings and heartfelt wishes for a joyous, healthy, and prosperous New Year ahead! Amidst the wagging tails, playful barks, and heartwarming moments we've shared throughout the past year, we find ourselves embracing the possibilities and opportunities that 2024 has in store for us all.

At The Dog Goddess, our passion for fostering a deep bond between humans and their canine companions, while building our community remains unwavering. We've been privileged to witness countless tales of love, trust, and loyalty from our furry friends. In these unique connections, we discover the purest forms of happiness and lessons on resilience, empathy, and unconditional love.

The past year has been a journey marked with both challenges and triumphs. Through it all, your trust and ongoing support have been the cornerstone of our success. Your belief in our services, your steady enthusiasm for the well-being of your beloved pups, and your commitment to nurturing a harmonious relationship with them continue to inspire us daily.

As we step into the canvas of 2024, let us paint it with colors of optimism, kindness, community and growth. Let's embrace the unknown with an exuberant spirit, channeling the curiosity and boundless energy of our canine companions. Together, let us forge ahead, creating moments that celebrate companionship, understanding, and the profound beauty of the human-animal bond.

We are excited about the prospects this New Year holds for all of us at The Dog Goddess. From innovative services to insightful resources, we're dedicated to enhancing the lives of both you and your cherished pets. Your satisfaction and the well-being of your furry friends remain at the core of our mission.

May this New Year be filled with joyous tail wags, tranquil walks, and countless memories shared with your beloved companions. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your continued trust and collaboration to helping us to build and maintain our compassionate community of dog lovers worldwide.

Here's to a prosperous, joy-filled, and paws-itively amazing 2024!

Warm regards,

The Dog Goddess Team

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Questions Regarding Tipping Your Pet Sitter During The Holidays Or Any Season

Woman Pet Sitter with Poodle Sitting On Patio Surrounded By String Lights

So, over the years we have gotten alot of questions on whether it is ‘appropriate’ to ‘tip’ your pet sitter; during the holidays and as per usual visits.

The answer to that question is ‘yes‘ of course it is appropriate to tip your pet sitter.  For holidays and any regularly scheduled visits.

Pet sitters are service providers who often work seven days per week, all year long; some even traveling long distances for these assignments, and as a service provider; just like your hair stylist, gardener, pool man, restaurant server, massage therapist, etc. it is appropriate to tip them for their services.

Today’s acceptable tip rate for most service professionals is typically 20-30% of the total services rendered.

Some Pet Sitters do so much more than provide food and water for your beloved pets while you are away, and this is an occupation built upon trust, dependability, professionalism, and a deep love of all animals.

Pet Sitters spend ‘quality’ time with the pets, and in addition to providing them the basics of food and water while you are away, they also give them love, attention, clean up their waste; ie. litter boxes and poop scoopers, any other little ‘accidents’ like vomiting, etc., as well as providing your pets with healthy exercise, conversation, petting, playtime, etc., so it’s not surprising that you want to give them the moon for looking after your precious fur babies.

Many pet sitters also take care of your treasured home while you are away; making it look ‘lived’ in and busy as usual to the outside world.  They bring in your newspapers, get your mail, keep your lights on and off at strategic and sensible times of the day and nite to deter unwanted guests as well as potential vandals.  They water your plants and maybe your lawn, deal with your regularly scheduled contractors such as your pool man, gardener, and other service professionals while you are away.

The bottom line is that your pet gets to stay in the environment she knows best and have her regular routine, and you get to go about your plans with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your beloved pet is safe and cared for by a professional, and that your home is being watched over by someone of integrity.

Acceptable, thoughtful, and appreciated ‘tips’ might include such items as a GIFT CARD FOR A SPA VISIT 
for your hard working service professional, or perhaps a GIFT CERTIFICATE TO AN ONLINE STORE SUCH AS THIS ONE.

Tips don’t always have to come in the form of ‘money’.

Remember to be grateful and remain in the ‘giving’ spirit all year long. You might just surprise someone and really make their day, and you are honoring the Universal Law of both giving and receiving with acceptance and gratitude.

We hope that this answers some of your questions and please be safe and have a joyous holiday season this and every season..

~Peace, Love, Light, and Abundance to You and Yours, this and every season

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Although this website is all about a Compassionate Community of Dog Lovers, many of our journal articles include aspects of spirituality and how animals teach us lessons about this.  We were out for a neighborhood walk the other day and lit upon this gorgeous home with lush gardens surrounding it and happened upon this beautiful little creature: the Monarch Butterfly, and wanted to share a bit about what we learned about their lives.

Imagine being a Monarch butterfly fluttering through the vast canvas of the world in 2023. As you soar through landscapes adorned with vibrant hues, your graceful wings tell a story of resilience, adaptation, and the challenges faced by one of nature's most magnificent creatures.

Did you know that the journey of a Monarch butterfly begins as an egg laid on the underside of a milkweed leaf. From this tiny embryo emerges a caterpillar, voracious in appetite and steadfast in its determination to consume milkweed—a plant integral to its survival. Yet, in today's world, the landscape is changing. Urbanization, deforestation, and climate fluctuations have altered the ecosystems all over the globe, threatening the sanctuaries where milkweed thrives. As a Monarch, this poses a formidable challenge—a struggle to find suitable habitats for nourishment and reproduction.

Migration—a hallmark of Monarch butterflies—is an odyssey fraught with both peril and wonder. The annual migration from North America to Mexico covers thousands of miles, a feat of endurance for these delicate creatures. I mean, can you even imagine what this journey would feel like in the body of this tiny creature?  This journey is perilous, with numerous obstacles along the way. Pesticides, habitat loss, extreme weather events, and human activities disrupt their migratory paths, making survival an arduous endeavor.

Climate change amplifies these challenges, disrupting the delicate balance of nature. Unpredictable weather patterns alter the timing of critical life cycle events, affecting the synchronization between the emergence of butterflies and the availability of nectar-rich flowers. As a Monarch, adapting to these changes demands resilience and flexibility, traits necessary for survival in a world constantly in flux.

Human intervention has offered a glimmer of hope amidst these adversities. Conservation efforts aimed at preserving Monarch habitats, planting milkweed corridors, and raising awareness about their plight have shown promising results. Collaborative initiatives involving governments, scientists, and communities seek to mitigate the threats faced by these majestic creatures. Citizen science projects engage individuals in tracking and monitoring Monarch populations, fostering a sense of responsibility and stewardship towards the environment.

Despite the challenges, being a Monarch butterfly in today's world is not merely a tale of struggle but also one of resilience and hope. The iridescent beauty of these creatures captivates our hearts, reminding us of the fragility and interconnectedness of all life forms. Their journey inspires us to take positive action, to protect and preserve the biodiversity that sustains us all.

The life of a Monarch butterfly in 2023 is a testament to the intricate dance between adaptation and perseverance in a world grappling with environmental changes. Their story urges us to embrace our role as custodians of nature, fostering an environment where these magnificent creatures can thrive alongside us. Through collective efforts and a shared commitment to conservation, we can ensure that the ethereal flight of the Monarch endures for generations to come.

Find out what you can do in your own backyard and local community to help the Magnificent Monarch Butterflies to Thrive, not just to survive. The first most obvious thing you can do is go to your local garden center and purchase milkweed plants and ask the garden center/nursery staff how to best care for them.

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Wolves, the majestic and enigmatic creatures that have roamed the Earth for centuries, are more than just a symbol of wilderness; they are an integral part of our history, especially in the context of our relationship with dogs. As the ancestors of our beloved companions, wolves have played a crucial role in shaping not only the evolution of dogs, but also in forming a deep bond with humanity. This article delves into the profound significance of wolves in the evolution of dogs and their enduring influence on human societies.

Ancient Ancestry: The connection between wolves and dogs transcends time and can be traced back thousands of years. Recent Genetic research has established that dogs share a common ancestor with the gray wolf, Canis lupus. This ancestral link dates back to around 15,000-40,000 years ago, perhaps even further, marking the domestication of wolves into the loyal, varied breeds of dogs we all cherish today. This transformation from wild wolves to domesticated dogs was a pivotal moment in human history, signifying the beginning of a partnership that has endured through the ages and was not just a shift in physical appearance, but a profound alteration in behavior, temperament, and social structure, marking the beginning of a partnership that has significantly and positively influenced human civilization.

Vital Role in Evolution and Domestication: Wolves' cooperation with early humans was vital for survival of both species.  Wolves were skilled hunters, demonstrating teamwork and family social structures that inspired humans to form alliances with them. This collaboration led to mutual benefits: Wolves gained a consistent food source from human hunting, while humans benefitted from the wolves' keen senses and protective instincts. Over generations, this symbiotic relationship gradually shaped the genetic traits that distinguished dogs from their wild ancestors. This mutual relationship led to the emergence of certain behavioural and genetic adaptations in wolves, gradually differentiating them from their wild counterparts and paving the way for the unique attributes found in our modern day dogs.  Over time, this co-evolution has been fundamental in the development of many diverse breeds of dogs we know today, each with its own specific traits and abilities. From Herding Dogs to Hunting Dogs and all dogs in between, they owe their common and unique traits to their ancient ancestors: the wonderful wild wolf.

Throughout history, wolves served as both companions and working animals. They assisted in hunting, guarded settlements, and provided protection. Different cultures revered and incorporated wolves into their folklore and spirituality, recognizing their intelligence, strength, and loyalty.; the way each member of the family pack behaves and contributes in their own unique way for the good of the pack as a whole.               In essence, wolves were not merely animals; they became esteemed members of early human societies. Let’s not forget, we humans are animals too.

Modern Perspectives: Despite their critical role in history, wolves have faced numerous and ongoing challenges, including habitat loss at an unprecedented rate, unjustified persecution, and an incredible amount of sheer misunderstanding. Human encroachment into their original territories has threatened their very existence, leading to conservation efforts aimed at preserving these vital apex predators.  These beautiful and vital creatures are being murdered simply due to their species and lack of enforced protection, and that has to stop.

Moreover, understanding the evolutionary link between wolves and dogs provides invaluable insights into canine behavior, health, and genetics. Scientific research continues to explore the genetic similarities and differences between wolves and dogs, unraveling long standing mysteries and enhancing our human understanding of our own four-legged companions.

The ongoing efforts to conserve wolf populations, reintroduce them to natural habitats, and promote coexistence highlight the significance of maintaining a harmonious relationship with these magnificent creatures. Their conservation not only ensures the preservation of a keystone species but also contributes to maintaining naturally balanced ecosystems.

Wolves Are Incredibly Loyal And Are Devoted To Their Mate And Family Pack For Life

The story of wolves is intertwined with the evolution of dogs and the history of humanity itself.  Their role as ancestors to our beloved canine companions is an integral part of our shared history. Wolves have left an indelible mark on human civilization, from the ancient bond that catalyzed domestication of dogs, to the enduring lessons they offer us about our interconnectedness with the natural world.

Recognizing the importance of wolves is not merely about acknowledging their past significance but also about embracing their continued relevance in modern times. By understanding and respecting these magnificent creatures, we honor our shared history and ensure a more compassionate and harmonious coexistence with the natural world, for indeed, we are all expressions of Mother Nature herself.

Wolves are not just animals; they are guardians of our past and vital contributors to the beauty and diversity of our planet, deserving of our utmost admiration and protection.

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Most of you conscientious pet guardians know by now that most all dogs and many other species of pets are irritated by, if not downright afraid of loud noises like fireworks on the 4th of July and on other holidays that us humans choose to celebrate.

Well, imagine that you can hear 100 to 1000 times louder than you do right now; kinda like the Comic book Superhero ‘X-Men’ do. This is how dogs hear every single day unless they have hearing loss.   This level of loudness coupled with strange people coming to your door, ringing your doorbell every few minutes, and on top of that, they come dressed in creepy costumes with masked faces, the shrill laughter and screaming of excited little children; which many dogs are not used to being around at all; can be enough to send even the most accepting and docile of dogs into a panic attack and or a barking frenzy.

Obviously, this is not what we wish for our ‘best friends’.

When you think about it, our beloved pets really do put up with a lot from us, and we certainly don’t want to traumatize them, all in the name of one nite of fun for Halloween or any other holiday.

Just like on the 4th of July and those other ‘loud noise’ holidays we spoke about in our Journal article entitled: ” How To Help Your Pets ON Holidays Involving Fireworks An With Other Loud Noises” we would recommend and use some of those same protocol for Halloween; such as -Take your pup out for a walk in advance– way before the festivities begin, in order for them to exercise, relax, and go potty.  If you have a cat, and you do normally allow them to go in and out; for this holiday and for many others, I suggest keeping them safely indoors for a few days and let them use a litter box to go potty and just play with you and some inside toys. * Black cats and dogs especially need to be under extra special protection, because unfortunately there are still many humans who would wish your pet harm just because of the color of his coat; and this is also a holiday when many scared pets are so scared that they take that split second opportunity to bolt out the door first chance they get and they end up in animal shelters or worse.

USE COMMON SENSE– · If your pet is extremely sensitive to loud noises as many definitely are, you can alleviate your pet’s anxiety by doing things such as: playing calming music on your iPhone, old school MP3 Player, or TV, petting them, and giving them a gentle massage, spraying some Organic lavender essential oil lightly on their/your bedding, *If you share your home with a cat, do NOT use Lavender oil and do your research to make sure anything you use in the home is safe for whatever animal species you live with. Perhaps using a holistic product such as Dr. Bach’s Rescue Remedy for PETS directly on their tongue or in their water for anti-anxiety, or Hemp Calming Treats such as Thunderwunders Hemp Calming Treats with L-Theanine and Hemp.   You can move your pets into another room in the house such as a bathroom or laundry room located away from the front door.  This way they won’t be sent ‘springing into action’ every single time that doorbell rings, and masked strangers appear at their door yelling, “Trick Or Treat!”

‘WE’ know it’s just a traditional holiday and all in good fun, but our pets have no clue what this is all about, so put yourself in their place and take necessary preparations and precautions to help keep them safe, ok.

We might also mention that some pets have such a strong sense of smell and some have a ‘bit’ more of a curious and mischievous sense than others, and they just might be tempted to get into things that are not intended for their little tummies, like sugary Halloween candy.

Although it might be a fun tradition for Halloween, sugar is not good for us, and it certainly is not good for our pets.  Remember that theobromine; the active ingredient in chocolate, is ‘deadly’ when ingested by dogs or cats; *in fact it is deadly for most of our animal friends.  Most ‘sugar-free’ candies are not safe either, because most of these candies and gums contain artificial sweeteners like xylitol and aspartame and are also ‘deadly‘ to dogs and cats.  If you are having a party catered to the adult set, then please use extra caution and not leave anything like alcohol or cigarettes, or products containing THC where curious creatures can get a hold of them. That could seriously be the LAST time the pets get ahold of anything. Period.




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LIFESTYLE The Dog Goddess LIFESTYLE The Dog Goddess




Pomeranian Dog in Pumpkin Costume

Dressing up our beloved pets in costumes and clothing has become a popular trend, especially during holidays and parties. We’ve got Halloween/Samhain, Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve all coming up here real soon so we think it’s a good time to release this article as a gentle reminder. While it's undeniably adorable to see a dog in a pirate hat or a cat in a tutu, it raises questions about the safety, comfort, and preferences of our furry companions. In this article, we delve into the world of pet costumes and clothing, exploring whether they are safe, whether pets enjoy them, and what research and pet owners have to say on this intriguing subject.

Safety First: Assessing the Risks

When it comes to pet costumes and clothing, safety should always be the top priority.

Here are some key considerations:

Comfort and Fit: Ensure that any costume or clothing you choose for your pet fits comfortably and allows them to move freely. Avoid items that are too tight or restrictive, as they can cause discomfort and stress.

  • A well-fitting outfit should allow your pet to walk, run, sit, and lay down without any restrictions.

Breathability: Choose materials that are non-toxic and allow for proper air circulation. Pets can quickly overheat if their costumes don't provide adequate ventilation. Remember that dogs can only breathe through their mouths and sweat through both their mouths and paw pads so don’t restrict of cover those areas or dress them in heavy non-breathable fabrics.

  • Lightweight and breathable fabrics like cotton are preferable anytime, especially in warm weather.

Vision and Mobility: Ensure that your pet can see clearly and move easily while wearing a costume. Impaired vision or restricted movement can lead to accidents, fear, or distress.

  • Test your pet's mobility by observing how they walk and checking if the costume obstructs their movement.

Potential Hazards: Be mindful of small parts, buttons, or accessories that could be chewed off and swallowed. These can pose choking hazards. Pets; especially young pets are very similar to human toddlers, so any item you know or think a human toddler could pull loose or ingest is also an item that your pet could easily do the same thing with.

  • Choose costumes with securely attached accessories or opt for simpler, safer designs.

    Supervision: Never leave your pet unattended in a costume, especially if they are not accustomed to wearing one. Some pets may try to chew or tear off their outfits.

      • Keep a close eye on your pet when they are dressed up, especially during the initial stages of costume introduction.

    Do Pets Like Them? Understanding Pet Preferences

    Whether pets enjoy wearing costumes is a matter of individual preference. While some animals might tolerate or even enjoy dressing up, others may find it uncomfortable or distressing. Many times we humans want to ‘believe’ or ‘think’ that our pets enjoy things such as wearing costumes, when in reality they are only tolerating such things because they continually want to please us.

    Here are some factors to consider:

    1. Temperament: A pet's personality plays a significant role. Some outgoing and adaptable pets may enjoy the attention that comes with wearing a costume, while more reserved or anxious pets may prefer to go au naturel.

    Do remember that it is your responsibility to pay attention to your pet's personality traits and adapt your approach accordingly.

    2. Early Exposure: Pets introduced to costumes and clothing at a young age are more likely to accept them. Gradual acclimatization can help pets become comfortable with wearing outfits.

      • Start by introducing your pet to clothing in a positive and gradual manner.

    3. Body Language: Pay attention to your pet's body language when they are dressed up. Signs of stress or discomfort, such as excessive panting, trembling, or attempts to remove the costume, should not be ignored.

      • Always monitor your pet's behavior and be responsive to their signals of distress or discomfort.

    Research and Pet Parents' Perspectives

    While there is limited scientific research on this specific topic, there is anecdotal evidence from pet parents which can shed light on their experiences:

    1. Positive Experiences: Many pet owners report that their pets seem to enjoy the attention and pampering associated with dressing up. Some even believe that costumes can boost their pet's confidence.

      • Some pets thrive in the attention they receive when dressed up, which can positively impact their overall well-being.

    1. Mixed Feelings: Others have had mixed experiences, with some pets clearly enjoying the attention and being in the spotlight, while others may not be as enthusiastic.

      • Recognize that each pet is unique, and their reaction to wearing costumes can vary widely.

      • Negative Reactions: It's not uncommon for pets to show discomfort or resistance, or feeling constricted when wearing costumes. Some pets may simply prefer their natural state of being, showing off their beautiful fur and other physical attributes.

          • Respect your pet's preferences and avoid pushing them into costumes if they consistently exhibit negative reactions.

        1. Safety Concerns: Pet owners emphasize the importance of safety and responsible costume choices, underscoring that the well-being and comfort of the pet should be paramount.

          • Prioritize safety by selecting costumes that meet your pet's comfort and mobility needs and avoid outfits with potential hazards.

            Pet costumes and clothing can add a fun and festive element to our pets' lives, but they should always prioritize safety and the comfort of our furry friends. Understanding your pet's preferences, respecting their individual comfort levels, and closely monitoring their behavior when dressed up are crucial steps in ensuring a positive experience. Use ‘common sense’.

          • Here are some cute, safe costume suggestions for various seasons:


            Ultimately, whether your pet enjoys wearing costumes or not, the bond and the sheer love you share with them are far more important than any outfit. When chosen and utilized responsibly, pet costumes can be a delightful way to celebrate special occasions and create cherished memories with our four-legged companions.

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Even today in what is referred to as a ’modern’ world,  Friday the 13th is, believe it or not, still often associated with superstitions, limited beliefs, and fear.  Interestingly enough there's a delightful twist that's been highly overlooked. Beneath the veil of superstition lies a day that's brimming with positivity and canine blessings, all thanks to the benevolent Goddess Hecate. In this article, we will unveil the hidden beauty and healing influence of Hecate, whom we’ve often felt has gotten bad rap in the past, and we’ll do some emphasizing on why Friday the 13th is a day that our dog-centric community; The Dog Goddess can celebrate with enthusiasm, pride, and joy.

The Radiance of Hecate: A Healer and Protectress

Hecate, an ancient Greek Goddess, is a figure of profound significance and an unmistakable air of mystery.  While some may have erroneously or purposefully labeled her negatively as a witch, through many years of deep research which we have done, what we’ve unearthed on the truth about Hecate is far more beautiful, interesting, and benevolent.

Healer and Protectress: Hecate was a healer and protectress, extending her benevolent influence over individuals, homes, and the mysteries of life. She was revered for safeguarding women and children, particularly during childbirth, single mothers, and for offering them her solace and protection during the night.

Guardian of Crossroads: Hecate was also the guardian of crossroads, Goddess of the New Moon, and a benevolent symbol of choices and transitions in life. As a TorchBearer/ Light Bringer, she guided travelers along their paths, providing a sense of direction, protection, and security; as though she was right there watching and guarding over them.  If you would like the Protection and Blessings of Hecate for you and your beloved ones, bring her an offering of beautiful things like flowers, herbs, and foods each New Moon at a crossroads in your own geographical area, or wherever you happen to be at the time.

The Loyal Companions: Dogs and Wolves

In the company of Hecate, dogs and wolves were her constant companions. This connection brings additional layers of positive symbolism and beauty to Friday the 13th.

Dogs as Guardians: Dogs, especially black dogs, were sacred to Hecate. They symbolized her protective and nurturing nature, standing as vigilant guardians in her presence.

Wolves as Symbols of Vigilance: As the ancient ancestors of all dogs, revered for their loyalty, Wolves played a crucial role in the symbolism associated with Hecate. They embodied her watchfulness and readiness to guide individuals through life's mysteries.  Often you might see Hecate depicted with 3 of her dogs guarding her from each side and behind her.  Historians say that most likely due to the time period in which she was said to have lived, these dogs were most likely wolves, and that through modern evolution of storytelling they eventually were depicted as dogs because that is what the people of the time could best relate to.

Friday the 13th: A Day of Canine Blessings

Despite the superstitions surrounding Friday the 13th, our dog-centric community has every reason to view this day in a profoundly positive light and we would like you to consider giving this a try as well.

Protection and Healing: By celebrating Friday the 13th rather than denigrating it, we can tap into the protective, uplifting, and healing energies of Hecate. It's a day to acknowledge the guardian aspects of this Goddess and seek her blessings for the well-being of our beloved canine companions.

Positive Direction: Hecate's association with crossroads can be a source of inspiration for our community. It encourages us to make conscious choices and consider the paths we take in our own interactions with dogs, and not just our own dogs, but that of ALL dogs all over the World, promoting their welfare and happiness.

Loyal Companions: Dogs, known for their loyalty, unending devotion, UNconditional pure love, and companionship, serve as a reminder of the sacred bond between humans and canines. On this day, we can celebrate the love, loyalty, devotion, and protection our dogs offer us.

Embrace the Blessings of Hecate on Friday the 13th

In a world that often associates Friday the 13th with superstitions, our dog-centric community has the unique opportunity to celebrate the benevolent Goddess Hecate and her healing influence. Her connection to dogs and wolves, symbols of protection and vigilance, adds layers of positivity to this day.

Let's embrace Friday the 13th as a day of canine blessings, where we seek Hecate's protection and healing for our beloved four-legged friends. It's a day to honor the sacred bond between humans and dogs and to navigate our choices with care and love, guided by the watchful presence of the beautiful, benevolent Goddess.

Sharing positivity and uplifting messages can brighten people's spirits and create a sense of connection and joy.  Have a wonderful and uplifting day!

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TRAINING The Dog Goddess TRAINING The Dog Goddess

Mastering the Art of Loose Leash Walking: Training Tips and Tools for Your Dog


Person Walking a Rough-Coated Collie

Walking your dog should be an enjoyable and stress-free experience for both you and your furry companion. However, if your dog constantly pulls on the leash, turning a leisurely stroll into a tug-of-war, it can be frustrating and even dangerous. Fortunately, there are effective training techniques and tools that can help you teach your dog to stop pulling and enjoy a more relaxed walk. In this article, we will explore various training methods and recommend some harnesses and collars that can assist in achieving loose leash walking success.

Understanding the Problem

Before diving into training methods and equipment, it's essential to understand why dogs pull on leashes. Dogs pull for various reasons, including excitement, curiosity, or simply because they've learned that pulling gets them where they want to go faster and or garners attention from you and passersby.  Dogs may also pull due to discomfort or fear, so it's *crucial to address any underlying issues before training.

Training Techniques

Positive Reinforcement: Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in dog training. Reward your dog with treats, praise, and affection when they walk calmly by your side; especially when they do this while making eye contact with you.  We like to use the phrase  “Look at me”.  Use a clicker or a verbal cue like "Yes!" to mark the desired behavior.

Consistency: Consistency is key for so many things in life, including successful dog training. Use the same verbal cues and reward system every time you go for a walk. This helps your dog understand what you expect from them.  Once they thoroughly understand what you expect from them most dogs will gladly comply.

Stop-and-Go Method: When your dog starts pulling, stop walking immediately. Wait for them to release the tension on the leash and return to your side. Once they do, reward them and continue walking. This method teaches your dog that pulling makes the walk stop, while walking politely gets them to their destination.

Change Directions: If your dog pulls, you can try to change your direction abruptly. This encourages your dog to pay attention to your movements and stay by your side to avoid sudden changes.  Dogs and humans are alot alike, in that they are creatures of habit and don’t like sudden changes.

Australian Shepherd Dog Wearing Pet Safe Brand “Easy Walk Harness”

  1. Recommended Training Aids

    No-Pull Harness: A no-pull harness, like the front-clip or head halter harness, can be an excellent tool. These harnesses discourage pulling by redirecting your dog's attention back towards you. Brands like the Pet Safe Brand "Easy Walk" or "Gentle Leader" harnesses are popular effective choices. * The beauty of the Easy-Walk Harness is that it also has a built in Martingale across the dog’s chest.

    Martingale Collar: This collar is designed to prevent dogs from slipping out, but it can also help discourage pulling when used correctly. It tightens slightly when your dog pulls, providing gentle feedback. The concept was borrowed from Horse harnesses used in their training.

    Prong Collar and Choke Chain: These collars should only be used under the guidance of a professional dog trainer. They provide a corrective response when your dog pulls, but do understand that misuse of either of them can harm your dog or worsen the pulling behavior.

    Back-Clip Harness: While not designed to stop pulling, a back-clip harness can be a comfortable option for dogs that don't respond well to other harnesses. It distributes pressure evenly across the chest, reducing the likelihood of injury. * Keep in mind that many dogs, especially this descending from the sled-pulling breeds will innately pull when a leash is attached to a back-clip harness, so choose your harness wisely depending on your dog’s behavior, age, size, and do keep in mind that genetics play a significant role.

    Teaching your dog to walk politely on a leash takes time, patience, and consistent effort. *Remember that each dog is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Be gentle, use positive reinforcement, and stay consistent in your training methods.

    Choosing the right harness or collar can make a significant difference in your loose leash walking journey. However, its highly advised that you consult with a professional dog trainer, animal behaviorist, or veterinarian before making a decision, as they can provide personalized advice based on your dog's specific needs and behavior.

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