Natural Insulation for Optimal Health- Do Not Shave Double Coated Dogs


Well, its that time again, Summer, and for some reason almost Every year we share this all important information with our fellow humans to respect their dog’s nature and NOT shave these breeds of dogs that have a beautiful divinely bestowed ‘double’ coat.

Dogs are marvelous creatures with an array of fascinating characteristics. One of their most remarkable features is the double coat, which consists of a dense fluffy undercoat and a longer, protective outer layer. While some dog parents may be tempted to shave their double-coated pets during the Summer months, it is essential to understand the significance of these beautiful coats in maintaining the health and well-being of our canine companions. By the time you finish reading this article we hope that it has shed light on why it is crucial to refrain from shaving dogs with double coats, and embrace this natural insulation that was given to them for many reasons.

By Double coats, we are referring to those commonly found in breeds such as Australian Shepherds, American Eskimo Dogs, all Collies, Huskies, German Shepherds, and Golden Retrievers just to name a few.  These coats are not just a matter of aesthetics. They serve a vital purpose in protecting dogs from various environmental elements, such as extreme temperatures, moisture, and even insect bites. The two layers of fur work in perfect harmony to regulate body temperature and shield the dog's internal organs from both cold and heat.

Thermal Imaging of Shaved Double Coated Dog. *Note Temperature in Internal Organ Area is over 6 Degrees Hotter, leaving Internal Organs Exposed to Faster Heat/Sun Damage.

Contrary to popular and often uneducated belief that you should shave pretty much all dogs when Summer is approaching, a double coat actually helps keep dogs cool during the warmer months. The undercoat acts as a natural barrier, insulating the skin and preventing direct exposure to the sun's rays. It also facilitates air circulation, allowing the dog's body to dissipate heat effectively. The longer guard hairs of the outer coat provide shade and offer additional protection against harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, reducing the risk of sunburn and overheating.

In Colder Winter months of course the primary purpose of a double coat is to protect dogs from frigid temperatures and harsh weather conditions. The undercoat acts as an excellent insulator, the same as it does in Summer, only in Winter the fluffy undercoat traps body heat close to the skin and keeps your dog warm. The air pockets within the undercoat provide an extra layer of thermal insulation, preventing cold air from reaching the skin and protecting the vital organs from potential damage. The longer outer coat repels moisture and snow, keeping the undercoat dry and maintaining the dog's comfort.

Mother Nature knows what to do and when.

Shaving a dog with a double coat can also have unintended consequences for your double coated dog’s skin health. The double coat acts as a natural barrier, shielding the skin from allergens, irritants, and potential infections. *When shaved, the skin becomes exposed and vulnerable to external factors, leading to an increased risk of sunburn, bug bites, and various skin issues. Additionally, shaving can disrupt the natural shedding cycle of the double coat, potentially leading to uneven regrowth and discomfort for the dog. You know yourself how itchy and uncomfortable you feel if you have ever shaved your arms, legs, etc. too often and or too close.  *Imagine this feeling ALL over your entire body if you were to put yourself in your dog’s place had you shaved them. Plus, your dog has fur ALL over her/his body, not just under arms or on legs so it can and usually Does take several months for the fur to grow back in.

Dogs with double coats have evolved over generations to adapt to their surroundings, and their coats are a crucial part of their natural cooling mechanisms. The air pockets within the undercoat help regulate body temperature by trapping cool air during hot weather, while the outer layer prevents direct heat absorption. Shaving a double-coated dog interferes with this natural cooling process, making it more difficult for them to regulate their body temperature effectively.

So, instead of resorting to shaving, there are alternative methods to help dogs with double coats stay cool during warmer months. Regular brushing is crucial for removing loose fur and preventing matting, which can hinder proper air circulation within the coat. Providing access to shaded areas, fresh water, and air-conditioned spaces will also contribute to their comfort. Additionally, scheduling outdoor activities during cooler parts of the day and avoiding excessive exercise in extreme heat can help prevent overheating. * This tip applies to ALL dog Breeds and pretty much all species of animals and to humans as well.  It is common sense. In Warmer months exercise early in the morning and around dusk. There are also products out there you can purchase to help double coated dogs stay even cooler in Summer like Ruffwear Brand’s ‘Cooling’ vests, Raised Dog Beds with Mesh surfaces to allow for even more air circulation, Cooling Mats, Bandanas With Cooling gels inside of them.

The double coat possessed by certain dog breeds *such as the Samoyed Dog you see in the main Image for this article serves a vital purpose in maintaining their overall health and well-being. Shaving these double coated dogs may appear to be a quick solution to combat heat, but as we all know, things aren’t always as they ‘appear’, and it can have detrimental effects on their natural insulation and overall skin health. Embracing and preserving the double coat is essential to ensure that our four legged friends can thrive in various weather conditions while maintaining their optimal health. By understanding the significance of these coats, we can provide our beloved companions with the care they truly deserve.

If you find that you have shaved your double coated dog before being informed of some of the things we have shared with you in this article, please know that yes, their coat will grow back, but it may take quite some time and they may experience some of the things we have mentioned above.  It is up to you as a responsible pet parent ‘now that you are Aware’, to protect them while their coat grows back.  We suggest that in addition to walking them at cooler times of the day and nite in Summer months and warmer times in Winter months, that you purchase a dog shirt or use one of your own t-shirts and cover their body loosely and tie up the end of the shirt on their back.  This will help protect them from sun, heat, cold, dirt, the environment and you can easily take it on and off and wash it with a sensitive skin/free& clear type of laundry product.  Last thing you need at this point is to wash it with a cleaning product filled with chemicals and have those become magnified in the sun and against their skin and cause more problems.

Also of note is that if you have had a groomer who shaved your double coated dog for no reason other than esthetics or supposed ‘fashion’, then you might need to consider hiring a different groomer who is more aware and conscious of not shaving double coated dogs for any other reasons than say if the dog had gotten into a mess like stickers you cannot comb out, a skin/health condition like mange, bad case of fleas, or is preparing for a surgery. That ‘lion-cut’ may look and feel good on a lion who btw lives in climates of extreme heat, but that’s precisely the point. The lion is a lion. Your dog is not, therefore the dog does not need and will not benefit from a lion cut.

These are really the only valid reasons one might have to shave a double-coated dog breed or any breed for that matter unless of course you are the owner/handler of a breed such as a Poodle and you are ‘showing’ them and may choose a special cut rather than something au natural. Btw, Poodles do NOT have a double coat and in this article that is what the subject is.

Keep your double coated dog clean, and follow the tips we have shared with you and their natural protection will serve them well and you’ll be a happier pet parent.


