Celebrating National Rescue Dog Day: A Tribute to Our Four-Legged Heroes

Every year on May 20th, dog lovers across the United States come together to celebrate National Rescue Dog Day, a special day dedicated to raising awareness about the countless dogs in need of a loving home. This day is not only a celebration of rescue dogs but also a reminder of the incredible impact these animals have on our lives and the importance of adopting and fostering pets from shelters, breed rescue organizations, and other places focused on dog rescue.

The History of National Rescue Dog Day

National Rescue Dog Day was founded by Lisa Wiehebrink, author and the founder of “Tails That Teach”, an organization dedicated to teaching children the values of kindness, empathy, and respect for animals. Inspired by her own rescue dog, Cooper, Ms. Wiehebrink created this day to honor the selfless love and companionship that rescue dogs provide. Cooper’s journey from abandonment to becoming a beloved family member exemplifies the transformative power of adoption and the deep bonds that can form between rescue dogs and their owners.

The Significance of Rescue Dogs

Rescue dogs come from various backgrounds. Some are strays, some are surrendered by owners who can no longer care for them, some come from homes in which their human parents have passed away, and others are rescued from dire situations. Despite their often difficult pasts, these dogs like all dogs, have an incredible capacity for love and loyalty. Adopting a rescue dog not only saves a life but also enriches the lives of the adopters in numerous ways. Research has shown that having a pet can reduce stress, improve mental health, increase socialization and network building in your community, and of course promote physical activity.

The Impact on Dogs and Dog Lovers

For the dogs, being adopted means a second chance at life. It means moving from uncertainty and often harsh, loud conditions to a place of safety, care, tranquility, and love. Shelters and rescue organizations work tirelessly to rehabilitate and re-home these animals, providing medical care, training, and support. The transformation in a rescue dog’s demeanor once they find a loving home is profound – their eyes brighten, their tails wag more, and their true personalities emerge and flourish.

For dog lovers, adopting a rescue dog can be an immensely rewarding experience. It’s an opportunity to provide a deserving animal with a loving caring environment and to witness firsthand the joy and gratitude that these animals exhibit. Many adopters form a deep bond with their rescue dogs, finding that the act of saving a life brings a unique sense of fulfillment and happiness to both the rescue dog and the human who rescues the dog.

How to Celebrate National Rescue Dog Day

There are many ways to celebrate National Rescue Dog Day and make a difference:

  1. Adopt or Foster a Dog: If you’re considering adding a furry friend to your family, visit your local shelter or rescue organization. Fostering is also a great way to provide temporary care for a dog in need. Fostering ‘clears a space’ for a new dog who needs a temporary place to shelter and may not have had this opportunity unless you took in a foster dog and cleared that space for them.    *By doing this you are doing two good deeds at once.

  2. Volunteer: Shelters and rescue groups often need volunteers to help with dog walking, cleaning, socialization, training, and other tasks. Your time and sincere effort can make a significant difference. * Be sure that when you commit to your day and time that you stick to it since shelters and rescue organizations really depend on reliable volunteers and the doggies look forward to you showing up.

  3. Donate: Financial contributions, as well as donations of food, toys, and supplies, are always appreciated by rescue organizations. * We all probably donate our clothing and household goods to thrift shops and that’s a good thing, but remember you can always pop by a local animal shelter or rescue and donate items like old beach towels and blankets, dog crates, etc. for the pets in need there too!

  4. Spread the Word: Use social media to raise awareness about the importance of adopting rescue dogs. Share your own rescue dog’s story or highlight dogs currently available for adoption at shelters you have visited.

  5. Educate: Teach others, especially children, about the responsibilities of pet ownership and the benefits of adopting animals from shelters.  For example, did you know that the average time for a shelter dog to acclimate to his or her ‘new’ adoptive home is 4-5 months?  *We’ll go into this in another article, but just know its a process in which you will want to be very patient and kind and allow your new family member time to settle in to everything about you and your place that is new and unfamiliar to them.

Stories of Hope and Transformation

Countless heartwarming stories illustrate the impact of rescue dogs on their new families. For instance, a dog once found malnourished and abandoned may go on to become a beloved family pet, providing comfort and companionship. Another might become a therapy dog, bringing joy and support to people in hospitals, nursing homes, or schools, another may go on to become a highly trained Service Dog to a person with disabilities, or even a Canine partner to someone in the military. These stories are testaments to the resilience of rescue dogs and the transformative power of love and care.


National Rescue Dog Day is a celebration of the remarkable bond between humans and dogs, a bond that is most often deepened through the act of rescue and adoption. It is a day to honor the resilience and love of rescue dogs and to recognize the dedicated individuals and organizations working tirelessly to provide these animals with a second chance. Whether you adopt, foster, volunteer, or simply spread the word, your support can help ensure that every dog finds the loving home they deserve. On this special day, let's celebrate the joy and companionship that rescue dogs bring into our lives and reaffirm our commitment to making a difference in the lives of these incredible animals.


