Why Do Dogs Like To Sleep WIth Us Humans?

Why Do Dogs Sleep With Us Humans?

Well, Dogs are ‘Pack’ animals thanks to the wolf being their great ancestors.

We honestly have alot to thank wolves for.

Pack animals watch over and take care of one another.

Since our beloved domestic dogs consider us humans to be part of their pack, they are naturally, instinctively going to watch over, care for, and protect us; and this includes sleeping with or very near us.

Dogs Love to feel close to us and be assured that we are also watching over, caring for, and protecting them as well.

When dogs feel safe they want us to feel and be safe too.

Personally, we believe that since dogs are so psychically in tune with us, our energies, and our daily behaviors, they most likely sleep with or near us even more so when they perceive a threat, or if something or someone doesn’t feel quite right to them.

This can include strangers, the delivery people who drop off your packages every week, neighbors they don’t feel at ease with even though those same people might walk by your door every single day, sudden loud noises like the garbage truck, fireworks, construction noises, sirens from ambulances and fire trucks, even sudden loud gusts of wind or planes and helicopters flying over close by.

Dogs instinctively ‘pack’ together not just for safety and protection, but also to combine and conserve body heat, just as all warm blooded mammals do.

Oftentimes, they will ‘snuggle’ up with us because they think we are cold or because they are and they want to help us get warmer, just like they would for a fellow furry pack member of their family.

Golden Retriever Sleeping Guarding Door

Many breeds of dogs will act as a ‘sentry’ and patrol and ‘station’ themselves at different points around the house; especially at night while we are sleeping.  These points are usually in front of doorways and near windows.  Almost all of the Herding doggies we have had as family members have done this in years past, and our little Miniature American Eskimo puppy we have now is a wonderful ‘watch’ dog.

Gray Wolf Family Pack Guarding Den Entrance

American Gray Wolf Family Pack

This behavior is much the same as when as wild creatures, dogs/wolves would take turns watching the entrance to their dens and at several points of a wide perimeter outside of it.

Dogs want to make sure that they and theirs get a good restful night’s sleep.

Other reasons our dogs might sleep with or near us are that it ‘feels’ good to them just as it does to us.  It is reassuring. The neurotransmitter Oxytocin is a hormone that many now know in common terms as ‘the feel good chemical’ and it is Oxytocin that is released in both dogs and humans when we perceive a sense of love, trust, relaxation, and overall stability.

In many human and animal studies on the effects of oxytocin the bond has shown to be stronger when this feel good chemical is released. We will write a separate article on Oxytocin and How it Affects Bonding Between Dogs and Their Pet Parents; but for now, just know it is one more reason why dogs like to sleep with or near to us.


